Friday, June 29, 2018
Ten years of Shmegalamonga!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said last year...
I'll do a big retrospective for year 10 like I did for year 4.
See you then!
Here we are, and here we go....
Year one.
I was a babe in the woods figuring it all out.
Very unsure of myself.
Ironic, given I got more visits and encouragement in those days.
I think it was because blogs were still more of a thing back then.
Everyone Facebooks, Instagrams, Reddits, and Twitters more now.
I Facebook, but the blog lets me organize and illustrate my thoughts better.
I'm never giving this thing up.
This is my show.
Year two.
We crossed over into the 2010's.
I got the Dingoo. Holy shit, that's 8 years old now!!
I fiddled with that just yesterday.
Played Rampage via TV output.
Was still trying various things out.
Political commentary, etc.
Was still figuring it out.
Year three.
2011 was a rough year.
"The year of Hell", started here.
Still have the trauma from that.
In spite of that, finished off Dark Designs, and created the original Krazy for decades, which evolved into En-Mike-lopedia, and I created Dr. Herbert, who ended up in Jade-Shade.
All of that while having my first and worst bout of gout.
Not bad, actually.
I looked down on this year in year 4's retrospective, but I was shaken by depression and the shit I was going through.
I was actually plugging away pretty heroically when I think about it.
Year four.
Quite possibly the most creatively explosive year ever.
Published the first Harry book.
Did the first En-Mike-lopedia.
Did the first big blog overhaul.
Found Hyla, and he started his blog.
Hmm, damn, shrugging off the gout, and my mother not being dead really lit a fire under my ass!
Year five.
Gotta say, that's still my favorite logo ever.
And I created it by accident.
A random series of button pushes in Irfanview I can't re-create.
All the stuff I started in year 4 was continuing on, and I started Jade-Shade.
Got all the Harry books published.
Did the second big overhaul.
Started the calendar pages.
Damn, the rocket from year 4 was still strapped to my ass, I was really going for it!
Year six.
Still sequel-izing everything from years 4-5.
Still chipping away at Jade-Shade.
I did a superhuman bingewatch of shows I missed.
I did the hardest Halloween ever, and almost crippled my brain.
Shit, I really busted my ass on year 6, I was not slacking.
Safe to say, I'd figured out what I wanted to do, and was chasing it with confidence and gusto!
Year seven.
Arrgh, that's my least favorite logo.
I really hate it.
I should have broken the sacred rules, and changed it.
Still sequel-izing everything from years 4-6.
Still pecking away at Jade-Shade.
I think I had a comfy groove going on.
I never again busted my ass as hard as in year six.
That was way too much.
I think I frightened people.
Year eight.
Ecch, ugly logo.
Was trying to re-capture year 5's.
See how hard?
Can't be done.
Still better than year 7 though.
2016, mass celebrity die-off, and fucking Trump election.
Not a good year.
Well, except it being the big Ghostbusters:ATC year.
I'll always fondly remember that.
Abandoned En-Mike-lopedia.
It was the start of me whittling away the things I don't need in favor of the things I really want to focus on.
Still pecking away at everything else, including Jade-Shade.
Still in a comfy groove.
Perhaps too comfy....
Year nine.
Finally finished goddamned Jade-Shade!!
Hyla quit his blog, and erased himself from the internet like he's hiding from federales or something.
*Shrug* go figure.
No clue what's up with that.
But I'm not gonna play hide-n-seek either.
Too old for that bullshit.
Still in my uncomfortably comfy groove, and starting to rebel against it.
This year.
Did my gigantic 90's retrospective that I had an absolute fucking blast with, and was a big dose of therapy for me.
Did a big tour/overhaul of the whole blog in preparation for today.
That was a nice memory lane bit of therapy too.
Abandoned calendar day.
I'm not doing big Halloweens anymore.
I'm not doing big Christmases anymore.
I overhauled movie reviews to go by year instead of season.
The MCU turned 10.
Ghostbusters ATC is still being sequel-ized in comics.
Still tapping my foot waiting for the animated GB movie.
Plus, the usual personal anniversaries...
Harry turned 29.
The Harry books turned 6.
Jade-Shade turned 5.
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion turned 19.
Harry Hembock: Dark Designs turned 9.
Krazyfool Show turned 18, didn't observe it.
Aaaand, yep, that's all of that.
In final review, years 1-8 I was building up, years 9-10 I was tearing down, and streamlining.
And now, for year 11's logo.
Purty, eh?
Yeah, they finally have speedy automated logo making sites, so I don't have to struggle anymore.
I'll never hand-make one as good as year 5 again, I'll leave it to the programming geeks.
And, that's been a decade of Shmegalamonga.
Hope you've enjoyed it!
Now to get started on decade two!!
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blog stuff,
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
90's TV revival updates!!
I don't h8 the 90's anymore (Part 4.6)
(Regular-ass TV part 3)
I don't h8 the 90's anymore (Part 1.6)
(Cartoons Part 2).
Let's get right to it....
Roseanne (1988-1997, 2018)
From here...
A reunion special is coming, and it seems like it's erasing at least some of that ending as an alternate timeline, or dream, or something, because Dan is back to life.
Stay tuned, this show ain't over yet after all!
Whelp, it came back, and despite Roseanne flipping her wig, and going all MAGA, it was actually pretty good.
....until she tweeted un-mistakenly racist shit, and got fired.
But NOW....
It's coming back again minus Roseanne as "The Connors", with Sara Gilbert (Darlene) as the producer.
Good, we watched for Darlene, Dan, and Jackie anyway.
Oh, and yep, they did sweep that weird 9th season, finale and all, under the rug as Roseanne's unpublished book, and Dan never died.
Mark died though, because the actor really died.
They haven't decided how to write Roseanne out yet.
Shit, kill her with a heart attack like Dan.
Full circle, and just desserts.
Daria (1997-2002, 2018)
Like I said here, three whole years ago...
You get "X-Files", and "Twin Peaks", can I have more "Deep Space Nine", and "Daria"?
Can we sign that deal, humanity?
Well, I'll be goddamned, Daria is coming back!!
Guess the DS9 reunion will be any day now.
The reboot will be called "Daria & Jodie", and have Daria teamed up with the token back girl, Jodie, who Daria respected, but was never close with before.
They'd better explain where the fuck Jane is.
Jane was Beavis to Daria's Butt-Head.
You don't just erase her.
There'd better be a good story explanation for her absence, and not just a hand wave.
Also there'll be a live-action Aeon Flux, but I'm not excited about that for some reason....
Both of those will be on Hulu.
Which isn't free anymore.
So....Jack Sparrow and Captain Morgan will have to bring it to my doorstep...
And that's those!
As usual, I'll retro-link this into "I don't h8 the 90's anymore".
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Thursday, June 21, 2018
The (sixth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The Summer Of Hembock.
- The YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (second) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (third) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (fourth) YEAR Of Hembock!
- The (fifth) YEAR Of Hembock!
Harry turned 29.
I wrote this little thingy called "Harry Hembock, and #Metoo".
I re-organized the Harry page, and left a log/tour of it.
Still gotta compile that Harry/Jade-Shade book.
Still working on the notes for the next book.
I'm in the home stretch on getting started on that.
Just need to name a couple more key characters.
And, I'm done declaring what will be the final bonus feature before compiling the book.
It happens when it happens.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Disney/Fox Part 5: The home stretch is in sight!
Disney made a bigger bid than Comcast with more goodies on the platter, and Fox accepted the bid.
We're not out of the woods with Comcast yet, but it's looking more and more like a done deal for Disney.
...and yeah, the graphic sucks, but I had to mix it up somehow, and I didn't have much time to crank it out.
Anyhoo, here's an article on the finer details.
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- Disney/Fox Part 1: Comcast drops out.
- Disney/Fox Part 2: Marvel's cinematic history.
- Disney/Fox Part 3: Confirmation!
- Disney/Fox Part 4: Don't celebrate yet, kiddies!
Disney made a bigger bid than Comcast with more goodies on the platter, and Fox accepted the bid.
We're not out of the woods with Comcast yet, but it's looking more and more like a done deal for Disney.
...and yeah, the graphic sucks, but I had to mix it up somehow, and I didn't have much time to crank it out.
Anyhoo, here's an article on the finer details.
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Star Wars anthology series final (?) update.
Nope, it's not any of the above, it's....
Yep, due to "Solo: A Star Wars Story", eating shit at the box-office (fuck you, rest of the world, I liked it) Lucasfilm has put all future "____A Star Wars Story", films "on hiataus".
Looks like they're going straight from Episode 9 to the Rian Johnson trilogy.
So, here's the infographic update for that....
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Sunday, June 17, 2018
Harry Hembock, and #Metoo.
I wrote this on Facebook, and I want it compiled in the 5th Harry volume, so I wanted to post it here, but at the time, I was working on my big 90's retrospective that ended up taking forever, and I figured "ahhh, the next Harry-versary is awhile away, I've got plenty of time!", and then stuff in RL kept coming up, and new movies would drop I'd have to go see, and it just kept getting delayed.
And then I just got done with this "Shmegalamonga-ganza!", thing, and I realized there's no time like now.
Let's get this fucking done, you lazy chicken dummy!
So, at long last, here it is...
As all the Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey shit has come out, I keep thinking of shit that's in the Harry Hembock books. It's like "oh, shit!".
I've got him dry humping women's hands at a bus stop.
I've got him pelvic thrusting his erection at people at a mall.
I've got him pimping his girlfriend.
I've got him humping the corpse of his freshly dead girlfriend killed by a super villain.
There's some fucked up shit in there, that if I wrote it now, he'd be seeing jail time.
But then...I have him in other episodes in front of firing squads, and in electric chairs with no explanation, so I guess it all hooks together.
Well...that first book has "the true life adventures of a horrid little man", on the cover.
He's not really a "good guy". He's an amoral mad scientist who delusionally THINKS he's a superhero, so he's really bad at it.
I don't know how many people picked up on that, and I think I really fucked it up when I made him a more moral character in the reboot "Nobody loves Harry Hembock".
No, he's meant to be an anti-hero on the level of Alex from "A Clockwork Orange".
I also think my art style is too "cute", that it doesn't read as dark as what was in my head. So I'm like " this hashtag-metoo age, do I gotta explain the joke?", and it's like "yeah, I think I do".
Hmm, I have him become president in one time compressed episode, so maybe I was predicting something....
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Saturday, June 16, 2018
Happy anniversary, Ghostbusters 2, and The Video Game.
Ahh, what the Hell, why not?
I almost didn't observe it, but next year is the 30th for GB2, and the 10th for TVG.
GB:TVG has an important role to play in the lore.
I watched the cut-scene movie after marathon-ing GB1, GB2, and GB:ATC the day after Ghostbusters Day to refresh my memory.
GB:TVG sets up P.C.O.C. (pronounced "Peacock") the Paramornal Contracts Oversight Commission, and that ends up being a big plot thread in the IDW comics.
Basically, PCOC is just Walter Peck (dickless from the first movie), and it's his way of snooping around in the GB's business on behalf of the government.
But really, its the writer's way of keeping the best GB human antagonist around.
And it all starts in GB:TVG, and that was written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.
So, fire up GB2, or give the cut-scene movie of GB:TVG a whirl if you haven't before.
Or, do both!
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And here it all is! Right in time for the 10th anniversary!
Got my soul-searching re-assessment of the blog, a first timer guest tour, and the third overhaul all lumped together into one thing.
- Part 1, Home.
- Part 2, FAQ.
- Part 3, Harry Hembock.
- Part 4, Jade-Shade.
- Part 5, Archives.
- Part 6, Biography.
- Part 6.5, Krazyfool.
- Part 7, Links.
- Part 8, Bookstore.
- Part 9, Recap.
Now I just need to link it to FAQ, Archives, and Biography, and the thing will be done.
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Friday, June 15, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 9, Recap.
- Part 1, Home.
- Part 2, FAQ.
- Part 3, Harry Hembock.
- Part 4, Jade-Shade.
- Part 5, Archives.
- Part 6, Biography.
- Part 6.5, Krazyfool.
- Part 7, Links.
- Part 8, Bookstore.
And there, categories are done, now to look back, and summarize.
It's a big cumbersome site, so fixing it, and narrating it, was equally cumbersome, now I can boil it all down.
Here we go....
Time capsuled what was on the front page Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018.
Trimmed down the label list
Fluffed up the blog list, turned it into "feed of goodies".
Added still living blogs from Links to the sidebar list.
Tore down the Bookstore and Jade-Shade graphic links on the sidebar.
Took down the Jade-Shade link (see Jade-Jade below).
Reviewed all the rants.
Added the review to the FAQ itself.
Ended up doing the latter for all of them.
Harry Hembock.
Reviewed the sections.
Rearranged, and trimmed things down.
Added the review to itself like FAQ.
Same re-arrange/trimming job as Harry.
Folded it into the Harry section.
Added review to itself like FAQ/Harry.
Reviewed the sections, and trimmed stuff down.
Added review to itself like FAQ/Harry/JS.
Reviewed the section.
Trimmed stuff down.
Added the review to itself like FAQ/Harry/JS/Archives.
Added the Krazyfool review (see below).
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion
Can't change an old archived page like that, just added commentary, and added the review to Biography, and Links.
Major trimming, archived the stuff I trimmed.
Added the review to itself like FAQ/Harry/JS/Archives/Biography.
Added the Krazyfool review (see above).
Stripped it down to a link to the Amazon page, the Harry section, Harry's Facebook page, and a couple others.
Backed up the old page to link back to the new.
Added the review to itself like FAQ/Harry/JS/Archives/Biography/Links.
There, so now all the sections are tighter, and with the reviews in them, and the reviews linking to each other, it's like the site has its own built in tour.
Next up, Compilation!
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Thursday, June 14, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 8, Bookstore.
- Part 1, Home.
- Part 2, FAQ.
- Part 3, Harry Hembock.
- Part 4, Jade-Shade.
- Part 5, Archives.
- Part 6, Biography.
- Part 6.5, Krazyfool.
- Part 7, Links.
And finally, at long last...
I think I need to just tear this all down, and start over.
I'll copy the HTML into a duplicate page to back it up, tear down the original, make a simpler page that just goes to Amazon*, and link the duplicate of the old one to the new one as an archive.
Hell, I'll retro link it here too.
Right here.
(*BTW, Createspace got absorbed into Amazon, and all my old Createspace links bounce back to Amazon now anyway, so I guess you gotta buy my shit through Amazon after all. Guess that makes that simpler)
Hmm, while I'm at's time to tear down those graphic links of Harry and JS on the sidebar.
Those are just eating up real-estate, and accomplishing nothing.
Bye, bye, fellas.
That's all to say here, now to go renovate...
Next up, recap.
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 7, Links.
- Part 1, Home.
- Part 2, FAQ.
- Part 3, Harry Hembock.
- Part 4, Jade-Shade.
- Part 5, Archives.
- Part 6, Biography.
- Part 6.5, Krazyfool.
And after a couple days, we get to the one I wanted to tackle the least.
Well, second least.
Cuz it's a mess.
But I've broken it down, so I think I can do it now.
And it's...
Stuff that seemed important when I first threw this thing up there, but now....not so much.
I really could just tear this down, who needs a "links", section anymore?
What is this, the Geoshitties days?
But, eh, call me sentimental, I guess, I'll just patch it up.
My stuff
As it says, my actual stuff I made.
Probably all that really oughtta be here, but, whatever.
Just added "Krazyfool page review/overview", last time.
Aside from adding this review to it, I don't need to change anything here...
Web pages
Oh, fuck yeah, I can just slaughter most of this....
- Richard
- James Randi Educational Foundation
- Why evolution is true
- What's The Harm?
- Hackosphere
- Thomas Paine (complete works)
- Charles Darwin (complete works)
...can all go.
But, they'll be archived here, so nothing really dies.
I'll keep...
...because shedding light on how psycho the Bible really is is always fun.
Lastly, I'll add...
Friend's blogs
Man, a lot of these just died from neglect.
For example, Jonathan's and Philip's rotted so long, they got hacked, and turned into volcano lairs for spammers.
Sad, they were good little blogs.
And Hyla put a privacy wall up around his, and while I have personal access to the archives...if I can't share it with people, or link to stuff for reference to something, what's the point?
Very saddened and disappointed he threw all that work away.
Can't fathom it, or process it, but there you go...*shrug*
So, a lot of them I already silently pruned over the years for reasons like that.
So, here's ones that have gone neglected, but still work.
- Rhetorical Rants From Epsilon Reticuli
- The Critical Thinker's Speakeasy
- On The Other Side
- Cinders In Spain
- The Tufted Titmouse
- Cynicism Is Healthy
- Billy's Occasional Blog
- What I learn...And Do
- Philosophical Neuron
- The Life And Lies Of Anna Banana
- Quiduncs
- Zarbi (1st incarnation)
- Blogus
- The Anti-Theist
- Ivy's Memes
Those'll be archived in here, but don't need to be in "links", anymore.
...are already in my sidebar links.
But apparently, I also need to throw in...
...I'll do those right now...
...and, DONE!
And there we go!
Next up, Bookstore
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Monday, June 11, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 6.5, Krazyfool.
- Part 1, Home.
- Part 2, FAQ.
- Part 3, Harry Hembock.
- Part 4, Jade-Shade.
- Part 5, Archives.
- Part 6, Biography.
And another week goes by.
Gotta! Get! These! DONE!!!!
And we take a brief stop off at...
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion
The original iteration of Shmegalamonga.
Back in the crummy old HTML builder and FTP upload days
I did the basic tour before here....
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion!!!
And updated about the archive version here...
Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion! (Reborn!)
But, it's been 9 years, so let's look at it through my 42 year old eyes...
The index/entry page!
Ah, yeah, Old Navy lady, she's dead now.
Kool-Aid Man, I still use him for an avatar sometimes.
Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange for no apparent reason.
And, a Tranya joke from Star Trek that used to be obscure, and now is memed into oblivion like everything else geek pop culture these days.
I assure you, back in the day, this was hip shit.
Then we come to....
Den of Delusion!!!
The main page.
Within that is....
Writings and ramblings!
Looking through...
- Little red cars and the people who drive them.
- How you are to behave at the movie theater from now on.
- A childhood remembrance of my encounter with the biggest bummy in the world.
- *Spoilers* The director's cut ending for "Livin la vida loca the movie".
- My pitch for Citizen Kane 2.
....I'd have to say these are the greatest hits.
The rest is boring OCD/on-the-spectrum geek rambling, or me trying too hard to be "wacky".
Next up is....
Krazyfool's art page.
Linked all the backed up graphics in the original '09 tour.
But, of it all, I'd say the only thing that really stands up is the Freddy-Jason fanart.
And the fop. I still think the fop is funny.
As with the writing, the Star Wars wallpapers are boring geek compulsion, and the other stuff was "look at me, I'm wacky!!".
But, that's just my own grouchy opinion.
You can click the link above, and decide for yourself.
Then there's...
Media Section.
Holy shit, everything else is dead as a door-nail, but the Vector Prime ad still works!!
I captured that on my crappy little TV capture card on my old Windows '95 PC, and I was quite proud of myself.
Even got it submitted to one of the big Star Wars sites.
I bet Youtube has a cleaner copy...*Googles*
Oh, holy shit!!! It's MY COPY!!!!
The only one up for posterity is mine!!!
WOW!! least if nothing else, I have that little spark of immortality...
Winamp skins
A dead obsolete art form for a dead obsolete app.
Next to last....
Hmm...with the exception of IMDB, and Dark Horizons, I don't go to any of this shit anymore.
Most of it's probably dead anyway.
Explore it if ya want, I don't wanna.
And finally...
Krazyfool's Nook of Discussion
Dead. :-(
Tapatalk bought Network 54, and killed all the boards.
Fuck you, Tapatalk.
Fuck you all the way to Hell.
And that's the tour of my first try, back when I was 24.
Not too shabby for my young pup self with limited computer experience.
Could've done worse.
Remembering some crappy cringe-y pages I read back then, I did pretty goddamned good.
Few did much better.
I'll retro link this in comments to the 19th Krazyfool anniversary to remind me to post it in the 20th.
And, I'll also retro-link it in Biography and Links.
Aaaand, that should do it!
Next up, Links.
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Friday, June 8, 2018
Happy 34th anniversary, Ghostbusters!!
Previous years-
What's happened since last year...
- GB: ATC turned 1 year old.
- GB: ATC is finally coming to FX.
- Ghostbusters 101 wrapped up.
- Got the graphic novel of GB101, and all of RGB on DVD.
- I found lots of RGB references in ATC.
- RGB turned 30.
- EGB turned 20.
- Also got the Ecto-1 manual.
- "GB: ATC: What Dreams May Come", ran its course.
- GB101 turned 1 year old.
- "GB: Crossing Over", is 3 issues in.
- Here's the teams involved.
- Wrote an essay on why GB2 and GBATC are complimentary sequels.
- "Ghostbusters World", the phone game is gonna be a thing.
What happened today....
- Wizard World Ghostbusters Fan Fest next year for the 35th.
- Ivan Reitman and Dan Aykroyd put out this weak-sauce video about it.
- I have a sinking feeling they're saving the good shit for next year.
- A restored version of the RGB pitch pilot was released.
- Well, at least there's that. Wanted goddamned Animated Ghostbusters 4 news.
This weekend is regular Wizard World in Ohio, but Ghostbusters comics guys are going there.
If they announce anything huge there, I'll post it, and link it in comments.
Be nice if all the news dropped today, like its supposed to, but they screwed around last year too.
I was right, they're saving everything for next year.
Next month, 2nd anniversary of Answer The Call.
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Sunday, June 3, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 6, Biography.
I skipped yesterday because of gout pain, but screw it, let's pull the Band-Aid off, bite a stick with a towel wrapped around, and get this shit done.
I just. Want it. Done.
So, we come now to...
Ehhh, y'know, this ain't too bad, really.
I mean, aside from that my life has been about internet shit lately instead of snagging a wife, and climbing mountains, and jumping out of planes and shit.
Fuck it, I'm introverted.
And introverts aren't broken extroverts.
If you disagree, go eat a dick, the science is on my side.
So, anyhoo, let's go down through the categories like the rest...
The 70's/80's
Mostly good stuff.
But I'll play book editor, and move ones that didn't go over so well, or could be done better, or just make me cringe into this review.
- Meditations on a dead squirrel
- Ahh, memories...
- The blood groove
- Old people
- Why the Weird Al version is always better.
- Fat Bernie's guide to love.
The 90's/00's
- Troll 2/best Worst Movie
- Ross
- The History Of Diacanu Part 2
- Insolence!
- No Excuses!
- What I don't do-The Collection
- History Of The Internet 2- Anime
- History Of The Internet 2.5- Addendum
- Addendum the second.
- History Of The Internet 3- Adventures In Libertarianism
- History Of The Internet 3.5- Word-Forged
- Facing The Horror
- My Batman Moment
- The Utility Belt Series
- History Of The Internet Part 6- Shmegalamonga in review...
And, bada-bing!
Next up, Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion.
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blog stuff,
Greatest hits,
Friday, June 1, 2018
The blog in review part 3: Part 5, Archives.
Next up, the biggie...
No way to cushion it, this is the shit I wasted my time on.
But it's only really a waste if you don't learn from it.
I got a lot of Jade-Shade ideas from this stuff.
And Jade-Shade got me to the next thing I'm doing.
So, there's that....
But even then, a lot of this was a sinkhole.
A fun sinkhole, but so are video games and porn.
I just couldn't see through the blizzard of my demons and insecurities.
Couldn't get bright enough headlights to cut through it.
At least, that's what I thought.
Turned out alleged friends were smearing peanut butter on my headlights, and telling me it was polish.
They're cut loose now.
My vision cleared right up thanks to that move.
Funny, that.
Y'know who knew all along, and kinda tried to warn me?
Sharon, who talked me into making the blog in the first place.
The time I could've saved if I'd just accepted she knew everything.
Ah, well, at least I finally clued in eventually.
Anyway, let's de-clutter the sinkhole...
Classic categories
This is all still good stuff.
I'll just swap the numbers for bullets, and we're good there.
Yeah, I thought I needed these for a bunch of reasons.
Whenever I couldn't think of unique new content, I could always use a geek holiday, or a real holiday for a crutch, and if I could theoretically find a geek holiday for every day, I'd always have something meaningless to talk about.
But then I needed a calendar to keep track of all of it.
But then tending to these fucking calendars became a full time job, and I couldn't make my own stuff even when I wanted to, and it stopped being fun.
But I kept compulsively doing it long after it stopped being fun.
Will anyone but me ever look at these stupid things?
Probably not.
It's a safe bet not.
But I'll keep them up as a reminder to myself.
These were another thing that started out fun, and then got out of control.
Will anyone ever dig these up, and care about them?
Doubt it.
But like the calendars, I'll keep them up to remind me.
Other Crap
Okay, here's where the big trimming needs to take place....
...don't need to be there, IMHO.
Lot of redundant rants in "classic categories".
So, I'll put them in here, and replace them with this review.
And, that should do it.
Next up, Biography.
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