All right, back on schedule...right, right, Devil in animation.
Fantasia (1940)
The film-'s FANTASIA!
Anyway, the Devil bit, is of course, "Night on Bald Mountain".
Here, enjoy.
*Heart flutters with joy*
Man, 1940, and it still holds up.
Fantasia, in hindsight, is the first batch of music videos strung together, and as a music video, for my money "Night on Bald Mountain", is still one of the best, if not the best.
(Frankly, I think it dwarfs "Thriller").
Indeed, I flat out think it's one of the best things ever. :D
The history-
Disney used to rerun an annual Halloween special that had "Night...", as a closer.
Loved, loved, loved it.
Glad to see I haven't outgrown it.
It's still awesome.
Wish the Disney company of today would have the balls to make a whole movie that dark.
Or, had in the past.
Like, maybe they could have gotten in on Bakshi's "Lord Of The Rings", and with their money, and resources, it could have been done right, and we wouldn't have had to wait for Peter Jackson to exist.
Y'know? The mind boggles at the paths not taken.
Mazinger Z vs. Devilman (1973)
The film-
Mazinger Z will no doubt be familiar to my fellow X-ers, as "Tranzor Z".
And Devilman.
He can transform into a Devil-ish kinda thing, and has flame powers, and it turns out later in his series, the source of his powers is in fact, Satan.
So...Tranzor/Mazinger did indeed fight a by-proxy Satan.
Said it before, but...aren't you so fucking glad the Japanese exist?
The history-
Sad to say, I haven't seen this.
Hey, you wanna get really depressed?
Look up how Devilman's series ends.
Dark, dark, darketty...daaaark.
The Looney, Looney, Looney
Bugs Bunny Movie (1981)
The film-
A clip show of a bunch of the very best Looney Tunes shorts.
Well, remember, before things like Boomerang, or the collector's DVD sets, flicks like this were the only way you could get the old Bugs.
So, don't exactly sneeze at these.
Anyway, act 1, "Satan's Waitin", has Yosemite Sam killed by a safe, and re-incarnating into various old Yosemete Sam shorts, going back to Hell in between. Sam even says "Hell", in it.
The history-
Okay, so, in that, Sam repeatedly goes down to Hell in a really long winding escalator.
Well, one time, in 3rd grade gym, they had us mindlessly walking around, and around, the line of the big square of the basketball court lines on the floor.
Not running, walking.
Walking laps.
I pretended, the loop was going downward, like that escalator, and I blurted out "we're going down, down, down into Hell...", and I got in big fucking trouble.
...least I got out of that weird death-march.
Fuck you people.
Neverending chain of overreactions from squares my life has been.
Oooh, said a word, real fucking crime.
...I gotta own this flick now.
The Adventures Of Mark Twain (1985)
The film-
Best thing Will Vinton studios ever made.
It's their "Fantasia".
Anyway, the Devil in this is from "The Mysterious Stranger". ...another one of the best things ever.
..that look on his face when the Earth is swallowing everything up...I...often feel this way...
Guy after my own heart, Twain. ;-)
The history-
I didn't see this scene until much later.
They always cut it out of the kiddie versions on cable.
Shit, even HBO.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was cut from the VHS tapes.
They would never even be able to make this film for kids now, Satan scene, or no. Really glad it exists.
The Powerpuff Girls (1999-2005)
The show-
From here...
Yes, I liked the Powerpuff Girls.
It was funny.
You wanna fight about it?
The episodes with "Him", in partular were actually pretty sick.
Yeah, I dug that shit. If you could get past the outer candy shell, there was a lot of subversiveness going on. Delightfully messed up little show.
Who are we kidding? "Him", is PPG-universe Satan.
And a daaamned good one.
South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut (1999)
The film/history-
See here.
The God and Devil Show
The show-
One of the very first web-based flash cartoon series.
Here, The Devil is effectively Kathy Lee Gifford.
Her and God have a Regis & Kathy Lee style show, and interview a different topical celebrity each episode.
The history-
*Watches about 3 or 4*
*Winces with discomfort* was the 00's, we were just excited to see something coming out of the computer back then....
Futurama (1999-2012)
The show-
Robot Devil!
Y'know, I think a lot of people think of Robot Devil when they think the Devil now.
Well, he is pretty awesome....
Robot Devil and his Hell-army play a pretty big role in "The Beast With A Billion Backs".
For my reviews of all the Futurama movies, and by association, the show, look here, and here.
The history-
The above covers it.
God, The Devil, And Bob (2000)
The show-
I...didn't care for it.
I dunno, how to describe it...too "hipster cutesy", for my tastes.
Yeah, "hipster cutesy".
If that term doesn't exist, I just invented it for this.
The history-
Dante's Inferno (2007)
The film-
Pretty much Dante's Inferno, except updated to modern times with current celebrities/politicians so that the references make sense.
Animated in this weird paper-puppet style, that oddly works.
Think pop-up books on a much grander scale.
I dig it a lot. Fully intend to get his on DVD.
The history-
Saw this on Ovation, they still rerun it from time to time.
Lucy, Daughter Of The Devil (2007)
The show-
You like "Home Movies"?
Well, this is pretty much more "Home Movies", minus Brendon.
Melissa is now Lucy, and Coach Mcguirk is Satan.
Sadly, there's no more of this, but, just hop on over to "Bob's Burgers", and you're good to go.
The history-
Another DVD collection for the list...
And, that's all the standout Devil cartoons.
What's left?
Ah, yes...
Like the classic Universal monsters, Satan has also been a product pitch-man.
Except, instead of sugar cereals, he went right into canned meat!
Underwood Deviled Ham
The food-
Fuckin' MMMMMM!!!!!!!
A little on the gout-tastic side for me though..:-(
...fuck it, worth it. :-P
The history-
Yes, some Christians over the decades have thrown a hissy over this mascot.
Meh, good enough for 'em.
Also, it's pig meat, so that gets the Muslims and the Jews.
This product upsets all three major religions.
Um...anything else?
Oh, right, should have squeezed this into comic books, but, Hot Stuff the little devil was a childhood hero of mine as well.
All these Devils of mine...wonder why I didn't become a Satanist.
Oh, right, that pesky Atheism.
Still, if it had gone another way....
And there, that's really it this time.
Up next, Godzilla.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
Note to self, stop using that Youtube embedding tool in the builder, it breaks everything!
Manually embed!
Good to know. I've been using the manual HTML imbed technique at TGND that you introduced me too since all the way back to that Aquaman dance clip from [adult swim]anyway.
I'd considered the built in Blogger tools once or twice . . . but if they're buggy, forget it.
I dunno how to HTML implant anything else, but I kind of enjoy popping in the YouTube vids--makes me feel like a big ol' man!
I'd also like to apologize for the ass-backward construction of that that first sentence there. THAT makes me feel like a big ol' dumbass. Man.
Why, WHY can't we edit these things!?
Grrr ... Blogger ...
OH! And, I just want to say YAAAYYYY!!! GODZILLA!
(I actually thought you'd somehow forgotten the guy somehow, back in the classic monsters run, and was gearing up to pitch a fit on the subject--silly me)
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