Friday, October 19, 2018

Big 2018 Movies Part 12.

*Piano key tapping*

Halloween (2018)

Previously with the Halloween franchise...

And, let's get right to the rundown..
  • I dug it.
  • It repaired a LOT of the damage to the franchise.
  • Yes, fellow Halloween 3 fans, they slipped the Silver Shamrock masks in there!
  • Jamie Lee is basically T2 Sarah Connor. I mean that as a positive.
  • ...oh, shit, I'm just thinking of different ways to interpret the ending..okay, that just shot it up an extra star!
  • There's a twist involving a heel turn you probably won't see coming.
  • As implied above, the ending is a twist if you look at it the right way.
  • Yeah, this fixed Halloween for me, I want to own 1, 2, H20, and this.
  • ...I'm not gaga for it, or this franchise overall though, I'm still a Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lecter guy. 
  • For this franchise, and what it is, easily the best since the first.
  • If you're a nut for this franchise, you should get your ticket's worth.
  • Glad I saw it. As far as I can recall, this is the first ever reboot-quel, so that's movie history.
  • I hope they stop here though. *Sigh* They won't. 

So, that's that.

Next time, Into The Spider-Verse, and Aquaman.
And...I MIGHT squeeze in "The Girl In The Spider's Web", before that.

1 comment:

Paladin said...

Mostly agree.

It isn't the greatest horror film ever, but it's a reasonably entertaining--if not groundbreaking--sequel.

Most of Michael's victims have a big "FUTURE DEAD PERSON" sign on them.

Considering her adversary, Laurie makes rather poor choices in defensive firearms.

I have to wonder how Michael is so strong and able to sustain fairly grievous injuries. The asylum must have a great gym.

I thought it was a good feminist action movie in that the protagonists who propel the plot are female, as opposed to a bad feminist movie that beats you over the head with the message.

I liked the final "reversal," and thought it was well set up.

As for the ending, I'll say this: I want an autopsy report.

So, yeah, worth seeing. Might be fun to see where it goes from here.

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