Sunday, December 2, 2018
Corrections/updates Part 7.
In "Money As Debt", I fell for some tinfoil hat bullshit.
Another fumble from 9 years ago.
Hey, I was young, and learning, and this stuff was slick and sneaky.
Look, I'll cut right to it, the whole conspiracy theory community is built off antisemitism.
The idea of some dark hidden cabal pulling the puppet strings of world history all traces back to "The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion", a phony book assembled by a Russian propaganda ministry centuries ago about someone witnessing the secret meetings of some imaginary high ranking Jews giving their marching orders for their evil super villainous plot.
It's as fake and evil as a Chick Tract.
Bigots all the way from Hitler, to Pol Pot, to Henry Ford (yes, the car guy) to Louis Farrakhan have swallowed this bullshit hook, line, and sinker, and justified their hate with it.
And it gets a new coat of paint every now and then, but every dark cabal you've ever heard of in a conspiracy theory is a right-wing dog whistle for Jews.
The skeletal blueprint for all these conspiracy fables is "Protocols..".
Anyhoo, here's the decoder chart.
George Soros = Jew.
Bildeberg Group = Jews.
Rothchilds = Jews.
Multiculturalism = Jews.
Multinationalism = Jews.
Globalism = Jews.
Illuminati = Jews.
Trilateral Commission = Jews.
Global Banking Conspiracy = Jews.
I've probably forgotten some, but that's a good starter set.
You've probably heard some of these from one of your awful relatives in social media.
There's always a conspiracy nut in the batch.
Oh, David Icke, the hollow Earth lizard people guy is also a "Protocols...", fanboy.
So, all the weirdo alien conspiracy theories are dressed up Jew-hate too.
9/11 truther-ism is tied up in Jew-hate.
Moon landing denial, they say Hollywood helped with that, right-wing bigots hate Hollywood for having lots of Jews, so that's a thinly veiled Jew-hate thing.
You pretty much can't touch conspiracy shit at all without being turned into a bigoted monster.
Well, good, because conspiracy theories suck, and I said so way back at "The Batshit Files".
Just avoid all that shit.
I should have listened to my past self harder.
Anyhoo, the video series I linked to in the post was a variation on "the Fed is a Ponzi scheme", conspiracy.
I wasn't experienced enough yet in skepticism to know what bullshit this was, and the antisemitic taint it had on it.
Although, I smelled bullshit in the air, because first comment...
Only thing I don't like though, is the very last bit, the implication of some global uber-conspiracy.
The fear-mongering conspiracy shit, that's straight of of Zeitgeist: The Movie, and Zeitgeist sucks.
We're in enough crap without the implied "cabal of Jews", horseshit flying around.
Yeah, so, I smelled it, but I didn't want to believe a friend would pass along something so evil and stupid.
I can't remember who it was, some shmuck I don't talk to anymore.
Someone who faded away in the early days of us Richard Dawkins peeps making our blogs.
Look, I won't go into finer detail, suffice to say, even with the anti-Jew shit stripped away, if you're still swallowing the "the Fed is a Ponzi scheme", conspiracy, you're a fucking idiot.
It's how a fucking economy works.
Read an economics book not written by a fucking Nazi.
And pay your fucking taxes.
That "Sovereign Citizen", bullshit is a bunch of horseshit too.
Did you use the roads?
Did you benefit from the fire department?
Pay your fucking taxes.
I'll get more into that in the next one though.
blog stuff,
dog whistles,
whoops my bad
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Double revisited.
More dog whistles.
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