Saturday, December 21, 2019

Big 2019 year end movie recap.


Same thing I said last time about the format change.

Here we go....

1. Joker

Yep, I hinted at it in the winter list, and there it is.

2. Avengers: Endgame

Endgame is a masterpiece of spectacle, but Joker is art.
Tough call, they're separated by fractional digits, but Joker won out.

3. The Rise Of Skywalker

Again, it's Star Wars.

4. Doctor Sleep

I said it would be in my top 5 for the whole year, and so it is.
It didn't get the box-office love it deserved though.
It was a Bladerunner 2 situation.

5. Spider-Man: Far From Home

Glad we're getting Tom Holland back for one more to finish off the trilogy, and one more team-up film.

6. IT: Chapter Two

Safe bet that this duology will go down in Stephen King history along with his other all-time greats.

7. Shazam!

I hope Birds Of Prey and Wonder Woman 1984 can keep up this fun upswing that DC is on.

8. Captain Marvel

The closest thing the MCU has to a Superman, really.

9. Dark Phoenix

I hope it doesn't take 'til the fucking 2030's for Marvel/Disney to get around to rebooting this property.

10. Terminator: Dark Fate

Much as I liked it, we're probably not getting a sequel.

11. Zombieland: Double Tap

OTOH, they made this one for pretty cheap, so I think it made its money back opening weekend.
We're good to go for part 3 if they want.

12. Glass

Shit, I still haven't bought this one disk.
Gotta get around to that.

13. Brightburn

However, if I ever buy this one, it'll be for compulsive superhero completism.
It's a good flick, but it's one of those "watch it once, and you're good", ones.

14. Pet Sematary

The weakest of the Stephen King renaissance movies next to "Dark Tower".
The IT duology, and Doctor Sleep blast this out of the water with torpedoes.

15. Hellboy

Stinkah winkah!

Summer was rough for Hollywood overall, but the winter movies bailed them out.
There were a lot of huge things like "Frozen 2", that just weren't for me.

Looking at this crop of ones I bothered to watch, pretty damned sweet.
2019 won't go down as one of the all time great movie years, but some of the all time great movies are in this year.

That was 2019.
See you in February for Birds Of Prey.

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