In " Francisco's money speech, by Ayn Rand- Nitpicked.", I dismantled a bullshit philosophy written by a psychopath.
But, I think I can do it much quicker this time.
It's white supremacy.
Mic drop.
Oh, you want that explained?
Oh, all right then.....
Pretending for the sake of argument you could even get Rand's bullshit to work, it could only work (in this country) if everyone were Vulcans, and those Vulcans started on a level playing field by undoing all the damage done by slavery and Jim Crow with reparations, and affirmative action on steroids.
But American history didn't go that way, blacks had the game rigged against them from the start with slavery, then Jim Crow, and all the way to today with biased policing, underfunded schools, and voter suppression.
And conservatives kick, and scream, and thrash, and squeal, and flail, and pants piss against any strategy short of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", for fixing the problem.
You can't pull your bootstraps if you ain't got no fucking boots.
And the conservatives don't want to hand out any boots.
They say "the government shouldn't do it, let private charity do it".
But then they don't give to charity.
So, KNOWING this country is rigged, and KNOWING they're the ones that cut every rope, and kick down every ladder, and KNOWING it just so happens to always fuck over minorities, and KNOWING none of this is a good look on them, and NOT GIVING A FUCK, what are we left to conclude??
Yeah, it's racism.
And Ayn Rand's model of the industrialist as uber-man never has black people in it.
A big whoopsie oversight?
It's white people patting themselves on the back for how awesome they are, and how much more awesome they could be if all "those people", would just go away.
It's dog whistled as "socialists", but yeah, come on.
And I've heard this shit described as "a rebellion against romanticism".
Oh, bullshit.
It's plenty damned romantic.
Sloppily so.
Just for an Aryan Superman world full of Art Deco skyscrapers.
So, there goes the Vulcanism.
Even Rand couldn't manage it.
None of the Randroids manage it.
Biggest Randroid I ever knew, went by the handle Storm Rucker, he's gone full on Trumpster.
Gee, how did that happen?
Did a little flying saucer come in through his bedoom window in his sleep, and zap his brain?
Trumpism is where this shit naturally goes.
Oh, and one of their favorite slogans is "taxes are theft!!".
It's not just Randroids, you hear it in a lot of strains of conservatism/libertarianism, but Randroids go to it like Dirty Harry to his Magnum.
"Taxes are theft!!".
You should always answer that with "fuck you!".
Like I said last time..
Did you use the roads?
Did you benefit from the fire department?
Pay your fucking taxes.
These rich douche-bags think everyone's the leech on them, when they're the leeches.
Did you use employees?
Did those employees go to public school?
Did they drive to your company on the public roads?
Then you cashed in on the state's dime.
Pay your fucking taxes.
You're paying back what's owed.
It's not theft if it's your fucking bill.
Unless you cloned yourself, downloaded the education into the clones from scanned books you bought out of pocket, teleported all the materials to do so, and did every job in your company as a one man Borg collective, you goddamned owe.
Pay up, shithead.
If you feel "burdened", by society, leave.
Go eat weasel stew in the wilderness.
Nope, rich people want all the goodies, and they want it free, like a little kid.
Or a shoplifter.
Like Trump.
In fact, lowering taxes on the wealthy, and raising them on the middle class is what's fucking theft.
Tax cuts, and then hiding wealth in offshore tax shelters is sucking the blood sweat and tears of the middle class.
It's a jack.
That's your and my money in their vaults!
And their propaganda ministers are telling you its the opposite.
And Ayn Rand is one of the big ones.
Fuck them.
And fuck their myth of "the self made man".
That's code for "I didn't need anybody!", but they did, unless they're a sentient nanite cloud that created skyscrapers by pure will.
That's why all those assholes shat blood over Obama saying "you didn't build that", about that model skyscraper.
He was right, their philosophy is a lie, and I'm sure it didn't help that a black dude said it to 'em.
Fuck them.
Just like the conspiracy community has antisemitism smeared all over it, this uber-man strain of thought is stuffed to bursting with white supremacy.
This whole idea of being better than everyone comes right out of rich white privilege (and envy of rich white privilege) and nowhere else.
There's no other way you get there.
Except I guess religious supremacy, but Randism is supposed to be atheist.
And is it any fucking wonder that "Atlas Shrugged", and "The Fountainhead", sold like hotcakes in America, a country where (white) poor people see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires?
Oh, no, I'm sure all this just stumbled together by accident, and just happens to look like racist garbage in every detail.
It's not a duck, it's really a badger that got radical surgery to look, sound, act, smell, and taste like a duck.
Give me a physical break.
So, yeah, that's the long form version.
I wrap up by repeating the short version.
It's white supremacy.
Mic drop.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
20 hours ago
#4: I'm still on Music Babble. That place has been going for 17 years. It does creep me out when I can't find people on social media, but sometimes finding them doesn't result in anything. Hey, I wonder where Josh Martin is but what would I talk with him about, maybe he wouldn't want to. Maybe the old Internet Wild West (1996-2000?) was bad too, it just wasn't so widespread and overused and just didn't seem as bad. Facebook really is kind of boring though, as much as I check it it seems like the only reason I'm on it is because everyone else is. I'm not quite to the point of screaming "oh screw it, social media is poison it's killing us all!" but it's got its downsides.
#5: We're getting old. I recently revisited my old high school after 15 years and the building had been mostly remodelled and I couldn't find my way around it and the school (in spite of the fact that they don't care about anything but sports) was full with little autistic spaz kids like I PIONEERED back in the 90s. I went to a high school football game too, I don't care about the sport but liked the atmosphere of being in the stadium as a kid and hoped to get it back by going to the game, but it was over really quickly and I didn't enjoy it much.
So yeah, it's sad but yes your nostalgia can get exhausted too.
I've got loads of old video games that made me so happy as a kid and I could plug 'em in and enjoy a few minutes...then the high drops off. They just sit there. I haven't played some of them in years.
Gotta make new memories and find something new because that sort of thing has sustained me for so long and now this last couple of years, it's finally dropping off.
Marysville, old hometown, all the nice little stores and grocery places I used to like got scared off by Wal Mart.
Manhattan, where I live, the mall is a dull bore and Digital Shelf, CD Tradepost, Wheat State Pizza, Hasting's Entertainment Superstore, Varney's Book Store, The Dusty Bookshelf, all gone. There's one record store left, Sisters Of Sound I can't BELIEVE it's still going. (And yeah, thanks to my smartphone I'm rarely doing CDs anymore anyway.) They'll be missed...oh well at least we have Popeye's and Five Guys now, sneerheer.
Shit dies, shit dies.
#6: I wonder if any of these people today know about DAN QUAYLE'S comments on AIDS...painfully bad. I can't believe Quayle is even still alive (or that he was still in his 30s when he was VP!)
Ebert: Be advised that everyone hates at least a couple "classics"...I'm sure you and I if we looked at the AFI Top 100 we could find one or two. Also, Ebert could be plenty apologetic, so no it's not the "no apologies" thing--he got blasted pretty hard over his snarky comments over Ryan Dunn's death and spit out a pretty hard apology over that. Anyway, you could replace "most respected critic" with "most popular critic" and there'd be your answer, and hey at least Leonard Maltin also wasn't the subject of public fat jokes his entire life. (He also probably didn't write a review from the POV of Garfield either, but never mind.) Public critics don't have as much power as they did because of the decline of print media, you want to look up reviews they're written by everyone on the Internet, including you and me....had Ebert lived further, he'd probably still have declined a bit like everyone else. I think it's kind of a loss...I like that there were more public intellectuals back in the day even if they did occasionally fall on their face.
And whatever one thinks of Ebert, he certainly was more literate and more cultured than most critics and most people in general. It's not like he was just some fat slob who was handed a job. He probably wasn't going to go back on "I Spit On Your Grave" because he hated exploitation movies in general, he wrote a parody of them, was rarely nice to them even in the 70s.
There's nobody out there you're going to agree with 100 percent if you look hard enough...certainly Ebert had his bad moments.
#7: I laughed my ass off all those years ago reading that explanation of where "Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion" actually came from. "Dialogues Between Robespierre & Montesquiu In Hell" was it? I also love how when nobody knows anything about Henry Ford they know he's the car guy, but when they learn ANYTHING else about him, it's the bigotry. I also recently read parts of an awful book called "Trump Aftershock" about evangelical support for Trump and it was full of "George Soros is trying to control the world through a shadow government!" and bashing Hillary for taking lessons from Saul Alinsky (admittedly a bit embarrassing) when Trump took lessons from ROY COHN who was pure evil.
Ugh, why'd you have to remind me of the existence of "Zeitgeist: The Movie." That thing should end up being the "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" of the 00s.
#8: Oh, it's Romanticism alright--Rand herself as such calls it that in her intro to the book--John Galt is supposed to be the highest, most absolute Romantic perfection of man imaginable. To be fair, I don't remember anything Rand said about non-white people, but
However, a recent re-reading of my much-loathed high school English class "classic" "A Separate Peace" revealed that that book isn't really nearly anywhere near as bad as I remember it, so that means "Atlas Shrugged" is indeed, the worst book I've ever read. (Hey, I'm not going to read "Mein Kampf.")
It's all a reaction against Political Correctness that any young people would still fall for untenable philosophies like Objectivism. Hell I'm convinced ALL popular conservative thought in this country right now is a reaction to PC.
I guess if I had to give Penn Jillette credit for anything he at least called out Trump (and while we're at it, hey, if you want to have some fun go read *Legion*'s Twitter--he seems to be liberal now!) and he was a Randroid, and I was relieved because I REALLY hated him for that godawful "global warming debunking" episode of "Bullshit!" where he ran around getting hippies to sign a petition banning water. (Also because Adam Ruins Everything seems to be way better than P&J's show, not to mention somewhat more merciful.)
Hey, on the bright side, Papa John just got his ass handed to him.
#4: The trick to Facebook, is you have to subscribe to a bunch of shit so your feed will always be amusing.
Get "Cyanaide And Happiness".
That guy churns out comics like a crack fiend.
#5: I don't know what's more of a drag, the good old days fading, or finding out the good old days were a lie.
One way, if you had a time machine, you could get it back.
The other way, you can't even get it back with a time machine once you know it was all a lie. My shitty relative never liked me. It was all a facade.
Visited every week for 30 years.
Time flushed down the toilet.
Well, I guess I could get the time back telling myself "don't even fucking go. Play video games, or watch porn or something, but just don't fucking go".
#6: Ohh, all riiight, people are complicated.
I'm sure if I dug around, I could find something wrong with Maltin and Joe Bob.
#7: Re: The origin of "Protocols...".
Yep, it's like if a Saturday Night Live skit got rewritten and then killed people.
Y'know, 100-200 years from now, it'll probably happen.
#8: Yeah, I hate when PC goes too far, but every time we loosen up the valve a little, the skinheads pop out of the fucking floorboards.
This is why we can't have nice things.
And yes, Adam Ruins Everything is better than Bullshit!
#4 - I'll look for Cyanide & Happiness.
#5 - Oh, it's actually a third possibility--nostalgia for "the good old days" even though you were already well aware that's not really how things were to begin with, and you knew it while they were happening, and thought "ugh, I'm going to end up nostalgic for this shit someday," and it inevitably happens even though you thought you were too smart to ever let it. I guess the moral is that the dumber you are as a kid, the happier you are!
If I had a time machine....I bet the high of actually being able to revisit my past would wear off really quickly. Would there be some catch in time travel that I'd be able to enjoy stuff for the FIRST TIME again? Because then, that'd be awesome, but it surely can't happen. I mean, I spent most of the ages between 13 and 16 amassing an expensive sports card collection which I loved to pieces and surely wouldn't even DREAM of bothering to do today. I'd also probably find all of my own *friends* (the kids at school I actually DIDN'T hate!) stupid and immature and unfunny and macho.
#6 - Can't think of anything Maltin or Joe Bob did...I'm sure the #MeToo crowd would probably take issue with Joe Bob's love of...what, old 70s movies with horrible rape scenes in them? (Isn't it weird that when the standards were loosened in the late 60s, Hollywood IMMEDIATELY got down to including explicit horrible rape scenes in movies? "A Clockwork Orange," "High Plains Drifter," "The Last House On The Left," "Frenzy," "Deliverance," "Straw Dogs.") Joe Bob had that goofy role in "Casino" that he performed under his own name, I bet he was thrilled to do that one.
#7 - I immediately thought of that old sketch with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor doing the word association test which would get SNL in SO much trouble today! ("DEAD honky!")
#8 - Yeah, it's really awful right now, we're caught between Trumpanzees and PC stormtroopers. A past we won't want to revisit when it's gone, which won't be a day too soon!
Holy shit!!
Aquaman has an "Africa", remix!!
I was right, Randism is the gateway drug to Nazism.
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