Sunday, July 14, 2019

Meedyah Morsels #98.

Picking up where I left off in Spidey-verse 2...
Now, since it's sadly over, my continuity/multiverse theory on the Stan Lee cameo-verse.

Warning: "Captain Marvel", spoilers!!
(Although, it's out on Blu-ray, so you should have fucking seen it by now)

As I said in Spidey-verse 2...

Stan Lee is in all those universes.

Stan Lee is hanging out with the Watchers in Guardians 2, and Watchers can observe and travel dimensions, so all the Stan Lees are the same one.

So, that connects MCU, Raimi-verse, Spider-verse-verse, and Venom-verse.

But, theoretically, it also connects anything Stan Lee has ever been in.
From MCU, to Sony, to Fox, to Universal, to...Mallrats.

Not only does the Watchers scene point towards a Stan Lee multiverse connection, there's another MCU cameo that ONLY works if the multiverse theory is true.

The one in Captain Marvel where he's reading the script guessed it, Mallrats.

The Stan in Mallrats talks about Marvel comic book characters as comic characters, and ones that haven't shown up yet in the MCU like The Thing.

Now, it's not inconceivable that in a world like the MCU, that comic books could be made of real-life superheroes, hence the existence of Marvel comics within that world with a Stan Lee to write them.

I mean, in this dimension, we have an AOC comic fer cryin' out loud.

BUT, again, there's that problem of Thing being referenced.

But if Stan Lee is a Watcher,  he can hop into 1995 in our universe, be aware of The Thing, hop on over to 1995 in the MCU, and be reading the Mallrats script, then hop back in to our world to shoot Mallrats, and everything is hunky-dory.

Why do all this bouncing around?
Clearly, there's a missing movie where all the little things he did as a character had a ripple effect that molded the timeline so the good guys won.
I'd watch it, if you're listening, Marvel/Disney.

Anyway, sticking with just live-action, and things connected to Marvel, here's the Stan Lee cameo-verse.
In chronological order, except breaking chronology for sequels, then rewinding back to chronology.
I dunno why, but my brain just likes that order.
(I also make an exception for animation in two cases*, because I think they connect to the main series-es)

Now, if you want it in rigid chronological order, and including all animation, and narration, and, well, everything, there's always his IMDB page.

And, that's all of that.
Goodbye, Stan.

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