Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pop culture updates #22.

Finally enough thin trickles on the Ghostbusters comics news to equal a bucket.

Ghostbusters meet Transformers!!!!!!

Holy fucking shit!!!

I really dug the Ghostbusters/Turtles ones, but I'm not a NUT for Turtles, but I'm a NUT for Transformers (see my Bumblebee review).

This was the "top secret project", they were hiding even after the big 35th anniversary project reveal.

And yes, that Ecto-1 Transformer toy is real.
That's coming out too to go along with the comic.

They haven't revealed the title yet, but they've shown literal bits and pieces of the cover, and part of the title was "ghosts of______".
I'm gonna go out on a limb, and guess "Ghosts Of Cybertron".

Transformers do have ghosts in their universe.
Starscream came back as a ghost way back in season 3, and "Beast Wars", did a ret-con that "sparks", (a Transformer's core personality program) can manifest as a ghost.
So, that's enough for Ghostbusters to latch on to.
Good enough.
Hope the Busters zap and trap Starscream once and for all!!

And about that 35th anniversary project....

35th Anniversary (2019)

Here's the colored versions of the covers, and the title is above. could call it "Ghostbusters 35th", or "Ghostbusters 35".

But, I think the clear intention is "35th anniversary".

Kind of an anti-climax, they acted like that title was a huge state secret, when it was literally staring us right in the face.

I think they'll lump "Ghostbsuters: 20/20", into the graphic novel of this.
I just have this strong feeling down to my bones.

I'll probably update more when the GB/TF title and covers drop.

Oh, and I bought the graphic novel of "Ghostbusters: Crossing Over".
So, that's done.
All caught up on the new stuff.
Just gotta go back and catch up on the old stuff.

So, that's those three things.
See ya next time.


Diacanu said...

More on "Ectotron".

Diacanu said...

Ectotron on The Goldbergs.

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