Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Reagan was a racist piece of shit. (Revisits #41)
In "Snarky political comment of the day #2", I complimented Reagan on taking a bullet without turning into a tyrant.
Fuck him.
I hereby take a creamy shit, and a foamy piss with crackling bubble pops on his grave.
Short version, a tape has come out where Reagan (as Governor of California) talks to Richard Nixon (as President) and calls Africans monkeys.
Here's the Atlantic article where you can hear the clip.
Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist Conversation With Richard Nixon.
And here's the quote in text form, if you're too lazy to click links, or your computer is too shit to play Soundcloud.
The day after the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China, then–California Governor Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented his frustration at the delegates who had sided against the United States. “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.
So, yeah, fuck Reagan, fuck his worshippers, fuck Trump for being Reagan 2.0, and fuck everyone with a MAGA hat.
And fuck Nixon. Creamy shit and foamy piss for his grave too.
And fuck the Reagan library for hiding this tape for so long.
And fuck whomever hid it before that.
We should've had this info in 1980.
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blog stuff,
celebs who suck,
Good riddance,
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Happy 44th birthday to myself!
I already took care of the presents haul yesterday.
So, that's done.
No party this year, but we already had the big family shindig the weekend after the 4th of July for the 4th of July.
I had to chore-monkey as much as last year, but I didn't mind for some reason.
Dunno why I was so grumpy last year.
Go figure *shrug*.
6 years away from 50 now.
Makes me reflective of the direction of my life, and if my writing/cartooning dreams are ever going to happen.
Well, Hyla threw in the towel, and has accepted a normal life, and drawing is only his hobby now.
It's why he tore down his blog, Facebook, and Deviantart profile.
Glad that makes him happy, but I just can't go out like that.
Now that I see what that looks like, I'm like "nope!".
I'll try until I die.
This has been the meaning of my whole goddamned life.
And if I never become the next J.K. Rowling, fuck it, I made people laugh online, and made friends with that skill, so that's good enough.
I'd like it to be the source of my bread though.
It doesn't even have to be millions.
Tom Wolfe got started at 38, and his best stuff was in his 60's.
Margaret Atwood just took her first crack at comics at 78.
It's literally not the end until you're dead.
America is age-ist as fuck, you gotta fight against that tide, but I think I'm up to it.
So, that's 44.
Hope the rest of the year is misery free.
So far, so good.
Previous years.
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Monday, July 29, 2019
Birthday loot 2019. (MM #110)
Eh, tomorrow is close enough, let's do this....
Wild and Crazy Guys (2019)
Haven't cracked it open yet, but I've heard really good things.
About how the first casts of SNL and SCTV went on to do iconic movies, and those movies shaped our whole pop culture.
Covers each of the guys you see on the cover via old press interviews, and biographical research.
Plus, Martin Short, and Rick Moranis.
Got it right next to "Ghostbuster's Daughter", on my shelf.
Can't wait to dig into it.
TMNT/Ghostbusters (2014) &
TMNT/Ghostbusters 2 (2017)
From here...
Y'know, I was skeptical of the Turtle crossovers, but I checked 'em out, and they're actually pretty good.
Plus, the Turtles give the Busters their dimension tech that pays off in the RGB and ATC crossovers, so it ends up being vital backstory.
So....screw it, I'll collect them someday.
Well, one down, one to go.
TMNT/GB 2 is supposed to be here by now, but there's always something in my Amazon orders that gets lost, and needs to be ordered again.
It's always something.
Last year, it was the Garbage Pail Kids thing.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Review here.
*Guitar riff from "Celebrity Skin"*
It gets better on repeat viewings. :-)
Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Review here.
*Synth riff from "Home", by Vince Staples*
Also gets better every time.
Aquaman (2018)
Review here.
*Riff to "Africa", by Toto*
Shazam! (2019)
Review here.
*Riff to "I Don't Want To Grow Up", by The Ramones*
Bumblebee (2018)
Review here.
*Riff from "The Touch", by Stan Bush*
Now I own two good Transformers movies (this, and TF '86), and no bad ones.
Creed II (2018)
Review here.
And now all my Rockys are up to date.
Little Shop Of Horrors (1986)
Review here.
*Does the entire "Downtown/Skid Row", number word for word, beat for beat*
Had this on VHS forever, and then I forgot over the years to upgrade it.
Finally fixed this oversight in my collection.
My love for this is neck and neck with "Ghostbusters", I think.
And "Spaceballs".
They share one big tie for Moranis related beautiful 80's weirdness.
Oh, and the Blu-Ray has the real sad ending from the play!!
The happy ending cut is on there, but I'll never watch it again!
Outliving Sokar!!!
You were a troll, a bully, a racist, a classist, a hypocrite, a lying braggart, an exploiter of sensitive personal info and private suffering and tragedy to get a petty one up, and you would have loved the age of Trump.
Glad you missed it.
And, you always predicted I'd keel over of a heart attack from my weight problems, and the idea filled you with unrepentant joy.
And you died at 43, and I'm going to be 44 tomorrow, and each tick of the clock I outlive you will be a fucking gift.
My best birthday present ever.
Even better than the Mattel Godzilla I got when I was 6.
And unlike the neighbor kid from last year, I'm not gonna feel guilty and take it back.
Good riddance, you cruel rotten-hearted son of a bitch.
Wish I could've fed you to the Audrey II.
Previously with birthday loot-
Christmas and birthday loot (MM #45)
Previously with MM-
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
- Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
- Marvel slate predictions updated. (MM #106)
- Jennifer Aspinall. (MM #107)
- Spidey-verse 3. (MM #108)
- Tenchi Muyo OVA 4 & 5. (MM #109)
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Sunday, July 28, 2019
Tenchi Muyo OVA 4 & 5. (MM #109)
Yeah, but don't get excited...
So, every couple of years or so, I get curious as to whether there's new Tenchi stuff, or if the franchise is still in hibernation.
Apparently, a 4th OVA season came out 2 years ago, starting right after I walked away from "AI TenchI Muyo", with a dissatisfied eye roll.
And a 5th is on its way.
So, I Googled to see if it's out on disc yet, and it popped right up that it's for free on Youtube.
So, I watched the first episode....and gave up.
It's not horrible, it's still decently produced animation wise.
It's better than "Ai Tenchi Muyo", or "Shin Tenchi Muyo".
It's got the same problem as OVA 3 did, it keeps adding these new characters ret-con style with no seeds planted in the old stuff that they ever existed, and their existence changes the whole backstory all around, and character assassinates other characters, and...ugh.
This time, they've ret-conned that Tenchi has a great aunt out of nowhere (who wants to fuck him!) and a sister from I have no idea where, who they only talk about, but we don't meet yet in episode 1.
Also, they make it so you have to have watched "Tenchi GXP", in between OVA 3 and 4 to know what's going on. They refer to it heavily.
I have it, I could watch it again to refresh myself.
But I'm not gonna.
I gave up not because the show is bad, but I just don't care anymore.
The very existence of a 5th OVA coming out means they're not going to resolve anything with this 4th one.
I was right in my review of "AI Tenchi Muyo", when I said.
....for me, Tenchi ended at "Tenchi Forever".
It would take something incredible for me to get back into it as the full-blown fan I used to be, and they're never going to do an incredible show.
They can't.
The formula is handcuffs.
The characters will never grow, Tenchi will never fuck Ryoko, their space babies will never conquer the galaxy, it's just going to be slapstick, anomaly plugged up by Washu, slapstick, villain shows up, repeat into infinity.
All the while, cock teasing us with the Tenchi/Ryoko relationship.
So over it.
Yeah, they're just gonna keep milking it.
"AI Tenci", was pretty much a parody of what they're actually doing with the OVA.
Tenchi for me is the first OVA season (episodes 1-6), the "Time And Space Adventures", in the middle of the TV series, and the three movies.
I used to count all 13 original episodes, but in hindsight, they spend too much time setting up OVA 3.
Nope, 7-13 have to fall to the axe now.
1-6 told a complete story.
It was done there.
And "Time And Space", were adapted from an audio drama set in the the OVA universe, so they're really lost OVAs, and they're really good.
And things actually happen to move the characters along in the movies.
And "Tenchi Forever", the third one, fucking ends it.
Next time I have a marathon, that's what I'm watching.
What it really boils down to, is Tenchi was a moment in time you can't get back.
American movies and TV hadn't had the superhero revolution we have now.
Anime had to take up the slack.
Tenchi is a superhero soap opera Japanese style.
It's Japanese X-Men when you really dissect it.
We have X-Men on TV now as "The Gifted".
We've got the MCU.
Tenchi's arc is basically Thor's arc.
Except Thor didn't get tortured with blue balls.
We've got the DC-CW shows.
Hell, Flash even teamed up with his adult future daughter like Tenchi.
For raunchy comedy, we've even got Deadpool.
And Deadpool gets to actually fuck his girlfriend.
For teen angst, we've got "Runaways".
And hell, the romantic couple on that team got to fuck too.
And as shown above with Tenchi's great aunt, there's always this specter of incest they keep dangling in that universe.
Well, if that's your kink, watch "Game Of Thrones".
They don't just hint at it, they deliver the goods complete with kids produced by the union.
American media caught up to and passed Tenchi.
And lapped it like Captain America racing Falcon.
Nope, Tenchi lives only in my nostalgia now.
It ended in 1999.
Along with the 90's themselves.
(20 years! Holy shit!)
Maybe if they did a continuation like "Star Trek: Picard", that picked up after "Tenchi Forever", and contended with the established continuity and the growth of the characters.
That I'd be on board for.
Have Ryoko and Tenchi finally fucked, and married, and had kids, and they're grown up now, and mega powerful, and the Jurai Empire wants them for their powers, and a villain gets in the way, writes itself.
Continue it that way, and sign me up.
Take all my money.
Milking the "a new girl shows up to seduce Tenchi. And another, and another, and another, and another...", formula into infinity, fuck off.
I've got superhero shows that don't insult their audience to watch.
Previously with Tenchi-
- The shows and movies up to OVA 3, and movie 3.
- New home video release for all the old stuff.
- "Tenchi Muyo: War On Geminar", review.
- "Ai Tenchi Muyo", review.
- Tenchi Muyo Manga.
Previously with MM-
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
- Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
- Marvel slate predictions updated. (MM #106)
- Jennifer Aspinall. (MM #107)
- Spidey-verse 3. (MM #108)
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Friday, July 26, 2019
Spidey-verse 3. (MM #108)
"Far From Home", just cracked one billion!
What does this mean? Well... means all my speculations about the Marvel/Sony deal coming to an end were wrong.
Y'see, turns out there was a stipulation that the deal would end unless "Far From Home", made a billion to make it all worth Sony's while.
Well, its done it, so we're getting Homecoming 3.
And Spidey will certainly be around long enough to be friends with Human Torch when Fantastic Four finally join the MCU.
Or even tag along for....dare I dream it??...Secret Wars!!
The Marvel I grew up with in the comics is finally taking shape on the big screen.
Said it many times before, but it's a good time to be alive.
For fans.
Politically, the world is a mess, but it always has been in one form or another.
BUT, could Tom Holland still cross over in the multi-verse?
Still theoretically possible.
Time will tell.
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
- Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
- Marvel slate predictions updated. (MM #106)
- Jennifer Aspinall. (MM #107)
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Ghosts of tummy-aches past. (MC #2)
Remember me tellin' ya about the Nerds Blizzard?
Well, guess what?
Sour Patch Kids Blizzard!
I shit you not!
Dairy Queen learned nothing.
Or, they did 30+ years ago, and the young whippersnappers took over, and weren't told out of spite.
Also, as you can see in the graphic, they also sell it in pint buckets.
At least the pint version is in sorbet instead of milk ice cream.
That I could maybe handle., no I couldn't, *throws up in throat a little*.
Also, this happened...
Yep, Twinkies Cereal. the little Twinkies have creme filling, or what?
If so, why isn't this depicted in the box art?
And if not, why not? What's the point of the whole exercise if there's no cream?
And, if it sticks around long enough, say, long enough for "Ghostbusters 2020", to come out, will they cut another deal, and have lime green filled ones?
So many questions this product raises....
Oh, and speaking of cereals..
I always forgot to compile the monster cereals that I mentioned, here, here, and here.
Nearest I can figure, Yummy Mummy and Fruit Brute are the same multi-fruit cereal.
They make Froot Loops with marshmallows, it's the same thing.
You want to feel alive again, like when the world was new?
Sprinkle some Chocula into a peanut butter sandwich.
Or, make marshmallow squares out of Boo-Berry.
See? I snuck recipes in there too.
Munchies & Crunchies!! (MC #1)
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Tuesday, July 23, 2019
A rant that lost me some friends. (SFF #2)
And in hindsight, I don't miss 'em.
Good riddance.
July 24, 2016
I hate stupid, but I hate stupid even more when it's coupled with self-righteousness.
And sorry, folks, but I'm not talking about right-wingers, and Jesus-freaks for a change. I'm talking Bernie-or-busters and anyone-but-Hillary people.
Trump has as his platform that he's going to hurt immigrants, and LGBTQ people.
He's said it in his words, he's said it in his actions by picking Mike Pence.
He couldn't be more clear.
You either know someone in those groups, or know someone who knows someone.
Unless you're in a cult commune, it's not six fucking degrees away from you.
Someone in your life that you care about is affected by these issues.
Bernie has thrown in with Hillary. It's over. Know when you're beat.
Not knowing when you're beat isn't about morals, it's about pride.
And if you're willing to let people you love get hurt over your idiot pride, you're not moral, you're scum. You're fucking scum.
You don't get to say "yeah, but Hillary did this, and Hillary did that", because anything she is, you're worse.
You're fucking worse.
You're not better.
You're WORSE.
Grasp that.
Hero time is over.
Fairy tale time is over.
You have a stinky but clear grownup choice to make.
Abstaining from it is a vote for Trump.
Playing with your vote is a vote for Trump.
Wake the fuck up.
Always remember, your "moderate", "friends", cared more about their fee-fees than human rights when it really mattered.
Never forget.
Cuz they hope you will.
It's the only gambit they have.
Cuz they ain't ever gonna apologize, or try to fix it.
Don't wait for it.
Stuff From Facebook! (SFF #1)
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social media,
Stuff From Facebook! (SFF #1)
Yep, a FOURTH series!
I wanna cover my bases.
So, to repeat for those who missed it, that's Meedyah Morsels for movies & TV, Revisits for society, politics, and personal ramblings, Munchies & Crunchies for food, and now "Stuff From Facebook!", for news stuff from my feed that interest me, or pisses me off, or old rants that cycle back from years ago I'm proud of, or general trends I see floating around, or things in the atmosphere I want to comment on.
Really, it can be stuff from all over the internet besides Facebook, but Facebook tends to do a good enough job of pulling it all in for me.
If I find stuff somewhere else, posting the entry about it to Facebook will be a good enough loophole.
As with "Munchies & Crunchies", to get it started, here's everything I pasted over from Facebook before.
- Harry Hembock on Facebook!
- Like The Jade Shade on Facebook!
- Superheroes 2.4 Spiderman (Part 1, addendum).
- On Miley Cyrus.
- Ghostbusters: Lame claim to fame?
- Some forgotten Halloween stuff.
- Harry Hembock, and #Metoo.
- My thing on racism.
- Racism is bullshit.
- My thing on Jordon Peterson.
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blog stuff,
social media,
Jennifer Aspinall. (MM #107)
I needed an antidote to "Oliver Stone can go fuck himself", so let's talk about someone good.
Makeup genius Jennifer Aspinall!
She should have been in my "Masters Of Horror", stuff along with Tom Savini, Rick Baker, Stan Winston, and Robert Kurtzman.
But, I just found out about her.
I guess I'm fixing it now.
She's climbed her way up to tons of big TV shows and Hollywood movies, and as you can see in her pic, she has a pile of awards including an Emmy, but what stood out to me, is she got her start doing the gore effects for "Toxic Avenger", and "Street Trash", and one of her longest running TV credits was MadTV.
Jesus, if I'd known the makeup artist for MadTV was from "Toxic Avenger", I would have watched even more loyally!!
So, that was cool to find out!!
Always good to add a hero to my list.
Anyway, here's her IMDB.
And here's her personal portfolio page.
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
- Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
- Marvel slate predictions updated. (MM #106)
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Oliver Stone can go fuck himself. (Revisits #40)
Sideways, without lube.
First of all, yep, I'm changing the format of "Revisits", the same exact way I did to Meedyah Morsels in part #101.
Title, number, past episodes on the bottom instead of the top.
Second, this one is a little bit in "Meedyah Morsels", territory, but it has a greater impact on world politics, so it goes here.
Third, the title for this one is part of a quote from "I don't h8 the 90's anymore (Part 2.5)", which goes as follows...
(In relation to "Natural Born Killers")
Showtime played the shit out of this, and I watched it every single fucking time.
I really loved it. as much.
I still get a kick out of the Rodney Dangerfield scenes.
That's the only part you should even watch.
That's some good dark social satire.
Everything else has aged badly as pretentious polemic bullshit.
Oliver Stone can go fuck himself.
Sideways, without lube.
Okay, so here's why Oliver Stone is in the news, and earns my ire anew.
He met with Vladimir Putin, and told him his anti-LGBT laws are "sensible".
Motherfucker, they lock up gays and torture and kill them, you piece of shit.
Either he's oblivious to this, which makes him too stupid to breathe, or he's flat out evil.
Either way, I'm not going to watch any of his movies anymore.
I was on the fence before, now that's clinched it.
He's not just a bigot, he's a dictator-sucker, and therefore a fucking traitor.
That renders all his flag-waving Americana shit a lie.
Bye, bye, "Natural Born Killers", "Nixon", "JFK", "Platoon", "W", "Wall Street", "Born On The Fourth Of July", "Snowden", and "Alexander".
And good riddance.
- Parts 1-30.
- Part 31. (Tribalism)
- Part 32. (Conspiracies 2)
- Part 33. (Demon Murder)
- Part 34. (Billion)
- Part 35. (SW titles)
- Part 36. (Ross)
- Part 37. (Satire)
- Part 38. (Podcasts/radio)
- Part 39. (Con-artist in chief)
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blog stuff,
Marvel slate predictions updated. (MM #106)
I was pretty close....
Here's my old predictions from last time.
5/1/20 Black Widow
11/6/20 Eternals
2/12/21 Shang Chi
5/7/21 Guardians 3
11/5/21 Dr Strange 2
2/18/22 Black Panther 2
5/6/22 Captain Marvel 2
7/29/22 Nova
And here's what 2020-2021 actually turned out to be.
5/1/20 Black Widow
11/6/20 Eternals
2/12/21 Shang Chi
5/7/21 Dr Strange 2
11/5/21 Thor 4
It was Thor 4 that threw me for a loop.
Didn't see that coming.
None of the heroes in the MCU have had a four before.
I think the only (stand alone) superheroes that have had fours before period were Superman and Batman. Let's hope "Love And Thunder", has better luck than "The Quest For Peace", and "And Robin".
Also, I would have thought the sequels to BP and CM would be coming faster, what with their billion dollar grosses.
Anyway, here's my new predictions for 2022.
2/18/22 Guardians 3
5/6/22 Blade
7/29/22 Fantastic Four
I'll probably be wrong again.
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
- Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
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Star Trek: Picard cast/characters (MM #105)
Okay, we're finally matching names to faces here....
Remember that previous leaked character sheet, and how I tried to predict who would be who?
Yeah, throw that all away.
Either it wasn't real to begin with, or they changed the race, sex, age, background, and name of every single character so it makes no difference either way.
Here's the real character breakdown.
Santiago Cabrera as Cristobal ‘Chris’ Rios.
Evan Evangora as Elnor.
Michelle Hurd as Raffi Musiker.
Isa Briones as Dahj.
Harry Treadaway as Narek.
Alison Pill as Dr. Agnes Jurati.
Plus, cameos from Data, Seven Of Nine, Riker, and Troi.
Previously with Trek-
- Picard announcement.
- Picard casting.
- Picard title and logo.
- Picard Poster.
- Lower Decks announcement.
- Lower Decks cast, characters, pics, logo.
- Section 31.
- Nick-Trek.
Previously with MM-
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
- DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
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Star Trek
Munchies & Crunchies!! (MC #1)
Yep, I'm adding a third series.
I've got Meedyah Morsels for movies & TV, Revisits for society, politics, and personal ramblings, and now "Munchies & Crunchies", for food.
To start it off, I'll compile all the past food stuff.
Here we go...
- Unwrapped
- Thanksgiving 3 (gorge-athon)
- I don't h8 the 90's anymore (Part 9, Trips/Treasures/Treats).
- Chicken chips!!!!
- Taffys.
- Ghostbusters Twinkies, marshmallows, Ecto-Cooler, drink recipes.
- Ghostbusters cereals.
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Monday, July 22, 2019
DC/CW's Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (MM #104)
This thing is gonna be fucking legendary!!
As I previously reported in my SDCC post, Brandon Routh is going to reprise his role as Superman from "Superman Returns", and be updated to the "Kingdom Come", Superman.
Now we find out they're getting Tom Welling (Smallville), Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman), and Burt Ward (Batman '66)!!!
Holy shit!!!
As you may know, Brandon Routh was/is a re-casted version of the Christopher Reeve Superman, so having him there is as good as having Reeve Superman.
So, all the eras of DC will be there!
My whole childhood is on the game board!
They had me at just Arrow, Flash, Legends, Supergirl, and Batwoman, but now all this??
Holy fucking shit!!
As you know, I already thought "Crisis On Earth X", was better than "Justice League", if this can top that, We're looking at best DC crossover movie ever.
It'll just happen to be on TV.
Previously with DC/CW crossovers-
Previously with MM-
- Parts #1-90.
- Parts #91-100.
- San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
- Marvel checklists (MM #102)
- Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
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Sunday, July 21, 2019
Marvel Zombies in the MCU?!? (MM #103)
Ask me 10 years ago, I say you're crazy.
But now?
It's certainly possible.
My old-ass review of Marvel Zombies here.
I was nitpicky and penny-pinchy about it back then, now I've lightened the fuck up, and I like all of it.
Anyway what makes this possible, is "What If?".
An eagle-eyed fan on Twitter noticed, if you zoom in on the "W", in the "What If?", logo that dropped yesterday....'ll see a zombie Captain America straight out of "Marvel Zombies".
Does this necessarily mean they'll do "Marvel Zombies"?
Not exactly.
But...they'd fucking better.
Why tease it, and not do it?
Marvel isn't known for baiting-and-switching like that.
"What about the Mandarin!?!?", some wise-ass will probably say.
We're getting the real Mandarin in Shang-Chi, so shut the fuck up.
I'm calling it, we're getting Marvel Zombies.
Whether it's right away, or down the line.
And if they don't have it solidly planned, fan willpower will make it real.
Like the Black Widow movie, and the Punisher series.
So, buckle up, we're getting Marvel Zombies.
And it's canon, bitches.
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Marvel checklists (MM #102)
Yesterday's Marvel info-dumps boiled down to graphical checklist form.
Someone else out in Google-land made the template for this, I've been updating and tinkering with it ever since 2016.
Now, the newest ones are on there.
And here's a fresh rebooted one for the Disney+ TV shows.
I won't show you the one I've done for DC, it's a fucking mess, and always in flux, only because DC can't make up their fucking minds.
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San Diego Comic-Con 2019 (MM #101)
Yep, I'm doing a new format for Meedyah Morsels.
I'm putting the subject right in the title, and squishing the numbering off to the side in parenthesis.
And I'm putting past episodes down at the bottom instead of at the top where they get in the way.
Anyway!! Comic-Con!!
Last time, Comic-Con 2018. (Way back at episode #6)
This year....
News items-
Endgame finally crushed Avatar!!!!!!
All the Marvel Phase 4 drops for 2020-2021.
Natalie Portman will be back, and become Lady Thor!!
Fantastic Four and Blade are up next after 2021!! (Making this also "Disney/Fox 12")
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Zombieland 2: Double Tap (poster)
Russo Brothers are producing “Grimjack,” “Battle of the Planets,” and “Magic: The Gathering”.
WWE wrestlers Ghostbusters mashup figures.
Brandon Routh Superman in Crisis On Infinite Earths.
He's the Kingdom Come Superman.
Burt Ward is going to be on season 1 of Batwoman.
Orville is moving to Hulu. (motherfuckerrr!!)
IT: chapter 2.
Jay & Silent Bob Reboot.
Terminator: Dark Fate.
Creepshow the series.
Watchmen the series.
Harley Quinn animated series.
The Witcher.
Walking Dead The Movie.
Walking Dead Season 10.
Star Trek: Picard.
Star Trek: Short Treks.
And, I think that's it.
I scoured the web, and I can't find any big deal Hall H stuff for today, so I think today is the winding down day for Comic-Con.
If something big drops after all, I'll update.
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Star Trek
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Meedyah Morsels #100.
- Parts #1-90.
- Part 91 (Corman FF)
- Part 92 (GB20 casting 9)
- Part 93 (Spidey-verse 2)
- Part 94 (GB20 cast pic 1)
- Part 95 (Picard series 4)
- Part 96 (GB20 cast pic 2)
- Part 97 (Evil dead 4?)
- Part 98 (Stan Lee-verse)
- Part 99 (Lower Decks 2)
And it's a good milestone for it, cuz...
Avengers: Endgame is going to break Avatar's record by Monday, making it the highest grossing movie ever.
As I said here...
I'll link this to the Endgame review in comments, and I'll update again when/if it beats Avatar.
That's the one I'm rooting for.
Avatar being the #1 movie ever is an obscenity to me.
The obscenity is over.
We're free.
You don't have to scream in the night anymore.
*Hugs the whole world*
Shhh, it's going to be okay now.
Avatar can't hurt us anymore.
It's not 3 billion, it's going to be a squeaker, but it broke the record, and won.
The deed is done.
Now, to link THIS to Endgame in comments!
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Meedyah Morsels #99.
- Parts #1-90.
- Part 91 (Corman FF)
- Part 92 (GB20 casting 9)
- Part 93 (Spidey-verse 2)
- Part 94 (GB20 cast pic 1)
- Part 95 (Picard series 4)
- Part 96 (GB20 cast pic 2)
- Part 97 (Evil dead 4?)
- Part 98 (Stan Lee-verse)
Finally! Some big news dropped on Star Trek: Lower Decks!!!
Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020)
So, the pics reveal the casting and characters.
Clearly, it's conventional hand-drawn animation in a style somewhere between "Family Guy", and "Regular Show".
The tech and uniforms seem to place it sometime after TNG.
If I had to throw a dart at the timeline, I'd aim for between "Nemesis", and "Picard".
And we don't get a pic of it yet, but the producers say the ship is the U.S.S. Cerritos, and it's a California Class ship.
So, there's that!
- Picard announcement.
- Picard casting.
- Picard title and logo.
- Picard Poster.
- Lower Decks announcement.
- Section 31.
- Nick-Trek.
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Star Trek
Monday, July 15, 2019
Happy 3rd anniversary, Ghostbusters: Answer The Call!
What's happened since last year...
- GB: ATC finally came to FX. (it's the extended cut)
- GB: Crossing Over wrapped up.
- GB: 35th anniversary miniseries announcement.
- GB: 35th anniversary miniseries came out.
- I got the GN of "Answer The Call: What Dreams May Come".
- I got the GN of "Crossing Over".
- I ranked the GB universe (that I've collected) so far.
- Ghostbusters World is canon! (and has ATC uniforms and packs)
- The director and cast of GB:ATC are doing okay.
- I simplified the timeline.
Buildup to today-
Not much going on in ATC land this year.
Except for the 35th anniversary one-shot comic.
Same old bullshit with the trolls.
The announcement of GB20 kicked up the dust a little bit with those dimwits.
Leslie Jones reacted negatively to GB20.
Melissa McCarthy and Paul Feig reacted positively.
I still love the flick.
It ages like a fine wine.
I still maintain the ATC cast will be back someday in something.
Even if a little girl who saw it in 2016 has to grow up into a director to make it happen.
Hey, that's how GB20 is happening, Jason Reitman became a director, and had an idea.
But, I think we'll get something before that, whether it's animated, or Lego, or whatever.
Like I said last year, if they keep making ATC stuff, I'll keep doing these anniversaries.
See you next year, probably.
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Sunday, July 14, 2019
Meedyah Morsels #98.
- Parts #1-90.
- Part 91 (Corman FF)
- Part 92 (GB20 casting 9)
- Part 93 (Spidey-verse 2)
- Part 94 (GB20 cast pic 1)
- Part 95 (Picard series 4)
- Part 96 (GB20 cast pic 2)
- Part 97 (Evil dead 4?)
Now, since it's sadly over, my continuity/multiverse theory on the Stan Lee cameo-verse.
Warning: "Captain Marvel", spoilers!!
(Although, it's out on Blu-ray, so you should have fucking seen it by now)
As I said in Spidey-verse 2...
Stan Lee is in all those universes.
Stan Lee is hanging out with the Watchers in Guardians 2, and Watchers can observe and travel dimensions, so all the Stan Lees are the same one.
So, that connects MCU, Raimi-verse, Spider-verse-verse, and Venom-verse.
But, theoretically, it also connects anything Stan Lee has ever been in.
From MCU, to Sony, to Fox, to Universal, to...Mallrats.
Not only does the Watchers scene point towards a Stan Lee multiverse connection, there's another MCU cameo that ONLY works if the multiverse theory is true.
The one in Captain Marvel where he's reading the script guessed it, Mallrats.
The Stan in Mallrats talks about Marvel comic book characters as comic characters, and ones that haven't shown up yet in the MCU like The Thing.
Now, it's not inconceivable that in a world like the MCU, that comic books could be made of real-life superheroes, hence the existence of Marvel comics within that world with a Stan Lee to write them.
I mean, in this dimension, we have an AOC comic fer cryin' out loud.
BUT, again, there's that problem of Thing being referenced.
But if Stan Lee is a Watcher, he can hop into 1995 in our universe, be aware of The Thing, hop on over to 1995 in the MCU, and be reading the Mallrats script, then hop back in to our world to shoot Mallrats, and everything is hunky-dory.
Why do all this bouncing around?
Clearly, there's a missing movie where all the little things he did as a character had a ripple effect that molded the timeline so the good guys won.
I'd watch it, if you're listening, Marvel/Disney.
Anyway, sticking with just live-action, and things connected to Marvel, here's the Stan Lee cameo-verse.
In chronological order, except breaking chronology for sequels, then rewinding back to chronology.
I dunno why, but my brain just likes that order.
(I also make an exception for animation in two cases*, because I think they connect to the main series-es)
- The Trial Of The Incredible Hulk (1989)
- Mallrats (1995)
- X-Men (2000)
- X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
- X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
- Deadpool (2016)
- Deadpool: No Good Deed (2017)
- Spider-Man (2002)
- Spider-Man 2 (2004)
- Spider-Man 3 (2007)
- Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
- Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
- Venom (2018)
- Spider-Man: Into The Spider-verse* (2018)
- Daredevil (2003)
- Hulk (2003)
- Fantastic Four (2005)
- Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007)
- MCU/The Infinity Saga (2008-2019)
- Agents of Shield (2014)
- Agent Carter (2015)
- Big Hero 6* (2014)
- The Gifted (2017)
- Runaways (2017)
Now, if you want it in rigid chronological order, and including all animation, and narration, and, well, everything, there's always his IMDB page.
And, that's all of that.
Goodbye, Stan.
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