Theeeere, that's more fucking like it!!
Very briefly mentioned it here.
Just like having the links, so I ain't gotta go digging...
Let's break this baby down.
- Kicks "Pacific Rim", in the dick.
- The above fact antidoted the terrible malaise that experience left me in for the whole rest of yesterday. I finally felt awesome coming out of a theater again. It was the feeling "Pacific Rim", was supposed to give me, and didn't. It's not me, I'm not broken. Good to know.
- Characters I gave a shit about!!
- Asian women with spines!
- Real stunts!
- Human beings!
- Hmm...I dunno, I'd put it right up there with Iron Man 3, maybe even better.
- Unless "Kickass 2", really pulls out some surprises, this just might be the best superhero flick of the summer.
- Oh, it's no "Dark Knight Rises", or "Avengers", but it's damned good.
- One minus, it's PG-13, but, the R rated cut is coming right to DVD.
- Stay after the credits.
- This jazzes me for "Days Of Future Past".
- There were no cons.
- Okay, there were fanboy gripes about changes to a couple characters but...III didn't care.
6 down, 1 to go.
Bring on "Kickass 2".
Wow, 7 fuckin' movies this summer.
This might be a new record for me.
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