First of all, if you don't know Jordon Peterson sucks, fuck you.
If you think he's awesome, kill yourself.
Get yourself off of my fucking planet.
If you never heard of him, congratulations.
Now, another paste over from Facebook-
The go-to excuse Jordon Peterson fans hit you with is "have you watched his lectures IN DEPTH??", or "have you read all his work?".
Why do you have to read/view someone's entire fucking canon to get their message?
I don't need to read all 7 Harry Potters, watch all 8 movies, and see The Cursed Child on stage just to know that Harry Potter is the good guy, and Voldemort is an asshole.
Jordon Peterson is a Christian, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a transphobe, and what he ISN'T is an evolutionary biologist.
He doesn't hide any of those things in secret code either. His awful book "12 Rules For Life", lays it right out there. It's not a deep mystery, and neither is he. And neither are his Dunning Kruger fanboys.
Extra little note, Bill Maher kissing Peterson's ass, sucking his dick, and washing his balls was the last straw for me with that fucker.
Used to like him, but anyone who's wowed by that quack can go fuck off.
Especially allegedly liberal allegedly atheists.
Peterson is a Christian conservative bigot.
How the fuck do you be a fanboy of his as an atheist liberal??
The atheist movement coming out of "The God Delusion", and "God Is Not Great", didn't spread critical thinking like I thought it did.
People are still depressingly fucking stupid.
Anyhoo, Peterson was the last straw with Bill Maher, him pissing on Stan Lee's legacy was just the dust speck on the last straw.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
My thing on Jordon Peterson.
celebs who suck,
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I'm sorry to hear Maher kissed Peterson's ass, because I was actually starting to like Maher again because of all his anti-Trump stuff...Maher has done that before though, deliberately inviting right-wing douchebags on his show like Steve Bannon, Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopolous, etc. and is always weirdly cordial to them. It's strange.
I still insist that at least Maher isn't totally irrelevant like Dennis Miller is.
Yeah, I don't mind him having opposing voices on, but he dated Anne Coulter, and butt-kissed Peterson.
And not in a passive "let me pull out your chair for you sir,", way, but full on "you're great!!".
I haven't seen him with Bannon.
For a guy that supposedly hates what Trump stands for, he sure gets cozy with his cronies.
His Achilles heel is his perpetual rebellion against "political correctness".
Yeah, it can go too far, and try to control speech, but that doesn't make everything that shits on decency cool.
Nazis are politically incorrect!!
But once they get power, they become the new force of what's politically correct, and they start burning books.
Jordon Peterson would gleefully burn Bill Maher's own movie "Religulous".
Bannon would burn all movies that aren't "Triumph Of The Will".
I just watched the Jordon Peterson's just the two of them politely agreeing with each other that kids today are spoiled rotten and too disrespectful to their parents. Maybe they talk about religion somewhere in the rest of it?
The Bannon clip was embarrassing--because Bill Maher came out of it looking really weak. He and Bannon were discussing how Trump allegedly got the economy going and Maher didn't really seem to know how to discuss economics very well and Bannon was perfectly cordial and calm the whole time and didn't discuss any racism or anything that could make Bannon look bad at all. It reminded me of those painful times when Dennis Miller tried to discuss politics and you realized after awhile he wasn't really saying anything at all. Maher still isn't that bad but when he has to be nice to the same people he'll turn around and scream bloody murder at, it's disconcerting.
And Ann Coulter at this point? LITERALLY keeps going just by saying ugly stuff to the press, like "child actors" coached to scream at the border.
"it's just the two of them politely agreeing with each other that kids today are spoiled rotten and too disrespectful to their parents".
Peterson advocates beating kids.
Now, the level of violence he'll outright admit to is a light spanking, but then later on in his book, he advocates "more for worse behavior".
He back-pedals away from it, and won't say how much more violence, and what a kid can possibly do to deserve more than a spanking, but, there's nowhere else to go in one's imagination than a goddamned beating.
And knowing he's a full-blown Bible thumper, and the Bible says "spare the rod, spoil the child", it's not too hard to fill in the gaps there.
NOW, either Maher has read the book, and agrees, and is cowardly to admit he agrees with the evil shit in there in detail by bringing it up, OR, he hasn't read it, but just skimmed the chapter headings, OR he read it, and was too dumb to comprehend what he was aiming his eyeballs at.
Any of those don't speak too well of him.
And then for both of them to go on TV, and just gloss it over as "boy, kids today sure are brats, huh?", is pretty goddamned awful.
Here, I'll hook ya up....
These guys are going through Peterson's book chapter by chapter with a fine toothed comb.
The episodes are long, but obscurantist bullshit is a chore to chew through, but they do dismantle it.
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