Friday, December 13, 2019

All right, let's talk that GBA trailer- Part 2.

Meedyah Morsels #183.


"All right, let's talk Ghostbusters 3", Part 4.

So, last time I dissected all the little nerdy details of the trailer, but I neglected the tiny little detail of what I actually thought of it.

Loved it.
Loved the shit out of it.

And, I gotta be honest, I can tell I'm probably gonna like the movie better than Answer The Call.

As much as I love Ghostbusters 2, and Answer The Call, I acknowledge that they both build off the same skeleton as Ghostbusters 1.

This looks like a brand new story in a brand new setting with a brand new style (for Ghostbusters).

Jason Reitman was right, Paul Feig had to kick down the door and take all the bullets for him to be able to do his take.
If this had come out in 2016, the man-babies would have been like "where's the firehouse?!?! Where's Slimer?!?! Waahh!!".

Now, we've done the New York firehouse thing with ATC, we can move on now.

So, yep, probably gonna be better than ATC.
How I'll rank all four after I see the film, that's the mystery.
I'm gonna guess GB1, GBA, GB:ATC, GB2.

But, you never know, GBA might tie or topple GB1.
Hey, it could happen.

Previously with GBA/MM-

All right, let's talk that GBA trailer. (MM #182)

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