Well, the whole "atheism plus", deal is as good a gateway into this topic as anything else...
As you may know, what sickens me about "atheism plus", is it's biggest bullhorn bearers, are a bunch of witless dolts.
And, what makes them witless dolts, is they let "gender feminism", what I like to call radical feminsim, or rad-fem, infest and supplant their chunk of the larger atheist movement.
They're witless dolts for letting that happen, and they're witless dolts for believing in it.
So, now to really get into why I hate rad-fem.
First of all, they're not proper feminists, as far as I care.
Feminists actually care about equality, and, this should go without saying, care about women.
Rad-fem doesn't.
Dead stop.
They've got some other "higher", "greater good", loony agenda going on.
They see all men as potential rapists, so...that makes half of all humanity a mortal enemy, and if you're warring on half of humanity, no fucking way you give two shits about "equality".
And, any woman who disagrees is labeled a "gender traitor", so, they don't give a fuck about those women.
So, so much for the "great sisterhood".
So much for those warm kumbaya bongo-thumping fuzzies.
So, if all that's a fucking lie, what the fuck DO they believe in?
It's like that Hannibal Lecter line, "they're weak, and unruly, and believe in nothing".
And what tells me they believe in nothing, is they have no argument to present, and no evidence to back that argument if there ever was one.
They've been asked for both, time and time again, and it isn't on offer.
You just get emotion-driven personal attacks.
And smear jobs.
Never a case for what they believe in.
Don't wait for it, it isn't coming.
Oh, they parrot out their little list of who they say they're out to protect, and woman and gays are always on there.
But their actual behavior says otherwise.
Exact opposite, in fact.
They're liars.
Bald-faced, shameless, guiltless, fucking liars.
And here's another question you'll never get an answer to.
"Say, how many truly oppressed women have you saved today?".
That line'll shut 'em right up.
They got nothin'.
They won't go to the middle east, they won't go to a trailer park, they won't volunteer at a women's shelter, they won't save anyone.
Don't hold your breath for that shit either.
Don't even wait for it.
They don't really give a fuck.
About women, about...people.
These are soulless, bloodless, heartless, narcissistic, largely white, mostly American, upper-middle-class, sheltered, over-privileged, softened-up, guilty, jealous, pseudo-liberals, who want to feel important, and never will be, so they need to throw themselves around, and hurt people, to feel like they're actually doing something, to fill the emptiness inside.
And it's not going to work.
They'll do their damage, the world at large will be the same, and they'll still be miserable pieces of shit, but they'll refuse the blame, and pick more enemies.
Probably, the end game, will be that they'll all turn inward on themselves, and eat each other.
In fact, I consider it most likely.
Let's hope they hurry the fuck up on that one.
Yes, I really hope they do.
For the sake of everyone they plan to hurt, I really hope they implode in a big fucking hurry.
And all of that, I've just described, is just the fairly recent intersection of rad-fem, and the atheist movement.
This shit isn't new though.
Like I said back in June, rad-fem has been parasiting on, and destroying other movements before.
First and foremost, feminism itself.
And, where "atheism plus", is the intersection of activist atheism, and rad-fem, rad-fem itself is the intersection of regular feminism, and post-modernism.
And that's the real fucking enemy right there.
And what does post-modernism believe?
Oh, it spouts off various lines of bullshit, but they all conflict, and it's like trying to nail fucking Jell-o to the wall.
Really, it's dressed up nihilism.
It's anarchy in a tweed vest trying to be respectable.
Problem is, it should have never been shoveled as a positive belief system in the first place.
Like atheism itself, it's absence.
Post-modernism is what you use to break down other bullshit.
"Watchmen", is post-modern, "Hitchhiker's Guide", is post-modern, "Monty Python", is post-modern, hell, there's an argument to be made for calling "The Princess Bride", post-modern.
That's fine, I live for that shit, it's the air in my fucking lungs.
What you can't fucking use it for, is wrapping a political fucking movement around it, and smuggling it past as an academic movement.
That's disingenuous bullshit masking...well, plain blinkered ninny-hood.
And, I'm aghast and dismayed that it was ever sold to people.
But, it was.
Post-modernism sold as positive towards...what, I don't know, because it doesn't really believe in anything, infested the humanities departments of colleges across this country, and this is exactly when you start to see this "gender studies", version of militant feminism crop up, and then the Andrea Dworkin types shat out of the cracks.
And now, we're reaping the headaches in real life, of what used to merely be intellectual masturbation of tenured assholes.
The weakness of po-mo, as with the rad-fem it spawned, is it has no stone cold logic to back its arguments up, it HAS no arguments, it openly and proudly eschews argument, eschews logic, indeed, it's anti-intellectual, and despises thought.
It's a "gut", philosophy as surely as Bushie conservatism.
It's "truthiness", with a hemp shirt and dreadlocks.
In fact, "truthiness", can be the only endgame for such a "philosophy".
Eschew reason, and you're fucking done.
My word for the whole sad, sorry lot, from now on, will be "post-modern drips".
You see 'em in entertainment too, post-modernism can aid in creativity, but when it breaks all the way down to nonsense that isn't even amusing anymore, it's just an expression of contempt, and that's "Tim & Eric Awesome Show", all over.
See my rant on that in the link.
It's not clever, it's a fun toy to play with when you're a teenager, but once you hit fucking 40, time to commit to a point of view (even if it's nihilism), or get out of my fucking face.
It's a mis-labeled pseudo-philosophy with absolutely no content whatever.
Eh, fuck it, the people at wine and cheese parties that throw Keirkegaard quotes around are post-modern drips too, as far as I care.
They may show pretense towards positively stated philosophies, but they're hollow, and empty too.
What do post-modern drips really believe in?
Which is fine, you should, but that seems to be all they believe in.
Fuck everyone else.
And, once you understand this, the whole "atheism plus", debacle falls into place, and can be understood no other rational way.
Egoism, pure and simple.
Sociopathy on the far ends of it.
Kinda like a Randroid, but without the free-market fundamentalism, actually.
At least Rand laid out her logic path, shoddy though it was.
I yearn, achingly, for a Randroidian logic train out of the post-modern drips.
Least that's something I can bite into.
The truthiness you get out of the A-plussers, is like paper pulp flavored oatmeal.
Bland, substance-less, and revolting, all at once.
...I wonder if it's planned that way..
...maybe it's really an evolved defense, like a skunk's spray, or a frog's pee...
..there's a thought.
More of a thought than A-plus ever frames its argument in, anyway.
No, even that gives it too much credit.
It's all just a post-modern drip.
From what bodily hole, I leave to your imagination.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
1 comment:
This post is fucking trash.
I'm sorry.
See link for extended dissection.
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