How did they get poor working families to vote Republican?
That was a neat trick.
Like getting slaves to be Christian.
That was a good one too.
A factory worker or farmer never invented modern conservatism.
No way in Hell that happened.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Come on.
Especially not the "parasite", rhetoric you see thrown around, or the class hatred, or the terror of poverty, and the hatred of the poor it morphs into, and on and on.
Y'know, that whole mentality we've got going on in this country.
Clearly it's propaganda handed down from the Rockerfellers and Hearsts of the world.
Fuck those people.
I think how they sold it, was this delusion that you can be one of them if you just put enough years in.
Or if you invent the right magic widget.
So, once they get you fantasizing you are Rockerfeller, you adopt his worldview, and identify with guys of his class, and then you get to think you're a part of their little team, and then you give them votes, etc, etc.
These people don't give a fuck about you.
You're not on their team.
You're not in their club.
Wake the fuck up.
They don't give a fuck about you.
And they're not "self made".
No one is when you dissect the hell out of it.
Everything in life is a web of complex interdependence.
Hell, that fucking market they worship kind of depends on it.
Hey, maybe you can build yourself up with hard work, or invent the right widget, and be the next Bill Gates, who knows?
Big maybe.
This is the sort of country where you can do that sort of thing.
But there's this dark side okey-doke that comes with it that's a pile of bullshit.
That nasty bit of junkmail slipped into the brochure.
And you saw it bare its fangs in those terrorized bawling faces in the crowd when McCain lost.
Was there any need of that?
I don't fucking think so.
These attitudes in our culture go to nasty extremes, and there's no need of it, except to fuel this little fairy tale that keeps the real people in charge in power.
I dunno what the antidote to it is, but it's unpleasant, it holds us back, and it needs to stop.
I suppose it could probably boil down to that little corner that gets turned where ambition warps into greed, and confidence warps into narcissism.
Well, in a country built on capitalistic achievement, it's no accident that narcissism is the American disease.
And I could let it go, but it hurts people, and makes them swallow bullshit.
Then you end up with all this division, and anger, and fear, and that leads us to the exact opposite of what we set out to be.
Again, I don't know what the antidote is, but it's the 21st century, time to move on, folks.
Stop listening to The Colonel, chickens.
There isn't corn in there, it's a guy with an axe.
Look out, is all I'm saying.
You wanna march up that little walkway, just remember that I warned ya.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
It's like you reached into my mind and pulled out a piece of corn. LOL
It's simple really, people like being sheep.
Dammit! Why haven't I been through here more often? Ctrl C is what my left hand is for. Lets see what I've stolen this time..
" Stop listening to The Colonel, chickens.
There isn't corn in there, it's a guy with an axe."
Glad ya dug it. :)
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