Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Fourteen years of Shmegalamonga!!!

Had a little bit more peace this year than last.
Cool colors were the way to go with the logo.
For water. Tears, happy and sad. Ocean and ice in "The Others Trilogy".
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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

A day late, but here we go... Read More......

Bullmoose booster shot.

Got these Monday the 13th, got in the way, so here we go....
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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The (tenth) YEAR Of Hembock!

Since last time...

-Krazyfool Show turned 22 (unobserved).
-Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion turned 23 (unobserved).

Damn, I almost forgot this day!
Almost thought this was happening tomorrow somehow.

As mentioned last year, my friend Margaret passed.
I spent all year reading her books, and finally did a review of them all.
(Parts 2, 2.5, and 3)

I'll always have that she got to see me put these out there.
She didn't get to see me do paid publishing, but, time was just against us.

"Ain't Exactly Clear" and "Ailuranth" are self-publish jobbies, so we were in the same boat.
I treasure AEC.
Always will.

Time and reading helped the healing, and I'm back up to 100%.
It hurts that I don't get to have new memories with her, but I get to hold on to the ones I have.
And, again, there's the books.

Still working on the new book.

I'm in better spirits than last year.
I pretty much would have to be.
I'm better just by virtue of "there's nowhere to go but up".

So, yeah, weird mixed bag of feelings looking back on this decade.
I'm philosophical about it.
It's not a party, but it's not a total bummer either.
Just...weird and reflective.

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Happy 33rd anniversary, Ghostbusters 2!!

And the 13th for GBTVG.

So, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" finally dropped, directed by "Brownstone Boy" from GB2.
See all that stuff in the 38th GB anniversary.

Unless "Afterlife 2: Firehouse" is a Vigo sequel, not much movement on GB2's continuity.
Other than Jason directing.
And maybe more scenes of Ray's Occult Books.

As far as video games, there's an "Afterlife" based skin pack for GBTVG that makes the Busters older, and the Ecto beat up.

And, there's "Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed" that's set after "Afterlife".

So...all for now.

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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Okay, let's unpack yesterday's stuff.

Yesterday was the 38th Ghostbusters anniversary, and we got some news drops.

Jason Reitman waited until 8:00 PM Pacific Time, which is 11:00 PM over here, and they take their sweet time flapping their gums for that shit, so go ahead and round it upward to midnight.

So, there was no way in Hell I was gonna get to talk about it yesterday.

Kee-rist, Jason likes dropping shit at midnight.
He did the same when Afterlife was announced.

Here's the goods!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Happy 38th anniversary, Ghostbusters!!

Previous years-

What's happened since last year....

Ghostbusters Afterlife!!




Other stuff.

From announcement to release, Afterlife took up 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Jesus H. Christ.
Never mind the 37 years since the first one and 32 since the second.
"Ghostbusters, we make you wait for sequels".
Boy, do you ever!
Well, that was the big thing I was waiting for for the last 3 years.

There's supposed to be big announcements today.
I'll add them as an update, and retro link it below...

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