And now, dedicated to the guy who really makes it all happen...*kisses finger, points to the ground*.
Devil, m'man!
*Fist tap against shoulder*
Angel On My Shoulder (1946)
The film-
Hmm...kinda like "Heaven Can Wait",...with The Devil.
Fuck off, Warren Beatty.
The history-
The Undead (1957)
The film-
A Roger Corman schlocker.
I...actually kinda dig it!
Okay, so, a quack psychiatrist hypnotically regresses a hooker into her past life in medieval times, and there, she gets sentenced to be executed for witchcraft, so, to keep from fucking up the time stream, he wires himself into her brainwaves, and goes in after her.
Meaning, somehow, just by mind-synch-ing, he physically quantum-leaps into her past-life-projection all naked, like Terminator.
After stealing some clothes, he goes to rescue her, and, who should intervene, but The Devil!
Not just a guy in a red leisure suit either, the full-on red face and horns Devil.
And, he's totally hip to time travel, and isn't surprised at all.
In fact, he's expecting all this bullshit with hammy laughter.
Hijinks ensue!
MST3K did this one. the ideas in it, it's such a kooky jumble of things that don't seem to go together, you're constantly going "WTF??".
This totally needs a remake.
The history-
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
The film-
This, "Love Story", and "The Godfather", in a row saved Paramount's ass.
But, "Rosemary's Baby", really got the ball rolling.
Once again, horror bails big-Hollywood out, and as usual, it went right back to being the redheaded stepchild.
Anyway, another "where were ya, in a cave?", movie.
Devil bangs Mia Farrow, knocks her up with the Antichrist.
Everyone in her life is a bunch of sneaky, phony, conspiring, assuring weirdos about it.
Man, we've all been there, haven't we?
Directed by Roman Polanski, who you may remember from "The Fearless Vampire Killers", and, pedophelia.
The history-
The Omen (1976)
The film-
Almost 10 years after "Rosemary", another Antichrist picture.
This time, 20th Century Fox was in trouble.
This, and "Star Wars", saved them.
Music by Jerry Goldsmith, directed by Richard Donner (of "Superman", fame).
Here, it's a 5 year old kid, and bad shit happens around him, that the audience is pretty sure is caused by him with mental powers, but no one in the flick can seem to prove to anyone's satisfaction.
Ah, movie-people.
When it's some bit of cult-y hookum, they swallow the hook deep into their gullets, when you need them to believe in real monsters, they suddenly become the most skeptical motherfuckers in the universe.
And, if you're a little kid seeing this shit, it's always always "an overactive imagination".
Yeah, lotta writers from this era needed to be banged over the head with their typewriters.
Anyway, the deaths are pretty good in this, once you gloomily accept everyone in this besides the evil kid are ineffectual, and/or downright brain damaged.
The whole "666 on the head", meme comes from this flick.
The history-
Possibly HBO.
Damien: Omen II (1978)
The film-
Damien ages up to 12, the conspiracy to get him into power becomes more apparent, and Damien finally learns what he is.
The rest is the same shit from the first one.
The history-
Ditto "Omen".
Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)
The film-
"The one where he becomes President".
*Thumbs down, raspberry*
The history-
Double-ditto "Omen".
Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
The film-
Same bullshit all over again, with a little girl this time.
The history-
Oddly, this was a rental.
The Omen (2006)
The film-
So, 30 years later, they blew the dust off, and started all over yet again....
Released on 06/06/06.
Heh, clever.
Damned near the Gus Van Sant treatment, and you know how I feel about that (if not, see the "Psycho", remake here).
Give it a miss.
The history-
The Devil, and Max Devlin (1981)
The film-
There you go, Hyla. ;)
Full circle.
So, Bill Cosby is The Devil, Elliott Gould is Max,'s pretty much a variation on "Angel On My Shoulder", with Devlin being revived from death, and trying to keep his soul out of Hell.
The presence of The Devil, and mild swearing, caused Disney to make Touchstone Pictures as a front-logo to hide their racier fare behind.
Ironically, this was a much sweeter movie than "One Magic Christmas", just 4 years later, which was totally on the side of Angels, yet came out creepy, and wicked, and yet Disney had no problem whatever putting their brand on it.
I said it before.
Fuck you, Disney.
The history-
I forget which channel.
Disney, maybe.
Amityville 3-D (1983)
The film-
A.K.A. "Amityville: The Demon".
But, there's a demon, which means Hell, which means Satan.
The demon looks like shit.
Maybe this ropes me into doing the whole series, but...fuck it, I'm not gonna.
They're all just awful.
'Cept maybe the first one.
And, really only cuz Margot Kidder gets naked.
The history-
Prince Of Darkness (1987)
The film-
A John Carpenter joint, and...I dig it, cuz it's all Carpenter-y...but...shit, it's a fucking maze....
It would take me a thesis sized paper to get into everything happening in this fucking thing.
But, suffice it to say, in the final moments, Satan does poke his hoof into our plane of reality.
So, yes, at least the title is not a lie.
You've really got to just watch it to get it.
The history-
Probably SyFy channel.
Little Nicky (2000)
The film-
Finally, the Antichrist parody the world was asking for.
Adam Sandler is Nicky.
Harvey Keitel is Satan.
Ozzy Osbourne shows up in the best cameo ever.
Worth the whole fuckin' movie.
The history-
Comedy Central.
Okay, now reruns...
The Story Of Mankind
See here.
See here.
Oh God! You Devil
See here.
The Exorcist
See here, and here.
Exorcist sequels
See here.
Wholly Moses!
See here.
The Seventh Sign
See here.
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
See here.
Dark Angel: The Ascent
See here.
The Stand
See here.
The Devil's Advocate
See here.
See here.
End Of Days
See here.
Left Behind
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force
See here.
The Passion of the Christ
See here.
The Toxic Avenger Part III:
The Last Temptation Of Toxie
See here.
Time Bandits
See here.
Ghost Rider
See here.
See here.
Faust: Love Of The Damned
See here.
See here, and here.
Demon Knight
See here.
See here, here, and here.
See here.
Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny
See here.
Santa Claus (1959)
See here.
And...that's all the best Devil flicks I can come up with....that have an actual Devil in 'em.
Up next...possession films, or...Exorcist knockoffs.
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Cosby revisited.
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