Part 1: History of the internet 6- Shmegalamonga in review.
Part 2: First-world problems.
The 10th anniversary is coming up in June, so I figure I ought to start preparing for that.
It occurred to me, in the style of my big 90's retrospective, I could go through, and narrate the whole damned blog.
So, I'm gonna.
Using the page list bar, category by category.
Starting with..
Well, that just takes me to the front page, so I'll just go through a time capsule description of what's here....
The year 10 logo.
Which is going to rotate to year 11 soon.
The afformentioned page list, which includes...
Home, FAQ, Harry Hembock, Jade-Shade, Archives, Biography, Links, and Bookstore.
Happy 19th anniversary of Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion!!!
Yep, one away from 20.
From that post...
I think that one will be the big update nostalgia stroll through the old site link by link.
See you then!
Well, turns out I'm doing that to all of Shmegalamonga!
I'll get around to Krazyfool's along the way, and link that back to the 20th when the time comes.
Ghostbusters: RGB references in ATC.
Proud of that list.
Wish someone cared.
Well...maybe I'll risk it, and put it out there to the larger Ghostbusters fandom community.
Problem is, is when you open to a bigger community, you take a lot more sneering troll shit.
We'll see...
Ghostbusters 101, a year later.
I sure do like these time-capsule posts. ;-)
Black Panther hits 1 billion!!!
Suck it, racists. :-)
Star Wars the series.
Hopefully next year, we'll know the title of this thing.
Couple other random pop culture updates.
Ghostbusters World the phone game, and the Han Solo poster controversy.
We'll see if anyone remembers either of those in a couple years.
Fango lives!!!
Yep, Fangoria magazine is back.
...for now.
After posts is the blog archive gadget, which goes back to 2008.
You can just scroll right down, and see that.
After that is the labels gadget.
Which right now reads...
Going down through there, society has kind of died off, I don't do news stuff on the blog, I save my bile on current events for Facebook.
That's a whole other show you're missing.
Videos is dead. I've been either throwing Youtube clips in there without using the tag, or using a link instead of embedded video, because loading those slows the browser down.
World-events, ditto society.
Songs, ditto video. I throw a song in on Halloween for tradition, but all my other song sharing is on Facebook now. one gives me stuff anymore, that breaks my heart, but I'll keep the archive of old stuff up forever.
Mobile, that's dead.
My gum stick camera is basically dead, and my flip camera is grainy as fuck, and makes a bunch of obnoxious baby toy sound effects, so it ruins ninja sneaking.
Gotta find a camera that isn't an expensive bulky shutterbug thing, or isn't a fucking phone.
When you tell people you don't want a fucking phone, they think you're a maniac.
I want something that takes photos with an easy interface LIKE a phone, but without the phone part.
On this day, Facebook curates that for me now.
Part of me wants to trim this list down, but there's no magic bullet to kill a tag, you have to go through every fucking post snipping the tags off until its zero.
I did that with "Re-sequenced Photons", and it was a fucking nightmare.
I'm leaving that the fuck alone now.
Oh, wait, *pokes around* there's a thing to edit the list after all....well THAT would have been nice to know!!
Fuck it, I'm trimming this list after I post this!!!
Okay, now the sidebar....
About me.
Author, cartoonist, comedian, and aspiring monster slayer. Oh, and my name is Mike Meggison, not Harry Hembock.
Hmm, nothing in there I'd change.
For now.
Who knows what the future holds.
Harry Hembock bookstore.
Damn, I gotta get that stupid Jade-Shade book done to add to that, and use that to justify cleaning that mess of a page up.
Facebook defaults to this as a thumbnail when I don't put a graphic in the post.
Jade-Shade saga.
Another redundant button.
Well, you gotta get people's attention somehow.
Search this blog.
Love this thing.
Hate it when it breaks.
Which seems like once a year.
Recent comments.
Don't be a stranger, Billdude.
Or Paladin.
Hyla rage/butt-hurt quit the internet, so...invitations out there, but I don't think he hears me.
My blog list.
I'm down to just "I don't go out for brunch", and "Zarbi".
I deleted everything that hadn't been updated in 2 years or more.
I figured, if you stopped giving a shit, why should anyone else?
A lot of my friends old blogs were abandoned so long, they got hacked, and turned to spam ads.
I ain't helping spam hackers.
Maybe I'll replace this with an RSS list of goodies, and fold the two blogs into that.
Yeah, that goes on the to-do list.
And hey, if any of you out there revived your old blog, or started a new one, speak up!!
Follow by e-mail.
I dunno if anyone uses this, but it couldn't hurt.
Subscribe to.
(Puts posts and comments on your RSS reader)
Ditto the e-mail subscriber.
I deleted the feedjit map, because support for it died.
I deleted subscribers, because it was taken over by spammers, and there was no more function to ban the spammers to get my real friends back to the front of the list.
And again, their blogs died, so their profiles went blank.
So, the fun went out of that gizmo.
And, that's the front page.
On April of 2018.
Next up, FAQ.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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