Sideways, without lube.
First of all, yep, I'm changing the format of "Revisits", the same exact way I did to Meedyah Morsels in part #101.
Title, number, past episodes on the bottom instead of the top.
Second, this one is a little bit in "Meedyah Morsels", territory, but it has a greater impact on world politics, so it goes here.
Third, the title for this one is part of a quote from "I don't h8 the 90's anymore (Part 2.5)", which goes as follows...
(In relation to "Natural Born Killers")
Showtime played the shit out of this, and I watched it every single fucking time.
I really loved it. as much.
I still get a kick out of the Rodney Dangerfield scenes.
That's the only part you should even watch.
That's some good dark social satire.
Everything else has aged badly as pretentious polemic bullshit.
Oliver Stone can go fuck himself.
Sideways, without lube.
Okay, so here's why Oliver Stone is in the news, and earns my ire anew.
He met with Vladimir Putin, and told him his anti-LGBT laws are "sensible".
Motherfucker, they lock up gays and torture and kill them, you piece of shit.
Either he's oblivious to this, which makes him too stupid to breathe, or he's flat out evil.
Either way, I'm not going to watch any of his movies anymore.
I was on the fence before, now that's clinched it.
He's not just a bigot, he's a dictator-sucker, and therefore a fucking traitor.
That renders all his flag-waving Americana shit a lie.
Bye, bye, "Natural Born Killers", "Nixon", "JFK", "Platoon", "W", "Wall Street", "Born On The Fourth Of July", "Snowden", and "Alexander".
And good riddance.
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
1 hour ago
You watched "Alexander"?!? So it was YOU who saw it!!
Otherwise....uh...that's pretty stupid of him, yeah.
Should they have asked Dennis Miller instead ya think?
Nope, haven't seen "Snowden", or "Alexander", and now this saves me the trouble.
Dennis Miller has mysteriously laid low during the Trump presidency.
He's probably hiding in whatever spider-hole Julian Assange used.
JFK is one of my all-time favorite movies, even though it is an outright lie from start to finish. His other films are a mixed bag for me.
The Putin/gay/godfather thing is just f**king weird. I think even Putin's a little weirded out by it.
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