Meedyah Morsels #201.
As I asked here, "is Ghostbusters 2 canon anymore in this universe?".
Well, we still don't know for absolutely sure, but someone did find a GB2 Easter egg.
Okay, in GB2, there's the montage set to "Flip City", by Glenn Frey, and right about when it starts, we go by a movie theater playing "Cannibal Girls".
This is a real movie that Ivan Reitman directed.
It was just before "Meatballs", and his career started taking off.
Anyway, someone spotted this during the filming of GBA in Calgary....
Boom, Cannibal Girls.
Here's the poster zoomed in on.
And here's the actual poster.
So, it's not a direct plot connection to GB2, but the fact that Jason Reitman is putting this much detail into things like that shows he gives a shit, and there'll probably be something deeper in the actual flick to tie everything together.
Anyway, not Earth shattering, but just a bit of fun, like the Tobin's Spirit Guide thing.
Previously with GBA-
Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement!
Previously with MM-
Meedyah Morsels #1-200 compilation.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
I don't know if you saw "Midsommar," but if you didn' SUCKS. Painfully long, painfully slow, no likeable (or even GOOD) characters, four annoying dipshit asshole American college kids go to Sweden where some goofy cult is enacting a pagan outdoor ritual festival and blahedgy blahedgy blaaaa, cue the gory human sacrifice sicko shit that you'd think would happen.
I maintain that Ari Aster can frame shots and come up with creepy atmospheric shit and gore but GOD this thing is snail paced and devoid of meaning.
Way worse than "Hereditary" IMO, and you hated "Hereditary," so's...
Cheerfully avoided!
Geez, at least Nick Cage's "Wicker Man", remake has absurd shit like "not the bees!!!".
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