So, it's sometime during the early J-world years, and I still need to fulfill my geek fix...
I need to rewind a bit first.
See, I actually found Jason-world trying to fulfill my geek fix.
When it started, it had a comics section, and a video games section, so I thought "hey! Cool! Two addictions in one!".
And the clincher, was it had a flames board.
Now, I have to rewind a little bit more here.
Before this, I was a really green newbie to the net.
I had JUST discovered what flames and flame wars were.
And I had discovered this Yahooing (heh, pre-Google days, remember?) up sites for things I hated.
And at the time, I hated Marylin Manson.
Don't ask me why, goth culture just grated against my vibe at the time, I dunno.
I've since discovered Marylin is an articulate and funny guy, and some of his music ain't half bad.
Buuut, the reactionary and overblown (isn't it always?) media hoo-hah, and the"I hate my daddy", fanbase were a bit insufferable at the time when he was really big, so it colored my perceptions,
So, I Yahooed up all the Marylin Manson Sucks sites, and reveled in the hate mail sections.
One of 'em was run by a pretty funny and obscene guy.
Can't remember his handle, the site is lost to history.
I think his rants were my first taste of internet rage, and I liked it.
I instantly knew "I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do a lot of it. I've found my calling".
But, at the same time, I needed to fuel my geek addictions.
And boom, I found Jason's World.
And there was the flames section.
I lurked a couple days, laughed my ass off at some of the behavior, found it to have just the vibe I was looking for, and jumped in.
But, the geek sections were soon forgotten, and withered away for lack of activity.
So, fast forward back to where we started, and I still needed to feed my geek fix, so I needed another geek board on the side.
Okay, I've got to rewind again, as this need for geekery is nagging me, my particular geek obsession evolved towards anime.
Tenchi Muyo in particular.
So, okay, now we're all caught up.
So, I look around, and look around, and at the time, the only Tenchi related forums with a decent sized community at all were fanfic related.
Well, I HATE fanfic.
Fanfic sucks.
99% of it is by really bad off guys who want to fuck the characters.
It's bad.
Hideous shit.
Hideous fucking shit.
Am I offending anyone?
Prove me wrong.
Find me a good one.
But, beggars can't be choosers, so I lurked a fanfic board for a bit, and found little pockets of pure Tenchi conversation with no fanfic relation, and honed in on, and jumped into those.
And it was cool for awhile. I was happy.
But, it never fucking lasts.
Someone always fucks it up.
And ho-ly shit, does anime have its share of fevered fucking egos.
And there was this handful of dicks, who thought they were the king of Tenchi.
And of them, there was a king asshole, called K'Thardin.
I'll never forget that handle.
Obnoxious guy, crummy name.
Swung his dick around, and dominated everywhere, you couldn't fucking get away from him.
Any Tenchi forum you went to, there was fucking K'Thardin, being the Cliff Claven of Tenchi trivia, acting like he was practically the producer of the show.
Oh, and he fancied himself a fanfic reviewer.
Wow, if there's anything worse than fanfic, I fucking found it.
Fanfic critics.
Again, I gotta say, ho-ly shit.
A bastard genre to start with, and then you get the parasites who come to urinate on it.
Hey, I hate fanfic, but I don't waste my really good bile on it, I move along to things more deserving of venom.
Big world stuff, like politics, and religion, not little world stuff like food and ballet.
I already hate REAL critics.
FAKE critics are whole NEW layer of bullshit.
So, I bit my lip for awhile, cuz the dumb little kids were impressed by him, but I started to tell him to go fuck himself (seems to be a pattern with me, eh?) and he always just snarked that he probably gave me a bad review of a fanfic I' d written.
No, asshole, I hate fanfic, you just fucking suck, and I hope you get ass herpes.
Anyway, little did I know, the board I was on was constipated and draconian, and I got my ass banned.
Which pissed me off, because I'd quickly become a popular member there, and people were starting to be friends with me, but ppptt, there went that.
So, I stepped back, looked at the whole situation with a nice strong sip of hindsight, and decided anime was full of too many fuckups and dingleberries, and to cut my losses, and feed my geekery in some other fashion.
"Well, I dig Star Trek....", I says to myself....
The rest as you know, (from history of the internet part 1) is well...history. :P
Oh, and postscript, K'Thardin finally one day just got sick of Tenchi Muyo, and suckered off of it like a tick that had finally had its fill.
Just like that.
One day "meh, no more Tenchi for me, it was fun fellas".
See, if there was a God, these people would be exploding in the flames of justice across the country like Jiffy pop.
But no, they live.
They live to shit on your dinner, and then escape prosecution.
But whatever, I've long since let it go, I just needed to set up the agitations that tipped the dominoes that led me to Trekbbs, WF, Dawkins, and then here.
In hindsight, everything happened as it was supposed to.
Nothing went wrong.
I'm cool.
Oh, and I'm done with Tenchi too.
The last movie came out, the last season came out, and it was an anti-climax after that long of a wait, and the page is turned on that chapter.
I still watch it once a year for nostalgia, but it doesn't hit me the same way it did in my early 20's.
And, none of the new anime out there does it for me.
I'm over that whole phase I think.
Something could come along and "wow", me, but eh, how do you follow Cowboy Bebop, y'know?
That's pretty much it.
You make Bebop, time to pack it in, and call it a genre.
And Star Trek?
I dunno, I still love the old Kirk ones, and DS9.
And a thin sprinkle of TNG and Voyager, but not so much I'd go out of my way to see 'em.
I got all the Kirks on DVD.
So, I can marathon those anytime I feel like.
Never seems to happen though.
Anyway, it seems that Trek's glory days are long in the past.
Maybe this new movie will be a rebirth, I dunno.
Can't let myself get too worked up about it.
Maybe it's just time for the next thing.
Maybe Harry could be that.
Hey, help a guy out, tell your friends.
Spread the gospel.
Make t-shirts, give me the lion's share of the profits.
Too much? Okay, fine.
Coffee mugs then.
(Click here for addendum)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
You could always dabble in the Tea side of life?
Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on!
Whoops! didn't mean to delete that whole comment - just edit it.
To sum up:
I'm a big fan & I'd love to spread the word to our patrons - let them see how creative an outlet blogging really can be - let them see how ideas grow and change and become a book or a comic or a movie...
-get them interested in reading, writing, criticizing, and creating their own "voice".
And I'd love to print up a few pieces (like Fall of the House of Bozo, or various Harry Hembock episodes) to send home with people. With your permission, of course. :D
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