I struggled whether to do this one, and then over how to do it, and....I think the best way is to bust it up into 2 lists.
One for movies, one for comics.
There's only 2 shows, and EGB had just one season, so RGB wins too easily.
I'll do a show ranking if/when "Ecto-Force", ever gets off the ground.
1. Ghostbusters.
Still the best.
Everything that RGB, ATC, and the IDW comics build out from for rules, characters, creatures, and world building, it's all right in this one.
The world could have been just as happy with just this one.
But, I'm glad there was more, because there's so much you can do with the premise.
2. Ghostbusters: Answer The Call.
Does the riffing go on too log?
Are there too many dance numbers?
Is there not enough actual ghostbusting?
Could the classic cast have been in it more?
All valid nitpicks.
But one thing overpowers all of that.
It's the one with Holtzmann.
3. Ghostbusters II.
Said it in the old review, it's a reunion with old friends.
And its gotten better with age.
I think these would/will stay the top 3 even if more films come out.
1. Ghostbusters: Crossing Over.
Ehhh, maybe it's recency bias,, having every Buster ever have their moment is pretty damned awesome.
If a similar feat gets "Infinity War", high on everyone's list, this needs acknowledging too.
It's a damned good job.
2. Ghostbusters 101
Again, could be recency bias, but I don't think so.
With just classic and ATC to focus on, everyone gets more face time.
God, I wish this had been the very next movie.
The boys & girls go together like peanut butter and jelly.
It really would have been something up on the screen.
3. Ghostbusters: Mass Hysteria.
The "Crossing Over", of the 30th anniversary.
Should have been Ghostbusters 3.
Dammit, Bill.
4. Ghostbusters: Spectral Shenanigans.
Makes me wish the regular series were a Netflix show.
Like Castlevania.
A Watchmen thick feast of GB goodness.
5. Ghostbusters: Displaced Agresssion.
A lotta lore gets crammed into such a comparatively thin volume.
Beaten out by the top 4 only in their size and scope.
This might be my favorite standalone GB story next to the first movie.
6. Ghostbusters: Get Real.
The one where they meet RGB.
It's a feast of RGB Easter eggs.
But....the regular IDW series already came out of the gate firing Easter eggs out of a Gatling gun.
It makes the show canon, and that's what matters most.
7. Ghostbusters:
Answer The Call:
What Dreams May Come
Although, the graphic novel scrubs "What Dreams May Come", not just off the front cover but all the issue covers in the cover gallery.
It's like it never happened.
Well....without that third title, that confuses it with the movie.
Fuck it, I'll still call it "What Dreams May Come".
Anyway, said it in the big 2018 list, cute, but didn't love it.
There, now when new stuff comes out, I have a template for ranking.
Whether it's just the next TPB for my comic collection, or if Ghostbusters 3 finally fucking happens.
See you next time for whichever happens first!!
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