Monday, June 29, 2020
Twelve years of Shmegalamonga!!
Created "munchies and crunchies", to talk about food shit year round.
Created "stuff from Facebook", to gradually migrate my best rants from there over here.
Added a shitload more labels.
The 2019 movies all rolled around.
I did a 2010-2019 decade compilation.
"Birds Of Prey", was the only movie of 2020 I got to see, cuz the 'rona ruined the summer.
Corona-pocalypse landed on the world.
I did sad placeholder pseudo-reviews of the lost movies of 2020 on their missed release dates.
Black Widow.
New Mutants.
Wonder Woman 1984.
I've been digging into my rainy day movie supply for something to do.
Isolation marathon 1.
Isolation marathon 2.
Isolation marathon 3.
Isolation marathon 4.
Isolation marathon 5.
"Scream, Queen", finally came out!
...juuust before the 'rona fully hit Maine.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife got bumped to next year.
Ghostbusters had its 36th anniversary.
Harry turned 31.
Harry books turned 8.
Added "Krazyfool 2", to the canon.
Jade-Shade turned 7.
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion turned 21.
Harry Hembock: Dark Designs turned 11.
(On the same day as the pre-anniversary of GB:Afterlife's lost release date)
Krazyfool Show turned 20.
I keep saying I'm ready to start the new book, but I keep thinking of new shit that changes it all around.
It'll happen when it happens.
Wembley died. :-(
We got Clovis. :-)
Now, for this year's logo.
Yep, orange.
I'm gonna slowly work my way through the rainbow/spectrum, and then...I dunno what.
So, I guess that's all the things!
See you next year!
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blog stuff,
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Evil Dead Rise!
Last time, the title was "Evil Dead Now", now it's "Evil Dead Rise".
Also, it's going to have an all new setting, no more cabin in the woods.
Good, the cabin has been run into the ground with ED1, ED2, ED-2013, and AvED.
Quote from Bruce Campbell-
“We’re getting a new draft in. I don’t think anything will happen until 2021. Full bore ahead, we’re very excited about it. A whole, new ballgame. No more cabin in the woods.”
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Evil Dead,
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
So, Storm's a Nazi.....
Yeah, that turned out to be a thing that was true about the universe.
All right, for those of you who don't know Storm, a rough backstory was in "Corrections/updates Part 8", where I revisited Ayn Randism, and it's dog-whistle racism.
Here's that bit...
Biggest Randroid I ever knew, went by the handle Storm Rucker, he's gone full on Trumpster.
Gee, how did that happen?
Did a little flying saucer come in through his bedoom window in his sleep, and zap his brain?
Trumpism is where this shit naturally goes.
Well, he's turned out to be a full blown Nazi, so I wasn't blowing things out of proportion one goddamned bit.
Here's the SPLC article outing him.
Spectre Unmasked: Racist 'Alt-Right' Podcaster Used To Be Local Reporter.
And, here's a bucketload of shit he said/did as Spectre..
Angry white men: Spectre.
I was going to do a deep dive on individual cases, but I got physically sick by the time I got to him laughing over the murdered holocaust survivor.
Suffice to say, he's a real piece of work.
He's all the flavors of asshole.
All of 'em.
And yes, there were red flags when I knew him, but my dumb ass refused to see them.
I even stupidly plugged his goddamned book here.
Jesus H. Christ, it's a fucking Nazi book!!
Yeah, but Nazis are bad guys in our pop-culture, and there's even been a whole TV show where the Nazis won WWII, and took over America.
Hell, he tricked Harper books...
Well....I always felt bad for not buying that, or its two sequels....and now...not so much!
So, there's one bright side!
That burden of guilt is lifted off my shoulders!
Yeah, there we go!
Also, way back at "Corrections/updates Part 4", I talked about how I was temporarily run off my old board by troll bullies who turned out to be Trump-fascists.
Well, even though he didn't come after me personally, Storm Rucker was worshipped by those motherfuckers.
They all but put a crown on his fucking head.
And man, you couldn't touch him with mod action.
Banning him?
Forget about it.
And one has to ask oneself, how many of the mods that protected him knew what he was, and sympathized?
How deep did the rabbit hole go?
Safe bet everyone who ran away when the board got bought by a liberal were probably of the fashy persuasion.
I told a long-ass story in "Pumpkin spice season: Part 3", that overlaps with that whole moment in time where the board transitioned.
I snip that bit out here...
Anyway, I had my stupid diary thread over there deleted ages ago.
As if I need crypto-fascists abusing me in my vulnerable raw tender moments.
What the fuck was I thinking?
Well, they groom you into thinking you're friends, like a pedophile does.
All predators function like this.
I've learned my lesson.
Anyway, all the biggest tough-guy fascists ran away like little bitches when the board got a left-wing owner.
But half of them had already run away when "rep was de-nutted".
Meaning they couldn't wield like/unlike points as a bullying weapon.
Yeah, their toy was taken away.
They ran off over a toy.
Really butch.
Smell the testosterone.
And the remaining fascists have doubled down over Trump, and exposed their true selves, so they're not to be listened to.
Oh, man, turns out they weren't done taking the masks off.
And probably still aren't.
This also makes a good sequel to "So, how 'bout that revolution, huh?".
We've seen how these racist pieces of shit are liars about everything they claim to be about.
They claim to be for free speech, but they want to violently shut down everyone who disagrees with them.
They claim to fight for liberty, but they want everyone they hate to be locked up.
They always said their precious gun collections were for fighting tyranny, and then they lick police boots.
Greedily, and sloppily.
And then the cops turn out to be KKK and Nazis again, and again, and again....
All that "libertarian", ideology was a grift.
All the ideals are a lie, and the lies were tools to get what they want.
And what they want is a white nationalist ethno-state.
The hippies were right, everything right-wing is crypto-fascist.
Except lately, it's not even crypto anymore.
I wish I could go back in time, and tell all this shit to the naïve dumb kid I was in the 00's.
BUT....avoiding the "libertarians", I might not have been radicalized over to the Dawkins board, and met my real friends, and made this blog.
So....maybe it all worked out the way it was meant to.
Maybe Storm was supposed to be my Skeletor.
Or maybe there's no meaning, and this is all just an ugly mess of humanity.
I dunno.
My thoughts are still swirly.
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blog stuff,
whoops my bad,
Monday, June 22, 2020
Batman '89 Returns! (?)
The big trades are confirming it!
Michael Keaton is in talks to reprise his role as Batman in the DCEU Flash movie.
Rumor is, the plot is, Flash changes the timeline, ala "Flashpoint", and Keaton is the new Batman in this rebooted universe, as a sort of elderly mentor figure.
This is also how they'll sweep Batfleck under the rug.
Pattinson Batman will be off in his own timeline, like Joaquin Phoenix Joker.
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Sunday, June 21, 2020
The (eighth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The Summer Of Hembock.
- The YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (second) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (third) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (fourth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (fifth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (sixth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (seventh) YEAR Of Hembock!
Since last time...
- Harry turned 31.
- Krazyfool Show turned 20.
- Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion turned 21.
- Goodbye, Harry Hembock.
- Hello, Chokecherry.
- Goodbye, hello, goodbye, Krazyfool.
Yep, a year later, I finally completed that Harry story trilogy.
BUT, then I came up with a bunch of Krazyfool sequels that stretch the story out.
Hopefully, next year, I'll have those done!
I almost missed this.
But y'know, we had father's day today, and it's during the coronapocalypse, so that's hard.
Plus our new kitty, Clovis is a handful.
BUT, Google's midnight is 3 am, so still plenty of time before the day officially rolls over, and it's actually late.
Hmm, kind of like the midnight oil I burned on the 20th KF anniversary!
Anyway, happy 8th birthday, Harry Books!
Here's to adding a 5th volume someday.
If I can ever get all the shit done for it.
See you next time!
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blog stuff,
Saturday, June 20, 2020
...but the plague had other plans, Part 15.
And this one doubles as a "Munchies & Crunchies".
As I said here...
Yeah, that's connected to the BLM protests/riots, and IMHO, those were ignited by the virus.
So, yeah, evil cop/riot/protest stuff will be under the banner of the corona tag now.
My blog, my rules.
So, the corporations don't want to get Molotov cocktailed, so they're washing the racism off their logo-age.
Say goodbye to Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Mrs. Butterworth, and the Cream Of Wheat guy.
Even if it's window dressing, it's a start, and it's about fucking time.
Quickie overview of why these products are racist.
The history of the Mammy stereotype.
Like I said on Facebook, having mascots on products not specifically for children is pretty weird and gross anyway, even if you poof the racism away.
But racist southerners have warped childlike minds, so I'm not surprised that they were marketed to this way.
And for so fucking long.
Nope, I'm on the "good riddance", side of it.
If you wanted to hear a rant about "political correctness", and/or "the death of our precious childhood memories", you came to the wrong fucking place.
I've got no sentimental attachment to this shit.
If you remember, I was all for Ronald McDonald and The Burger King getting sent to the guillotine.
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surprise social change,
Monday, June 15, 2020
Happy 31st anniversary, Ghostbusters 2!!
GB2 related stuff-
Again, Brownstone Boy #2 from Ghostbusters 2, AKA Jason Reitman is directing Ghostbusters 3, AKA Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
BUT, it got delayed to next year because of the plague.
Rather than paste every link for that, see the 36th anniversary of GB1, it's all there.
GBTVG related stuff-
- Its been re-released in a re-mastered edition.
- This really cool BTS video from '09 came out or it.
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Sunday, June 14, 2020
Cats and chickens 2- (Clovis edition!).
A new chapter begins!
May 25th, 2020
Good news, we're getting a new cat in a couple weeks (has to be old enough to leave the mom).
Bad news, the owner is a Republican farmer who thinks the masks "are a joke".
Worse news, dad's a coward in a the face of redneck peer pressure, and wouldn't put his on.
Add another 3 week timer to the calendar.
And another for when we go get the little bugger.
So fucking tired of this.
When we got him, the family were really sweet and nice.
I think it was a farmhand who was the twat.
Anyhoo, if we're all alive by June 30th, we're good.
June 5, 2020
I've got it.
I've got the kitten name.
It was the hero cat in "Sleepwalkers".
Which was written by Stephen King, who's a fellow Mainer, and major anti-Trumper.
And King predicted Trump in "The Dead Zone".
It's a cute name, and has an anti-Trump booby trap hidden inside.
Just what I was looking for.
I knew it would come to me if I strained my brain enough.
It also ended up being the mailman on "At Home With Amy Sedaris".
I think I'll tell people that's where it's from.
It's quicker and easier.
Clovis comes home (and vanishes!).
June 9th, 2020
Clovis is home!
They let us bring him home a day early.
And....leaving his mom, and the long-ass ride home traumatized him, and he's hiding behind the couch.
We've got a hider.
Haven't had one of those in awhile.
I need the flashlight to find him, but as soon as the beam hits him, he runs somewhere else.
He'll come out when he gets hungry.
We've got his food and water out.
He'll have to get curious to come out and find it.
Just hope he don't poop back there....
And the addendum...
Still hiding.
He's right in the middle of the back of the couch with a calm look like he's just hanging out.
I'll let him be in his safe space.
That'll help him acclimate better than yanking him out like a Disney monster.
He was literally born in a barn, so he's used to hiding in crannies.
Aw, every now and then he cries.
He wants his mommy.
And his doggies, and his chickens.
Well, we've got chickens, but they don't know him.
Oh, great....I was wrong to leave him alone, now he's vanished, now we're tearing the house apart...
Well, shit, now I'm worrying....
Behind the couch, under the couch, in the corner full of junk, under all the junk, opened every box, looked under every chair, behind the TV, in the bathroom, under the sink, in the kitchen, under the sink, under all the beds, behind my bureau, in the spare bathroom, under my mom's computer desk, in every window behind the curtains, and all through the cellar even though there's no physical way he could have gotten down there, and I looked for little tunnel holes where pipes and wires go through just in case.
He's hidden really well.
I wish he'd just fucking cry out.
One meow could solve all this.
That's why I'm worried he's squished somewhere.
I got a can of tuna out, and I blew the stink around.
Come on, you little bugger...
Dead or alive, this is a new one.
Every cat has been different, but this is really fucking new.
A goddamned Harry Houdini.
Clovis found!!
June 10th, 2020
Found Clovis!
Little bugger!
He slept from 10-3, then started yowling.
He threw his voice outside like a damned wizard, and me and dad looked for him out there.
Then, once we were out there, we could hear him in dad's room.
Then we heard Ma talking to him.
I ran inside, and there he was in the living room, and he saw me, and bolted like a cheetah.
I found him behind my bureau.
I thought it was solid wood all the way down, but there's a little recessed panel I forgot about, and I pulled the bottom drawers out, and there he was.
Shaking like a fucking tuning fork.
He doesn't like me, I'm the one that put him in, and took him out of the travel box.
This is gonna take some adjusting for the poor little guy.
At least he's alive.
I can sleep better now.
Time is it now?
Jesus, almost 4.
And the addendum...
Every other cat I ever had hid because they were just exploring, and liked getting into cozy places. Clovis was scared shitless, and absolutely did NOT want to be found.
At all.
I never had a hider like that.
When they don't want you to find them, they are ninjas.
He's not scared of me anymore.
I changed my shirt, and put lots of deodorant on, so I'd look and smell different.
Worked like a charm.
He loves me now, even showed his belly.
The house still overwhelms him though.
He's on top of the couch taking a nap now.
I think the worst is over.
Clovis night two.
June 11th, 2020
'Nother interesting night with Clovis.
Now that he's acclimated, he's a party boy past midnight.
I had to lock him up in the bathroom.
I put his food and water in there, and a nice towel for him to sleep on.
His litter box is already in there as a tradition from the last 2 cats.
He cried and cried, and I felt like shit.
BUT, I got up this morning, and dad was playing with him, and there was a pee stain in the box.
So, he finally drank and peed.
So we're over that hurdle.
If we can get him eating and pooping, he'll, y'know, not die.
Slow learning curve, but we're getting there.
Ope, he just devoured a quarter of the tuna I opened on night 1 to try to lure him out.
He's got a belly full of grub now.
He had to starve for 2 days for it to happen, but we're good there now.
Now he's up on my bed.
Attacking the blankets, pillows, and any sheet wrinkle he can grab.
And his own tail, natch.
Hyperactive kitten energy stuff.
Clovis hide-n-seek.
June 11th, 2020
Clovis played hide-n-seek again for 90 minutes.
He turned up behind the bureau again, after I'd already checked there 3 times.
I think he really does teleport.
Clovis pooped!
June 12th, 2020
Clovis finally pooped!
And he's a good burier!
Wembley & Digby made me do it with the scoop, and watched me with sadistic glee.
Anyway, now he's all hyper.
As if he needed an excuse.
Not that I'm fascinated with poop, I just want all his little parts to work.
When our last two little guys got sick, it first started to show up as litter troubles.
Clovis watches Creepshow.
June 14th, 2020.
Clovis isn't bothered by horror.
I was watching the latest episode of Creepshow the series, and a gore monster rips out of a guy, and another guy squashes it with a candy machine, and Clovis is sitting watching with rapt attention like it was something beautiful like a butterfly through a daffodil field.
Like "awww, monster guts! Hooray! Tralalaaa!".
He snuggled up and took a nap in my armpit after that.
Cats and dogs are impervious to being visually grossed out anyway.
I think that's entirely a human weakness.
Clovis pic.
June 14th, 2020
Damn, it's a shitty grainy 20 dollar drugstore camera, but even with that excuse, he really is that pale yellow.
He's on a pale yellow blanket, and almost disappears.
I cranked the contrast as high as I dared to to try to get him to pop.
His eyes are blue if you look at them head on, and orange if you look at them from an angle.
I'm sure the orange will win when he grows up.
When he curls all the way up, he looks like a batter fried shrimp.
And, that was week one with our new little fella.
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social media
...but the plague had other plans, Part 14.
Another release date bump for...
Wonder Woman 1984
From August 12th, to October 2nd.
Frankly, I'm relieved.
Like I said a couple entries ago...
Eh...I might feel safe in November...but I dunno about August.....
...and like I said here..
I'm probably gonna miss this a second time....I'm not gonna feel safe going out in August.
Not unless they're handing out bio-hazard suits at the door.
I'd kinda like New Mutants to get bumped too.
I'm hearing a second corona wave will be in full swing by August, along with a nice lovely housing bubble.
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blog stuff,
ruined by bullshit,
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Another Batwoman update.
Straight from the showrunner's own keyboard....
Kate Kane doesn't die!
I'll let the tweet speak for itself.
So, there you go!
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Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Batwoman rumors.
Geez, that was quick...
First up...
Vanessa Morgan from "Riverdale", is allegedly in the running to play the new Batwoman, Ryan Wilder, and she's expected to screen test soon.
If true, so much for them searching for an LGBT actress, Morgan is married to a dude.
Next up, rumored plot details.
Scarecrow is going to be the big-bad of season 2, and he kills Ryan's mom, which inspires her to don the cowl, and become Batwoman to fight him.
How does she get the cowl away from Kate?
What happens to Kate?
How do they resolve season 1's cliffhanger?
They kill Kate offscreen.
*Fart noise*
Yeah, I don't like it, but they were painted into a corner.
So much for Ruby Rose being able to come back for crossovers, or finales, or whatever.
And are they gonna kill or abandon Alice?
She carried the fucking show, IMHO.
Of course, this assumes this is real.
As the headline says, it's all rumor.
We'll see in coming weeks and months.
Hollywood is rushing to open up, in spite of the plague not being over, so CW will want to get shooting on all the shows as soon as possible.
News will be coming sooner rather than later.
Stay tuned...
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Evil Dead Now!
Damn, 9 months since the last crumb of Evil Dead 4 news....
Title is "Evil Dead Now".
Director is Lee Cronin.
The direction the series is going to take now is rotating new characters finding the book.
The character for this one is going to be female.
Here's the quotes straight from Bruce Campbell.
“We’re just getting off the phone with Lee Cronin, who is writing and directing the next ‘Evil Dead’. It’s called ‘Evil Dead Now.’ Sam [Raimi] handpicked Lee – he did a cool movie called ‘The Hole In The Ground.’ We’re going to get that sucker out as soon as practical.”
“From this point forward, they kind of have to stand on their own. Which is fine. And liberating. You could have different heroes, different heroines in this case. This one’s gonna be a little more dynamic. We just want to keep the series current. And the mantra, really, is that our heroes and heroines are just regular people. That’s what we’re going to continue.”
This all fits with what he said last time...
Bruce Campbell was at Rock and Shock festival, and he confirmed they are going forward, that they have an idea, they have a filmmaker picked out to direct it, and there will be no Ash, and no passing of the torch from Ash to the new person.
That there would be "a new idiot", to take up the mantle, and that there'll always be stories of innocent people with limited ability versus evil books to tell.
Which progresses from what Sam Raimi said 11 months ago....
“I would be thrilled if Bruce Campbell changed his mind about retirement, would come back for the original ‘Evil Dead’ line. But if not, I’m very happy to work with, if Fede [Álvarez] would come back and make the sequel… but he’s such a big shot now. He’s so successful, an artist in demand, that I don’t think he’d want to do that. But there’s also a third possibility we’re talking about…I think you may see some action on the Evil Dead movie in the next six months.”
So, this idea of the book passing to new heroes/victims indeed seems to be the this third thing, since Bruce refuses to even cameo, and they definitely didn't get Fede back for a Mia sequel.
And Mia is off doing sitcoms.
No sequels for Mia.
Oh, solo Mia!
Anyway, stay tuned for casting and stuff...
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Evil Dead,
Monday, June 8, 2020
Happy 36th anniversary, Ghostbusters!!
Previous years-
- 30th anniversary
- 31st anniversary
- 32nd anniversary
- 33rd anniversary
- 34th anniversary
- 35th anniversary
What's happened since last year...
Ghostbusters Afterlife!!
- Happy pre-anniversary, Ghostbusters 2020!!
- "All right, let's talk Ghostbusters 3", Part 2.
- Ghostbusters 3 casting part 6. (1-5 confirmed)
- Ghostbusters 3 casting part 7. (Annie Potts)
- Ghostbusters 3 casting part 8. (Paul Rudd)
- Ghostbusters 2020 casting part 9 (Logan Kim, Celeste O'Conner)
- Ghostbusters 2020 casting part 10 (Oliver Cooper)
- GB20 cast updates. (IMDB confirmations, secondary characters)
- Ghostbusters 2020 casting confirmation. (Bill Murray's scenes shot)
- GB3 title confirmed as "Ghostbusters 2020".
- First GB20 set pic!
- Second GB20 set pic.
- Third and fourth GB20 set pics.
- Fifth and sixth GB20 set pics.
- Tobin's Spirit Guide!
- Ghostbusters 2020 wraps!
- GB2020 wraps! ...again...sorta...
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (?)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (confirmed!!)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (first look!!)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (teaser poster!!)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (TRAILER!!)
- All right, let's talk that GBA trailer.
- All right, let's talk that GBA trailer- Part 2.
- Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement!
- GB2, GBA, and Cannibal Girls!
- Return of Ghostbusters Twinkies!!
- Ghostbusters: Afterlife toys!
- GB: Afterlife references in GB: Year One!
- GB: Afterlife composer.
- GB: Afterlife delayed to next March by corona-virus. :-(
- GB: ATC turned 3 years old.
- ATC getting phased out? Looks like it.
- GB:ATC "Feyger cut"?
- Ghosts Of Cybertron 6 (More Ecto-Optimus, and plot)
- Ghosts Of Cybertron review.
- Ghostbusters: What's Not Canon.
- The next Ghostbusters comic!
- Ghostbusters: Year One.
- Ghostbusters biographies.
- Ghostbusters tag.
- Ghostbusters My Little Pony.
So, yeah, this was supposed to be the year I was going to be firing off the victory fireworks getting ready to see "Ghostbusters: Afterlife".
But, the coronapocalypse had other plans.
See you next year for that, I guess....
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Sunday, June 7, 2020
...but the plague had other plans, Part 13.
A couple DC/Marvel updates...
First up, DC comics is severing ties with Diamond Distributors.
Good, fuck Diamond.
Disney "is taking seriously", Nazi cops who misuse the Punisher logo.
Punishing lawsuits?
We'll see...
Yeah, that's connected to the BLM protests/riots, and IMHO, those were ignited by the virus.
I think the white community being mass-unemployed, and able to read/view all the horrible shit cops have been up to without the excuse of "I don't have time for that shit, I've got work! I've got mouths to feed!".
Ain't "too busy", now are ya?
That's why the Repugs wanted "the economy turned back on", so fucking bad.
So, yeah, evil cop/riot/protest stuff will be under the banner of the corona tag now.
My blog, my rules.
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blog stuff,
surprise social change,
Thursday, June 4, 2020
GB:ATC "Feyger cut"?
Probably intended as a joke, but if real, I'd watch it.
May 21st, Paul Feig tweeted...
There’s a three and a half hour cut of Ghostbusters: ATC I’d be happy to share. #FeygerCut
Course, this in reference to the "Snyder cut", which is finally coming out on HBOMax as "Zack Snyder's Justice League".
Hey, we never thought that would happen, and it is, so...y'know, don't lose hope, ATC fans.
Like I said up top, he's probably joking, BUT...if fans rallied for it long and hard enough, and Sony let him put it out there into the world, I hardly think he'd say "no", to the idea.
You never know....
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Batwoman rebooting!
Yep, that's how they're solving the re-casting issue.
I mean, it's not a hard reboot, it'll still be in the timeline of the other CW shows, and the first season of Batwoman, but they're starting all over with a new character inheriting the mantle of Batwoman.
The character of Kate Kane will be replaced with Ryan Wilder.
From here...
The character is described as "likable, messy, a little goofy and untamed. She’s also nothing like Kate Kane, the woman who wore the batsuit before her."
"With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. A girl who would steal milk for an alley cat could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical All-American hero."
Hmm, she sounds like a female Jason Todd.
Still not casted, but Sonya Deville and Jade Taylor have thrown their hats into the ring on top of Stephanie Beatriz.
Oh, and from last time..
I'm expecting John Campea to rant similar.
He can go 50-50 on the douche meter.
We'll see.
No, he was actually pretty rational.
Still no word on why Rose left, but speculation from inside sources is she wasn't prepared for the grueling schedule, having to carry the whole show on her shoulders, and having to live in Vancouver.
Stay tuned for more.
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The movie summer that would have been. (Part 3)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Previously with this movie...
I definitely would have dug it.
I probably would have raved that it was better than part one whether it was or not.
Then time and calming down would have made me re-assess.
But...come on, she swings on a goddamned lightning bolt in the trailer, it's gonna be better, who are we kidding?
I'm probably gonna miss this a second time....I'm not gonna feel safe going out in August.
Not unless they're handing out bio-hazard suits at the door.
See you on Blu-Ray, Wonder Woman.
See you July 10th for Ghostbusters: Afterlife!!!
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Monday, June 1, 2020
Isolation marathon (Part 6).
Man, took me awhile to get to this one, huh?
Sorry 'bout that.
Y'know, stuff going on...
Superhero trilogies!!
Captain America trilogy.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Old reviews-
First Avenger.
Winter Soldier.
Civil War.
Yep, instead of always keeping the whole MCU in one big iceberg all the time, I decided to sift characters out.
Wanted to see how just the Caps play as a trilogy pretending I didn't see any of the others.
Holy shit, do they play!!
Fuck it, I'll say it, best trilogy in the MCU, and tied with Dark Knight for best superhero trilogy, period.
Yeah, the Avengers movies are incredible, but they're a quadrilogy.
Disqualified by math y'see.
Speaking of Dark Knight...
The Dark Knight Trilogy.
Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Old reviews-
It's like binge-ing a miniseries.
Goddamned masterpiece.
And for the trillionth time, fuck the "Rises", haters.
With a lotion dipped icicle.
Snyder-verse trilogy.
Man Of Steel (2013)
Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)
Justice League (2017)
Old reviews-
Another epic miniseries.
And no, I didn't watch this cuz of the Snyder Cut of JL coming soon; it was on the list when I started in March after the last one of these.
And the JL Whedon Cut bashers can kiss my balls too.
Is it a perfect film?
Hell no.
But I love the humor, and it's a breath of fresh air after the gloom in BvS.
I love BvS, I'm just saying.
We needed a "Return Of The Jedi", after BvS's Empire.
Maybe the Snyder Cut will be bright and happy too, but I doubt it.
Classic Superman.
Superman The Movie (1978)
Superman II (1980)
Superman III (1983)
Old reviews here.
They still hold up!
And I still defend 3.
It has great moments.
Now, I left out 4, and Returns, cuz the original 3 were planned out as a trilogy.
1 & 2 were shot back to back, and 3 is advertised right in the credits of 2.
4 was a cash grab from Cannon, and Returns was retroactive decades later.
Raimi Spider-Man.
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Original reviews here.
Love me some Kirsten Dunst.
Although, Mary Jane is kind of a crybaby brat in 3.
Anyway, I didn't get to complete this trilogy, cuz it turns out my DVD of 3 is broken.
It gets to when Sandman re-constitutes himself from mud, and starts to break up, and then when bad-Peter goes to the jazz club, it crashes.
If I bother to replace 3, I may as well upgrade all 3 to blu-ray.
On the list that goes....
Hulk (jury-rigged)
Hulk (2003)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Thor Ragnarok (2017)
Old reviews of the first two here and here.
Ragnarok here.
Now, I explained my logic of why I canonize Ang Lee's Hulk in the second link, but here it is again... can kinda make this work in continuity with the other one.
If you pretend the gamma ray chair is a failed cure, instead of what turned him, and that the reason he doesn't grow three sizes anymore, is Absorbing Man drained off his extra radiation.
Why would you want to keep this one?
Well, all the other heroes have some emotional backstory, but you don't quite get that in the Ed Norton one.
With this one, you get that Banner's emotional baggage comes from his psycho dad.
And, that gives another layer to the Banner/Stark friendship in Avengers, they both have daddy issues.
Yeah, this one is in my canon.
Plus, it was Universal's intention that it be canon.
"Hulk", ends with Banner hiding in South America, and "The Incredible Hulk", picks right up with Banner in South America.
As for may as well call it "Planet Hulk".
Marvel was giving the finger to Universal yet again.
Come on, kids, play nice.
Don't make me come up there.
Anyway, of course Ragnarok totally blows the other two away, but it's a fun journey getting there through the other two.
First Class Trilogy.
X-Men: First Class (2011)
X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Old reviews-
First Class.
Future Past.
Y'know...these are the only X-Men movies you really need.
There's nothing in the continuity of the others you desperately miss.
These tell the whole story just fine.
Apocalypse is this trilogy's "Superman 3".
Kinda overblown and goofy, but has wonderful moments.
And its flaws aren't nearly enough to ruin the first two.
Also, there's a nice meta moment where they slam their own movie by having Jean Grey walking out of "Return Of The Jedi", and saying "third ones are always the worst".
I leave out "Dark Phoenix", for similar reasons to "Superman 4".
The trilogy was done, we didn't need a tack-on.
Y'know, the X-Men are really meatier richer characters than the Avengers, they deserve better movies.
These are great, but the MCU needs to do the Dark Phoenix Saga right.
In the comics, that shit makes Infinity War & Endgame look like fucking Carebears.
C'mon, Hollywood, get your goddamned shit together.
Bring Comicbookgirl19 on as an advisor.
Dragon Tattoo/Millennium trilogy.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2009)
The Girl Who Played With Fire (2009)
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (2009)
Old reviews here.
I need to upgrade to the 3 hour cuts on blu-ray.
They either weren't available in the US when I got them on DVD, or they were ridiculously over priced. I can't remember which.
Now, fuck it, I want everything.
The 3 hours cuts of the Swedish ones, the Roony Mara remake, and "Spider's Web".
And, it bears mentioning the TV series is coming.
Again, as with Snyder Cut, it wasn't planned that way, these were on the list way before the news dropped.
So....why does Lisbeth go on a list of superheroes?
I think she's pop-culturally significant enough to count.
Plus, every superhero doesn't have to have powers.
Batman doesn't.
Punisher doesn't.
Hawkeye doesn't.
Black Widow doesn't.
She hacks, he rides a motorcycle, she uses martial arts and gizmos to bring down bigger guys.
She's basically Batgirl.
An R rated anti-rapist Batgirl without a cape and cowl.
Her only flaw is she needed a better writer for her second trilogy.
Maybe the Amazon show-runners will do better.
Here's hoping.
Tenchi Muyo Movies.
Tenchi The Movie: Tenchi Muyo In Love (1996)
Tenchi The Movie 2: Daughter Of Darkness (1997)
Tenchi Forever (1999)
Old reviews here.
Haven't seen these in ages, and it was about time, I figured.
Plus, I needed to get some anime in there.
Plus, classier animes like Cowboy Bebop don't have trilogies.
Bebop did exactly one goddamned movie.
Ditto Evangelion.
So, Tenchi it is.
Think last time I saw these was my 30's.
Been a lot of growth and change since then, and a lot of water under the bridge with this franchise, I needed to see how I saw them as a 40-something.
A lot differently.
But the nostalgia glimmers were still there.
To be really sure, I also watched these in Japanese with subtitles for the first time ever, so even the American voice actors wouldn't influence me.
Tenchi 1/TMIL, okay.
It's "Back To The Future", meets "Terminator", with the ending of "Ghostbusters".
Tenchi has to go back in time, and save his parents, or he'll get erased, and there's a big "blow up the giant monster", fight at the end.
Pretty shallow and fluffy.
The love story between his parents is sugary bordering on cringe.
You could plug the characters of any anime series into this plot.
Pretty basic. could do worse.
Again, it's...okay.
Not an unrestrained thumbs up.
Not all the way to wavey-hand.
Just okay.
Tenchi 2/, well, it's better than TMIL.
Not by leaps and bounds, but an improvement.
The villain of TMIL was just a paper thin mustache twirler with no backstory or motivation.
He just blew shit up.
The villains in 2 & 3 are mind-fuckers, and that suits the tone of Tenchi better.
Here, we get Yuzuha who clones a daughter for Tenchi, Mayuka, who's an unwitting/unwilling mole agent sent to capture Tenchi to get petty revenge on Tenchi's grandpa.
The story of the Tenchi family warming up to Mayuka is sugary bordering on cringe (like the Tenchi's parents love story in TMIL).
BUT, the sugary cringe is contrasted with really dark shit where Yuzaha tries to force hypnotic incest between Mayuka and Tenchi for...shits and giggles, basically.
Anime is fucking weird.
But, overall, the characters have more depth, and pathos, and drama, and humor than TMIL, so again, it's still flawed, but an improvement.
Tenchi Forever.
Best of the three, hands down.
Plot is, the ghost of Tenchi's grandpa's former girlfriend kidnaps Tenchi to a parallel holodeck fantasy world where they live and fuck in a Groundhog Day forever.
Ryoko and Aeka have to save him before the holodeck-verse absorbs his lifeforce and collapses.
This one held up.
This genuinely plays with your feels without the sugar and/or cringe.
And the animation and score are gorgeous.
I LOVE this score.
They got the formula right this time.
This is the Ryoko and Ayeka I remember.
I wasn't hallucinating.
This franchise did have shining moments to recommend it.
Now I have to re-watch the series.
Well, I have shows for a future episode of these, on that list it goes.
So, there, that iceberg chunk is finally done.
Next up, superhero duologies.
Cuz a surprising amount of great series stalled out at two.
Hopefully, those will fly by quicker.
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