Friday, May 25, 2018

Big 2018 Movies Part 7.

It's Star Wars. C'mon, you know it is.

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)


All right, let's just do it....
  • I dig it, it's really cool, dunno if I'd call it awesome.
  • Worth seeing though.
  • There's a spoiler about a cameo going around, I had it spoiled, it didn't hurt the movie for me, I don't think it will for you. It's a nice bit of fan-service spice, even if you see it coming.
  • I worried that where the Han Solo backstory had been done before in the novels, there wouldn't be much to surprise me, but there's enough swerves to keep even a hardcore fan guessing.
  •  There's lots of little references explicitly for hardcore fans.
  • Yeah, this one feels most like an EU novel put to screen. In a good way.
  • This one's a lot of fun. Rogue One had a down ending, Last Jedi had a down ending, this is the mouthwash for that if it was getting you down. Pure exuberant adventure.
  • Yeah "pure exuberant adventure", sounds like a pretentious critic blurb, but it fucking is, so there.
  • People who are already down on Disney-Wars probably aren't going to change their minds at this point.
  • If you've dug Disney-Wars so far, you'll have no complaints.
  • The whole cast is great. Especially the trio of Han, Lando, and Chewie.
  • Chewie steals the show the way Hulk did in the first Avengers.
  • How do I rank it? Hmm....between Return Of The Jedi, and Revenge Of The Sith.
  • If you were going to see it, go see it. You'll have a good time.

Now, to go watch all the spoiler reviews to see if people are happy, or whining....

Next time, probably this again, then Incredibles 2, then Ant-Man & Wasp.


B. D. said...

Zack Snyder doing The Fountainhead...eughhhhh....eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Diacanu said...

Well, his production company is called Atlas, and I heard it whispoered he drew inspiration for his Superman trilogy (MoS/BvS/JL) from Rand.

So....not shocked, actually.

Diacanu said...

Baffling why a studio would let him try, after the failure of the Atlas Shrugged trilogy.
And the original Fountainhead.

Diacanu said...

Saw "Mother!", on Epix last night.
Wow, it's a hot mess.
But, a fascinating one.
I admire the balls Paramount had to roll the dice on it.

B. D. said...

I guess the book is still widely read (it kind of tells a decent story, so it's not completely unpalatable like the utterly loathsome "Atlas Shrugged," but the philosophy is still repulsive). No way could Rand be an influence on Superman--Superman is altruistic, Rand hated that.

You know, I probably would watch it. Just to see how the "rape" scene plays out. :-(

I kind of decided to skip on "Mother!"....I may change my mind later. I've not seen too many films lately, putting music and books aside lately too, had a very blah entropic feeling this last month in my gut, I've kind of got to move out of here or go do something or change my life like completely. I watched a couple OKC bombing documentaries and for some reason the Robert Pattinson thriller "Good Time" (he does okay, but the movie's not that great) and that didn't do too well, I've also mostly run out of new TV shows to watch but I guess I could do Game of Thrones even though every single plot development has been spoiled for me fifty times over by the Internet. I rewatched "Jaws," just for the hell of it, after all these years, wow look how good the screenplay actually is compared to today's turd blockbusters.

Diacanu said...

"No way could Rand be an influence on Superman--Superman is altruistic, Rand hated that".

Randroid Superman would ask for money.
They have a DC superhero that gets paid, and has an agent, and sponsors, it's Booster Gold.

Also, you could kinda call Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters that too.

"I kind of decided to skip on "Mother!"....I may change my mind later".

Yeah, if it hadn't been on for free on Starz, I probably wouldn't have bothered.

"had a very blah entropic feeling this last month in my gut, I've kind of got to move out of here or go do something or change my life like completely".

I kinda know what that can be like.
Hope you find your way out of it quickly.

"I've also mostly run out of new TV shows to watch".

If you dig Twin Peaks, you might like "Legion".
(I know, right?)

B. D. said...

The depression has passed a bit. But man for a few days there I felt pretty sick to my stomach. I don't know what I was thinking of: maybe that I've seen all my favorite movies, read all my favorite books, listened to my favorite albums a jillion times now and they're going to end up in a big stack that I never bother with again, just like my old SNES games...entropy...

There's a zillion TV shows to watch, I just don't know which ones aren't mediocre...I'll consider "Legion" but I guess I need to do "Game of Thrones" yet. Got seasons 2 and 3 of "Better Call Saul" and "South Park" recent seasons to catch up on too.

Diacanu said...

Yeah, I've had the full on stomach ache depression.
And not wanting to get out of bed.
And feeling like I'm stuck in Jell-o.

It was my 20's.
Getting dumped by a girl, and losing a job, and having your parents breathing down your neck over your future all in a row will tend to trigger that shit.

I feel for ya, and hope it gets better.
I didn't find any one magical cure, and my life ain't exactly "Cribs", right now.
I just found a lot of little things to hope for.
And gradually figured out society's standards they beat you over the head with are mostly lies.
The whole Trump thing's been great for that.

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