Thursday, May 10, 2018

Disney/Fox Part 4: Don't celebrate yet, kiddies!



Yep, Comcast is back in the mix fucking things up.

They're begging and borrowing from banks to bid 10 billion over Disney's bid to try to snatch Fox out of Disney's mouth at the 11:59th hour.


And even if Fox still wants to sell to Disney, legally, they might have to consider, and even take Comcast's bid, because if you don't take a bigger bid, it looks like collusion and anti-competition.

AND, those Fox-Marvel characters might not revert to Disney after all, because if Comcast buys Fox, and leaves it intact, and doesn't dismantle or tinker with it, then Fox's contracts also remain intact, and X-Men and Fantastic Four are still stuck with Fox.

I don't know who the real villains are, Comcast themselves, or the banks that would give them the credit.

Fuck it, it's both.
Fucking banks almost imploded the country in '09, I still haven't forgiven that shit.
Now they're throwing free money at rich people to not only buy toys, but fight over the toys.

What a gross country.
What a fucking gross lousy country.

I just wanted Spider-Man to hang out with Human Torch, and Wolverine to fight Hulk.
Was that really so much to ask?
I don't think so.
It shouldn't take carving the planet into bigger and bigger monoloplies to get a simple thing like that accomplished.

*Head shake, another sigh*

Anyhoo, I'll retro-link this back into "Happy 10th anniversary, Marvel Studios!!!!".

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