So, we left off on Chucky, now we jump back a bit, to Leatherface.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The film-
Great, love it, scary as shit, looks like a snuff film.
Well, that, and "last house on the left", but that one's upcoming.
Birthed Toby Hooper's career .
(see my quickie ramble on him in "no more Mr. Nice Guy", here).
Ditto John Larroquette, oddly.
(see my ramble on his sitcom here).
A classic.
Required viewing for any gore hound.
The history-
Y'know, this is a rare moment where my memory gets foggy.
I could swear I saw it first with Hyla and Spencer present,...but, they had already seen it, and had told me a bunch about it, so...I could have seen it by myself, and the two memories are overlapping.
It's the only time I really forget things, is when things are too similar and close together, and they meld.
Doesn't seem like they'd watch a movie they'd already seen a million times just to see it with my goofy ass, but...I totally see Spencer there going "the chicken!! The chicken!!", and Hyla laughing.
Well, unless Hyla corrects me, I'm going with that they were there.
Anyway, I actually saw the first one second.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2
The film-
Gory as fuck, and played for laughs.
A sick, sick, SICK film.
As you can probably guess, makes me a happy camper.
I dunno, if you can dig on the first 2 Evil Deads, you'd have no trouble with this one, I think.
I don't know why I don't fuckin' own this.
Well, this little marathon of reviews is jogging my memory on a lot of shit, so I'm already glad I'm doing these.
The history-
This one, I saw first.
And having seen part 1 now, I didn't need to have seen it to understand anything in this one, I think all of the "sequels", in this "series", are all really mini-reboots.
Which makes the modern remake unremarkable.
So,...yeah, it was another one my schoolyard chums had seen that I hadn't.
Although, this one wasn't in the spinner racks of any grocery store.
I remember Chainsaw 1 and/or 2 being like...the forbidden movie.
Not just for me, but for...humanity.
The one discussed in hushed tones.
Like, it was radioactive, you could actually be mentally and genetically damaged from seeing this thing.
My uncle loaned it to me.
Yep, same one who scared the shit out of me with Jason 4 just a couple years before.
Same one who handed PLOP down to me.
I love my family . :D
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
The film-
Another sorta-reboot.
We never find out how Leatherface survived the battle with Dennis Hopper, or what happened to Dennis Hopper's character, it's all ignored, and Leatherface has a whole different supporting cast, and...I don't care for 'em as much as the guys in 2.
Yeah....I didn't like this one so much.
Eeet's steeenkyyy.
The history-
Rented it, didn't like it, no special memories, let's move on....
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
The film-
Haven't seen it, but have heard it's actually good.
Have read that it gets back to the gritty disturbing realism of the first one.
But, I'm also assuming this is yet another reboot.
This launched the careers of Renee Zellweger, and Matt McConaughey.
Well, that's something....
Course, I call them "Lemon Puss", and "Matt Mah-hing-gah-hey", respectively.
(Update- Seen it now, see review here)
The history-
Jason vs. Leatherface
The books-
A bit fan-ficcy, but overall, good stuff.
It's in it's own little bubble-continuity, but that's not exactly new for the Chainsaw series, is it?
Jason is more interesting here than in any of his movies, with the possible exception of "Freddy vs. Jason".
No, more, he's as badass, and tormented as in FvsJ, but we get more of him here.
And, the Sawyer family is as sick and goofy as in Chainsaw 2.
A good job done on these.
Course, they're out of print, and Topps comics folded, so they're an Ebay thing.
I almost included this in the Jason review, but...I didn't wanna fuck up the symmetry of the whole 13 thing.
Also, it's really more of a Leatherface story with Jason trudging through it.
The history-
Grabbed these at the Casablanca comics that used to be down in Saco.
Good memories of that place.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
The film-
Tch, 'nother glitzy soulless fuckin' remake.
The history-
Saw it on basic cable, and...they left pretty much all the gore in from what I could tell.
I was just fuckin' unimpressed.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
The film-
Prequels suck, remakes suck, so what do they do?
They make a shitty prequel to a shitty remake!!
But you know what?
This stands as a milestone...of the first Chainsaw entry to be in fucking continuity with anything!!
Holy shit!!!
The history-
Saw it on basic cable, and fucking loathed it.
More so than the remake it's a prequel to.
Eat shit, you little teenyboppers, back in my day, we had real fuckin' Leatherface movies.
Learn some history!
So.....this series is all over the fucking place, a historically significant psychologically disturbing documentary style movie, a gore-soaked black-comedy, shlocky remakes, shlocky sequels, a shlocky prequel, and a decent comic book that's better than the shlocky remake-prequel.
What a fucking mess.
It's like Leatherface chainsaw-shredded his own fucking universe.
Well, I'll put these above the fucking Jasons, I'll go that far.
But, um, I prefer monsters with actors stuffed into the latex, y'know?
Funny ones like Freddy, and Chucky, classy ones like Pinhead, and Hannibal.
Guys like that.
Chainsaw, it's a mixed bag, Leatherface himself is some kind of non-verbal retard, but the supporting guys of the Sawyer family bring the dark-funny.
I recommend the good ones.
1, 2, the comics if you can find 'em.
Maybe 4...gotta check it out my for own self.
(Update- see review here)
Well, that's why I saved this for later, it's a mess to review.
Next up, Evil Dead!! (and all things Ash-adjacent!)
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