Thursday, April 26, 2018

Big 2018 Movies Part 3.'s get right to it...

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Previously on MCU phase 3....

And now the rundown.
  • ending....I'm gutted.
  • Okay, umm......
  • Wow.....
  • Um.....WOW!
  • All right, you will love the shit out of the character interactions.
  • The team-ups are everything you ever wanted to see.
  • It's hard to service every character, but they pull it off, everyone gets a great moment.
  • Thanos gets the most screentime, followed by Thor, followed by the Guardians.
  • The humor you're used to is there, lots of laughs in the theater. And boy, did you need those laughs. 
  • Awesome cameo of a character you thought was forgotten.
  • Thanos is the best Marvel villain. Yep, they topped Killmonger.
  • I heard a critic say Thanos might just be up there with Heath Ledger Joker. Man, I don't know about that, but he's....special.
  • I thiiiink they tossed in references to all 18 other movies. Straining my brain...yeah. I think they got 'em all in. Yeah, they tie everything up in a nice bow.
  • Stay for the after credits, you only get one, and it's waaaay at the end, no middle credits. 
  • This movie gets DAAARRRRK!!! Darkest MCU ever. 
  • I'm gonna have to see this a couple more times, it's a lot to process.
  • Holy shit.....holy shit......holy....SHIT!

Um...yeah, go see it.

Up next, Deadpool 2.

1 comment:

Diacanu said...

Second viewing!!!!

Muuuuuch beeeetter!!!

Had little teenage assholes last time that wouldn't stop playing with their phones, whisper talking, insulting other people's reactions, and just being total little fucking douchebags.
Also, I think they stole someone's else's assigned seats.
Fuck those little fuckers.
I hope they get ass cancer in their 50's.


This time, just a smattering of old couples that knew to shut the fuck up.
It was wonderful!!!

I took it all in this time, every little nuince detail I missed the first time.

Ohhhh, it's soooo fucking gooood!!!

Y'know, I used to get a kind of buzz as a kid when I'd get a new comic, and I got a real full blown heroin high when it was one of the crossover epics.

This movie gives me that feeling.
This is those comics finally 100% fully realized.
People abuse the phrase "I felt like a kid again".
Personally, I never say it.
It never applies.
This time, it does.
I felt like a kid again.
They finally fucking did it.

GodDAMN I love this movie.
The blu-ray can't come fast enough.

Hell, Avengers 4 can't come fast enugh.

We gotta wait a YEAR for that shit!!!!!

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