Saturday, January 30, 2016
Happy (belated) 16th anniversary, The Krazyfool Show!!
Crap! It was yesterday!
Yeah, I was catching up on "Clone Wars", and "Rebels", cuz Force Awakens re-activated my Star Wars junkie habit, and I totally got amnesia towards checking the calendar.
Um...nothing new to report.
Krazyfool Show episode 5 still happens in QD season 3, and I'm nowhere near close to it.
No fucking idea when I'll get to it.
But, at least I observed it.
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Big Winter Movies (Part 3.85).
- Part 0 (HC3)
- Part 1 (Ash)
- Part 1.5 (Ash)
- Part 2 (Creed)
- Part 3 (Force Awakens)
- Part 3.5 (Force Awakens)
- Part 3.75 (Force Awakens)
Yep, it's Star Wars again!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Like I said last time, I love it more every time I see it.
I see more every time.
More Easter eggs, more background details, more performance/character nuances, it's a jam packed flick.
Can't wait to examine the Blu-ray with a fine toothed comb.
I've seen it enough now, it's starting to integrate more and more into the larger saga for me.
I move the original ANH around on the scale as the mood strikes me, but I still like TFA a smidge better than ROTJ.
ESB is still the king.
Prequels are always last, going 3, 2, 1.
I'd discuss spoilers in this one, but....doesn't everyone know them by now?
If you haven't seen this by now, WTF are you doing?
Got my ideal seat, and hardly anyone was there, and everyone shut the fuck up.
Best viewing yet.
Anyhoo, I did it, four times.
I topped my "Guardians Of The Galaxy", record.
Next up, Deadpool for sure!!
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Star Wars,
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Elevatorgate, 5 years later.
- Elevatorgate.
- *Sigh*.......fucking coffee, mumble, grumble....
- I had it right about "movements", two years ago.
- On "Atheism Plus".
Someone in a Facebook thread jogged my memory, that this coming July will mark 5 years ago this bullshit started.
So, here's where we are with this shit.
And it's actually pretty good news.
The elevatorgate-ers became Atheism Plus, Atheism Plus became Freethought Blogs, and Freethought Blogs has completely fucking imploded, and people have left it like rats off a sinking ship.
Now, it's just down to PZ Myers, and he's twisted up, and sad, and bitter, and hateful, and increasingly crazier, and people are washing their hands and feet of him in droves, and he seems to be planning to just go down in flames and smoke, spraying poison the whole way down.
Flame out, Peezus.
I'll get the marshmallows.
Their day is done, this shit seems to have a 5 year cycle.
But, the next cycle has started with the Social Justice Warriors going after video games.
The whole Anita Sarkeesian thing started up in about 2012-2013, so....we've got about til 2017-2018 for it to burn out.
Part of me wishes I'd blogged that new saga, but I covered pretty much how I feel about the SJW crowd in this Halloween post.
We've still got some residual atheists who've drunk the SJW Kool-Aid.
Steve Shives is pretty much ruined.
Eli Bosnick from "God Awful Movies", made an asshole of himself on "Cognitive Dissonance", but his show buddies kinda all laughed at him when he came back, and it all kinda blew over.
Mostly, its burnt off.
It's fading out, not building up.
It sure as hell is gearing up in the gamer community though.
But, thanks to the internet, there's a record of their damage, and tactics, and there was a quicker backlash this time.
We'll see in 2018 if their strain of the plague has been crapped out.
Be interesting to see what social group the SJWs try to destroy next.
I hope it's the Republicans.
Or cross-trainers.
Or Lumbersexuals.
Yeah, that'd be good.
SJWs ruining lumbersexuals.
Pick them next, SJWs.
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Sunday, January 17, 2016
Movies I was waiting for- The Sequel!
The prequel-
Movies I was waiting for in retrospective.
I was rereading that one, and I couldn't help noting that all the ones that didn't happen, have happened since, or are happening soon.
So, let's go back through that list.
For those that didn't click the link, these are films the internet of the late 90's promised me, and delivered on way late.
Star Wars
The Force Awakens finally gave me the Star Wars I was aching for back in the 90's.
Only 16 years late.
It's all good, I'm getting one a year until I die now.
Freddy vs Jason.
Came out 10 years late, and now it's old enough that it's already time for a remake.
Instead, we're getting re-remakes of Freddy and Jason separately.
Ah, well.
Lucky I got this one.
Alien vs. Predator
As I said last time, meh.
If they used the original Peter Biggs script, and put Prometheus level money into it, the concept could really be something.
Ain't gonna happen.
We're stuck with these.
Superman 5
"Superman Returns", was 5, "Man Of Steel", was 6, even though it's a reboot.
And from last time...
Batman vs. Superman, never happened.
Justice League, never happened.
They were never gonna happen.
Why did they fuck around with 'em?
Well, they're happening now.
And "Man Of Steel", was the retroactive prequel.
Oh, and the Tim Burton/Kevin Smith/Nick Cage one from the 90's that was supposed to be 5?
The debris field from that has been recycled into a documentary.
Also, the polar bears and caveman skull from that actually made cameos in "Man Of Steel", that I never noticed until recently.
And the mechanical spider ended up in "Superman: Doomsday", with animated Kevin Smith snarking at it.
Evil Dead 4
Finally happened as a TV series.
Season 2 is already lined up for next year.
20 years late is better than never.
Batman 5
So, in the 90's, Batman 5 was supposed to have Scarecrow and Harley Quinn, and Joker was going to come back as a fear gas hallucination.
"Batman Begins", had Scarecrow, "The Dark Knight", had Joker, all three Nolans had the human identity of Scarecrow, and "Suicide Squad", is finally gonna have Harley and Joker.
And the prequels to that are "Man Of Steel", and "Batman v Superman".
And the lost story for "Batman Triumphant", is going to be a comic book.
So, it all came together in the end.
20 years late.
Tron 2
It happened.
But we ain't getting a part 3.
It happened, I've got the ultimate cut in my file cabinet, I'm good to go.
Now, Zach Snyder is directing "Batman vs Superman", and the two Justice League films.
Ghostbusters 3
The final outing of the reunited cast ended up being in the video game.
As far as the film went, Bill Murray resisted, then Harold Ramis died, and that really killed it.
Now, we're getting a female casted reboot.
Which I'm actually excited about, because the director has a proven record of bringing the funny, the cast has a proven record of being funny, and everyone minus Ramis and Moranis are going to be in it in cameos, so it's a reunion anyway.
Also, the director is as much a Ghostbusters geek as I am.
It's in good hands.
It could still suck, but everything I've seen so far gives me hope.
Twilight Of The Dead
Nope, it wasn't Twilight, instead we got Land, Diary, Survival, and the final one will be Empire, and be a cable miniseries.
Predator 3
It happened.
I've cooled to it since that original review.
I keep hearing about 4 coming, but I'll believe it when I see it.
I'm not exactly chomping at the bit.
Godzilla remake
Just garbage.
So, 15 years later, they re-remade it.
*Wavey hand* ehh.
It made money, so this version is going to fight Rodan and Ghidorah, and then King-Kong.
That I'm excited to see.
A sequel to King-Kong vs Godzilla is only umm...60 years late!!!
Toxic Avenger 4
Happened 14 years ago.
A Youtube trailer a couple years ago said part 5 was going to happen when Toxie's children became 14 years old.
Well, *checks watch* come on, Lloyd, it's time!
All righty then.
That's the time capsule for 2016, following after the first in 2010.
I'll update this in another 6 years.
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Thursday, January 14, 2016
Happy 3rd birthday, Jade Shade!
Year 1.
Year 2.
All right, year three now!
2015's milestones...
- Eidolon turned 1.
- Dr. Herbert turned 4.
- Chokecherry turned 2.
- And I've chipped away, and gotten 18 chapters into season 2 with #19 on the way.
Most proud that I finally cleared the Freed Radicals recruitment drive chunk of the story.
I knew that was gonna be hard.
Now, like the Eidolon, Dr. Herbert, and Chokecherry anniversaries, let's do origins.
The origin of Dusty Irwin.
So, it's either 2012, or 2013, and I'm watching "Tales of the Rat Fink", on Ovation, and the origin of Rat Fink was, Big Daddy Roth hated Mickey Mouse, and all the cloying cute-ness he stood for, so he doodled Rat Fink on a napkin as the radical antithesis of every trait Micky had, and boom, a mascot of a mini empire was born.
I was stuck for ideas, so I followed the same process.
"Twilight", was at its height, and I hated it with a seething passion, so I took Edward, and made his anti-matter opposite, a fat, old, slovenly, surly, unkempt Ghostbuster/Vampire Killer.
Then, I needed a name,
So, among my favorite characters are Ambush Bug, and Ash.
So, Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Dust. Dusty.
Ambush Bug is Irwin Schwaub. Irwin.
Dusty Irwin.
Bam, there you go, it was that easy.
I was gonna base a whole book around him, but couldn't muscle up enough ideas, so it went into the "for later", pile.
Later on, I needed a secret identity for Jade-Shade, so boom, Dusty Irwin was pressed into service.
Then, I didn't wanna lose that character, and JS/Dusty wasn't that original guy anymore, so I took Dusty's original body, and gave it to Captain Descrambler in "season 2, chapter 9".
And, he can be seen here.
SO, the real significance of that chapter, is that it's the two Dustys meeting each other.
Nothing goes to waste with me.
Origin of QD's overall structure.
This also goes back to about 2012/2013, I came up with the idea to do a radical reboot of Harry when the 25th anniversary rolled around, where Harry would ACTUALLY be 25, and start over in a real world with no supernatural or sci-fi elements, and place him in a world like my hometown.
Well, that fell by the wayside, but I re-absorbed it into Quantum Dissolve.
I made Dusty 25, and I started the story the day after Harry's birthday, so they'd be right next to each other, so I'd always remember, and realistically age JS accordingly.
Then, I crossed JS over with Harry, and more Harry-verse stuff is on the way.
So, that all worked out anyway.
Again, nothing goes to waste.
The origin of QD's overall idea.
Again, about 2011/2012/2013, I was totally lost in a blizzard, blind as a bat, had no idea what to do.
So, I just started writing about shit that I like just to make myself happy, and de-stress my brain.
First, Freddy Krueger.
Then, all the genre slashers.
Then, to segue-way, the crossovers between horror characters, and superheroes.
Then, all the crossover comics period, which exploded forth huger than I could have possibly imagined, but I had fun making the puzzle fit together.
And in putting the giant puzzle together, a pattern emerged, and a plan emerged from the pattern.
If I could be like Witchblade, or Vampirella, I could create a character solely out of crossovers.
BUT, you need copyright permission to officially crossover with established characters.
BUT, Evil Ernie crossed over with parody versions of the heroes, and Superman crossed over with a parody version of Popeye.
SO, if I built my universe out of parody crossovers, and got my little universe to snowball, maybe someday, I could crossover with the real characters, and integrate myself into the universal cosmic canon.
But, I had to get that first fucking book done.
And then Jade-Shade emerged, and then I made him Dusty Irwin.
The origin of Jade Shade.
Okay, the bit where Dusty sees the mask at the grocery store, and it calls out to him?
That really happened to me.
But here's the backstory to that.
The Green Monster was a real thing done by some teenagers, and it ended up in the paper, and my mother showed it to me when I was a teenager.
So, when I saw that green mask, it resonated for me, and I almost bought it, and if I had, I would have done the Green Monster sequel.
But, I chickened out, and regretted it, but the adventures I imagined having with that mask turned into the first couple chapters of QD.
I had the 25 year old Harry reboot idea, I had the parody crossover idea, I had Green-Mask-Guy idea, and I had Dusty Irwin, and the pieces all came together.
BUT, "Green Monster", was too generic sounding, so just as I wrote it into the story, I just ran it through a thesaurus a zillion times until "Jade Shade", just kinda popped out.
Bam, there it all was.
And of course, I had Hyla do up the mask differently, so it wasn't a total ripoff of the store one, and then Paladin's version built off that.
The origin of Quantum Dissolve.
I was always obsessed with two things, and you can find my writings on the subjects without too much fuss, so I won't even link it.
Those two things, the Star Trek transporter, and acid.
And, they both break things down.
Just one can rebuild, and the other can't.
But, the one that can't is real.
So, I wanted to get artsy fartsy with the title, and I wanted it to be a metaphorical image that applies across my whole life, and has personal significance, and after trying a LOOOOOT of word combinations on a HUUUUUGE list, "Quantum Dissolve", finally stumbled out, and it was just fucking right.
And, I think I broke down the meaning of it all pretty well in "season 2, chapter 18".
Everything's getting written into this canon.
Nothing's getting left out.
Anyhoo, I think that covers the whole story pretty well.
As mentioned with the Harry 27th anniversary, this stuff counts for the bonus material in QD the book just like the Harry stuff will be in Harry book 5.
So, that was this year.
Stay tuned for more.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Happy 27th birthday, Harry Hembock!
Previous birthdays.
Stuff that happened after the 26th.
- The (third) YEAR Of Hembock!
- Happy 7th anniversary, Harry Hembock: Dark Designs!
- Happy 10th anniversary, "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock".
Like I said in "The (third) YEAR Of Hembock!", I want to cobble together a fifth Harry book.
It'll come after "Quantum Dissolve", is done.
It would be cobbled together from the online story content on the Harry page, and all the anniversary stuff, and "other stuff", will be the bonus content.
Plus, there'd be exclusive-to-the-book bonus material to make you shell out your shekels.
So, since this counts towards that bonus material, I ought to think of something.
Well, I've got big plans after QD and Harry book 5 are done, but I can't talk about them.
They'll either work or fail, and if they work, they'll change the universe.
Which is why I have to hide it under my hat.
But big things are coming!
I just gotta get these pesky books done.
They're the seeds from which will grow the mighty redwood.
Stay tuned!
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Monday, January 11, 2016
Happy Calender Day!! (2016)
- Calendar. (2008-2014)
- Happy Calender Day!! (2014)
- Happy pre-Calendar Day!! (2015)
- Happy Calender Day!! (2015)
- Happy pre-Calender Day!! (2015-2016)
...and now the new one.
Note- I'm not doing seasons anymore.
- Harry Hembock's 27th birthday (13th)
- Jade Shade's 3rd birthday (14th)
- The Krazyfool Show 16th anniversary (29th)
- Darwin Day (12th)
- Nothing
- April Fools (1st)
- Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion 17th anniversary (2nd)
- Arbor Day (29th)
- Star Wars day. (4th)
- Friday the 13th (13th)
- Eidolon's 2nd birthday (15th)
- Dr. Herbert's 5th birthday (24th)
- Towel Day! (25th)
- Hembooks 4th anniversary (21st)
- Chokecherry's 3rd birthday (28th)
- Shmegalamonga 8th anniversary (29th)
- Higgs Day/July 4th (4th)
- Harry Hembock: Dark Designs 8th anniversary (10th)
- My 41st birthday (30th)
- Transformers The Movie 30th anniversary (8th)
- George Carlin: Back In Town, 20th anniversary (17th)
- ThatGalaxyNextDoor 5th anniversary (28th)
- Halloween marathon starts (30th)
- "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock", 11th anniversary (2nd)
- Halloween (31st)
- Thanksgiving (24th)
- Christmas. (25th)
January 2017
- New Years (1st)
- Pre-Calender Day (10th)
- Calendar Day. (11th)
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David Bowie 1947 - 2016
Shit, this knocked the breath out of me with a baseball bat as bad as Carlin and Williams.
He was 69. Here's his 66th birthday salute.
Here's "The Dreamers", that I put into The Krazyfool Show.
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In memorium,
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Happy pre-Calender Day!! (2015)
And, we're back around to this business!
Old ones...
- Calendar. (2008-2014)
- Happy Calender Day!! (2014)
- Happy pre-Calendar Day!! (2015)
- Happy Calender Day!! (2015)
This year's...
- Happy 26th birthday, Harry Hembock! (13th)
- Happy 2nd birthday, Jade Shade! (14th)
- Happy 15th anniversary, The Krazyfool Show!! (29th)
- Happy fourth observed Darwin Day! (12th)
- Friday the 13th! (2015) (13th)
- Friday the 13th part 8! (2015) (13th)
- Happy PI day! (14th)
- Happy Spring! (sorta) (20th)
- G.I. Joe Memorial Day (The Fifth). (April Fools) (1st)
- Happy 16th anniversary of Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion!!! (2nd)
- Happy fourth observed Arbor Day! (24th)
- Happy fourth observed Star Wars day. (4th)
- Happy 1st birthday, Eidolon! (15th)
- Happy 4th birthday, Dr. Herbert!! (24th)
- Happy 6th observed Towel Day! (25th)
- Happy 30th anniversary, Garbage Pail Kids!! (1st)
- Happy Summer! (21st)
- The (third) YEAR Of Hembock! (21st)
- Happy 2nd birthday, Chokecherry! (28th)
- Seven years of Shmegalamonga!!!!!!! (29th)
- Happy 4th Higgs Day!! (4th)
- Happy 7th anniversary, Harry Hembock: Dark Designs! (10th)
- Happy 40th birthday to myself! (30th)
- Happy 19th anniversary, George Carlin: Back In Town! (17th)
- Happy Fall! (23rd)
- Happy 4th ThatGalaxyNextDoor Day!! (28th)
- Halloween Five!!!!! (30th)
- Happy 10th anniversary, "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock". (2nd)
- Happy Back To The Future 2 day!! (21st)
- Halloween Part 5: Back In Orange! (31st)
- Friday The 13th part 9-10 (2015) (13th)
- Thanksgiving the 6th! (26th)
- Happy Winter! (22nd)
- On the fifth day of Christmas. (25th)
January 2016
- Happy New Year!!!! (1st)
- Happy belated birthday, Roy Batty!! (8th)
- Happy pre-Calender Day!! (2015) (10th)
- David Bowie 1947 - 2016 (11th)
- Happy Calender Day!! (2016) (11th)
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Saturday, January 9, 2016
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Big 2016 movie preview.
- Big summer 2014 movie preview.
- Big summer 2015 movie preview.
- Big summer 2015 movie preview (Update).
- Big winter 2015 movie preview.
- Big winter 2015 movie preview (update).
So, clearly summer is obsolete, because there's so many geek movies coming, they're year round now, and doing "summer, winter, summer, winter..", is just going to be a pain to manage.
Time to upgrade to just doing the whole damned year.
I'll still do recap lists in summer and winter, with a year end one to moosh them together.
Taken pretty much from Christmas, and all my commentary is there if you want it.
Here we go...
February 12th
Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice
March 25th
Captain America: Civil War
May 6th
X-Men: Apocalypse
May 27th
July 16th
Star Trek Beyond
July 22nd
Shatner confirmed as not being in it.
But, that'll still be my placeholder until the real poster.
Suicide Squad
August 5th
October 7th
Doctor Strange
November 4th
Star Wars: Rogue One
December 16th
We're up to ten flicks a year now.
Who'd ever imagine?
Well, I used to go to the theater more in the 80's, now we're just full circle.
Let the journey begin!
...or resume.
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Monday, January 4, 2016
Big Winter Movies (Part 3.75).
- Part 0 (HC3)
- Part 1 (Ash)
- Part 1.5 (Ash)
- Part 2 (Creed)
- Part 3 (Force Awakens)
- Part 3.5 (Force Awakens)
And it's....the "Point Break", remake!! :-D
Yeah, okay, I know, I've run this joke into the ground already....
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Skipping past the bullshit...
- I love it more every single time I see it.
- I see new things every time.
- This time was the Goldilocks zone. Got the right seat, an average thin crowd, no assholes, no dummies, it was fucking perfect.
- Antidoted the bullshit from last time.
- I still haven't heard Yoda's voice, or seen the George Lucas cameo.
- Wanted to go last week, but weather and bullshit prevented it, this week ended up being just right.
- Dunno, I might even go a fourth time!
- Yep, it ain't like TPM, it holds up to repeat viewings, in fact, you're rewarded for repeat viewings. This really is a good fucking movie.
- Drive home was a pain in the ass, but even that couldn't cut through my SW buzz.
So. Fucking. Happy.
Next up....I honestly don't know. Maybe this again, maybe "Deadpool", in two months.
It's all up in the air.
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Star Wars,
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Big Winter Movies (Part 1.5).
And finally, at fucking last, two months and two weeks later it's....
Ash vs Evil Dead (2015)
First, the long-ass journey here.
- I love the EeeDees!!
- Evil Dead Remake Review!
- Masters Of Horror! (Sam Raimi)
- Okay, Evil Dead fans, here's where we are.
- Okay, Evil Dead fans, here's where we are. (update)
- Ash vs Evil Dead update.
And now, the (spoiler filled) episode reviews from the comments section of "Big Winter Movies (Part 1)".
- El Jefe.
- Bait. (addendum)
- Books from beyond.
- Brujo.
- The host. (addendum)
- The killer of killers. (addendum 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Fire in the hole.
- Ashes To Ashes.
- Bound In Flesh.
- The Dark One.(addendum)
All right, now for the overall show rundown as a 5 hour movie.
- Loved it.
- Some weaker episodes than others, but watched end to end in binge mode, it's all good.
- I repeat what I said after Christmas about Hannibal. It's an embarrassment of riches. Now we have 13 hours of Evil Dead instead of 8. With another 5 coming along to make it 18.
- Can't wait for the DVDs.
- I think I may like this even better than Evil Dead 2. Hard telling. I need more time to process it.
- Just like "The Force Awakens", you'll love the new characters as well as the old.
- Ash still rules.
- Faithful to the rules of the mythology. They expand on what's established in the canon with no bullshit pulled out of thin air. It all fits.
- Can't wait for season 2. And 3, and 4, and 5, and...for as long as they want to go.
- You may or may not not like the ending of this season, works with Ash's character when you think about it. Plus, again, we're getting season 2.
Aaaand, I guess that's it.
Get ahold of it however you have to, and check it out.
See you next year for next season.
Now, to at long last retro-link this to last Halloween's "80's slashers".
Next up, hopefully a third time for "The Force Awakens".
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Evil Dead,
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- Happy (belated) 16th anniversary, The Krazyfool Sh...
- Big Winter Movies (Part 3.85).
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- Movies I was waiting for- The Sequel!
- Happy 3rd birthday, Jade Shade!
- Happy 27th birthday, Harry Hembock!
- Happy Calender Day!! (2016)
- David Bowie 1947 - 2016
- Happy pre-Calender Day!! (2015)
- Happy belated birthday, Roy Batty!!
- Big 2016 movie preview.
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