Revisits #50.
This is a revisit to "Snarky literary criticism of the day #4", from 10 years ago.
So, I'll just go ahead and re-create the post, cuz it was so short....
"Projection much?".
That's it.
That was the gag.
It went over with a dull thud.
Who's laughing now?
*Smug arm cross*
Anyway, responding to each cover title from left to right, top to bottom, like a comic...
Trump's a slanderer.
Every fucking day on Twitter.
And all Republicans have fallen in line behind him.
He's a traitor.
Putin's dick never leaves his ass.
Its a quantum entangled tether.
And all Republicans have fallen in line with him.
He's guilty of his treason, and the Senate admits it, but doesn't give a shit.
And again, all Republicans have fallen in line with him and them.
"100 people who are screwing up America"?
There's 100 people in the Senate, aren't there?
Oh, but Barbara Streisand, yeah, that's the threat. *eyeroll*
And rappers!
Damn you, rap!
Jumping around a bit for the sake of logic...
"The enemy at home".
A treasonous president, and a Senate that aids his treason, that's an enemy if I ever saw one.
And D'Souza is a convicted felon, so he should talk.
So...add him to the "guilty", pile.
"Liberal Fascism".
No, fascists are the treasonous presidential administration, and his cronies.
Nazis weren't liberal, they were corporate and industrialist as fuck.
Y'know, like Republicans.
Who gave At&T massive tax cuts so they could turn around, and fire everybody.
Yeah, wow, that's some real hardcore socialism.
Move over, Bernie Sanders!
AT&T is in town!
And Jeff Bezos!
"Arguing with idiots".
Like your shitty relative who screamed for Trump's wall that just blew down in a strong breeze?
Like that kind of idiot?
Or the kind of idiot that cried for real when Glenn Beck used to fake cry?
"Those Who Trespass".
Is an unwelcome pussy grab trespassing?
In a manner of speaking, yeah.
And not only is Trump a sexual predator, so's Bill O'Reilly.
Birds of a feather.
So, my little joke was right in every molecular detail, I guess I just didn't deliver it right.
Maybe I should have thrown confetti, and honked an air-horn or something.
Y'know, like an FM radio DJ.
Everyone loves those guys.
"Projection much"?
Yeah, that sold it.
That's better.
Previously with revisits-
How the gamergate crypto-fascists got under my radar. (R #49)
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Friday, January 31, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Krazyfool Show 2
The Krazyfool Show 2
Krazyfool 2020
Goodbye, hello, goodbye, Krazyfool.
Harry Hembock at 99 years old finally died.
Harry's junk was auctioned off.
The grandson of Phineas P. Phallow, AKA Krazyfool, snagged Harry's teleport.
After repeatedly pawing over Harry's terribly written notes, and going over every circuit with an electrical tester, Phineas III finally sorted out the workings of the teleport, and go it running.
A week later, he got its time-travel capability to boot up.
Phineas III from 2079 materialied 10 years in the past, and gave himself in the past the remote to the working version of the teleport, and downloaded the knowledge of how to run it into his brain with a neural tag from the compartment in the remote.
Phineas III from 2069 teleported off, and Phineas III from 2079 vanished.
Phineas III materialized next to his grandfather, Phineas P. Phallow I.
He downloaded how to work the remote into his brain, and his grandfather took off, immediately endowed with the idea of what to do next.
Phineas I materialized next to his past self just after the recording of the infamous historical episode of "The Krazyfool Show".
He downloaded the knowledge of the teleport into his past self.
Krazyfool took the remote, and beamed his future self back to 2020.
Then, he beamed himself onto the set of his show a day into the future.
Then, he beamed yesterday's audience back into the bleachers.
Then, the camera men, control room workers, sketch performers, etc, etc.
Then, he erased their memories of yesterday.
He had it all over to do.
"Let's do a show, folks!", he shouted, while clapping and rubbing his hands.
And so it began.
(A sperm enters an egg, cells divide.
Time lapse of a fetus developing.
Cut to Krazyfool fully grown, clothing and all curled up in a fetal position in a set
made to look all fleshy.)
(A little person dressed up as a Cupid is lowered down next to Krazyfool on a rope.
The LP/alien has the added feature of fake looking wire antennae with green glitter covered alien heads at the ends sticking out of a headband on his head. This is a blatant reversal of the alien from last episode)
Cupid- Time for the show Krazy! Waaake uuup Kraaazy. Waaaake up!
Krazyfool- *Opens eyes* Yaaawwn! Um num num. Not today Cupid, there's only heartbreak and disappointment out there.
Cupid- Tough shit you weird faced bastid!
*Pulls an arrow out of his quiver, and shoots Harry's umbilical chord, Harry drops like a sack of sand*
(Krazyfool is set against bluescreen footage of an endoscopic gynecological probe.
It makes it look like Krazyfool is falling through the vaginal tract like sliding down a chute.)
Krazyfool- WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Cupid- Whheeeeee?
(Opening credits animation with clips of various past episodes.)
Announcer- It's the hallelujah, holy shit, biff bam boom, anything goes KRAAAAAZYFOOOOL SHOOOOOWW!!!!
With tonight's special guests, Harry Hembock!! Steve Torrent!! Jake Prong!! Lenny Sours!! Keith Sprunk!! and Celine the android maid!!
With the Krazyfool orchestra and the usual cavalcade of characters!!!
(Cut to the talkshow stage.)
(The song "Talk To You Later", by The Tubes plays in the background.
When the song gets to the part with the synthesizer solo, Krazyfool emerges on stage from a chute that ends with a giant Krazyfool head with dry ice smoke coming from the mouth. An effect of a synthesizer deepened voice going "MUUAAHAHAAA!! MUUAAHAHA!!", is dubbed over for the duration of Krazyfool's exit from the giant mouth.)
Announcer- Now here's your host FUUUCKINGGG KRAAAAAZYFOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!
(Instead of a canned applause track, sounds of grunting and splashing diarrhea is played.
Krazyfool seems oblivious to this, and jogs up to his mark with a sarcastic deliberate stupid grin on his face.)
Krazyfool- Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you today.
Well, let's cut through the bullshit and get to the monologue shall we?
Have you heard bout this new pill Oxycontin??? Is this kooky or what?? Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?? Am I right folks??
(Cut to the studio audience, which consists of a 10 year old boy with a propeller beanie, the dwarf from the opening with his wig/antennae now off, an 80 year old man in a fishing cap, a 50 year old woman in a fairy costume, and up in the back row, a couple in their mid 20's. Last episode, they were fucking. This time, they seem to be having a tiff, and aren't even speaking to each other.
The other audience members seem genuinely disapointed that there's no fucking.)
Krazyfool- Well, that's depressing. You've spoiled it for all of us.
Back to the goddamn thankless monologue you awful selfish people you.
So, have you heard the latest in science?
There's a disease spread by cows that turns your brain into swiss cheese, and you become a flesh eating ghoul!
Just in time for the Bush presidency!!
An apocalypse the military industrial complex can't cash in on for once!
Speaking of Bush, let's talk to Hanging Chad!
(Cut to the rubber Baby JC puppet hanging from a noose)
Hanging Chad- (Badly dubbed pre-recorded voice of an angry New Yorker as the puppet mouth barely keeps sync) JEEEEZUS!!!! JEEEEEZUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Krazyfool- Hey, howabout this whole Elian Gonzalez thing?
I remember when I was a kid, any time you bitched about...well...ANYTHING, some mush-mouthed mongoloid would tell you "why don't you go to Russia?".
This kid must have REALLY complained, we're shipping him off to Cuba, which isn't Russia, but only in the sense that Diet coke isn't regular Coke.
But, y'know, there's Coke in there.
*Joke bombs*
Okay, time for banter with the sidekick "sigh, this always death".
(Krazyfool presses a button on his desk.
With a really bad camera edit, in which everything jumps, Pheemp appears in the sidekick/guest chair.)
Krazyfool- So, how's things going with you??
Pheemp- Okay.
Krazyfool- How far along are you in "IT", now??
Pheemp- I'm half way through, it's getting really good.
Krazyfool- Child orgy. There's a child orgy.
Pheemp- Thanks a lot!
Krazyfool- Fuck you. You haven't talked to your sister in 7 years. You're a piece of shit, and I hate you. You're garbage. Absolute human garbage. I hope you get AIDS from a botched prostate exam given out of the back of a lunch wagon.
Pheemp- Fair enough. *Shoots self under the chin with revolver pulled out of nowhere*
(Canned audio of audience going "awwwww")
Krazyfool- *Pushes the desk button again*
(With an even worse bad editing effect, dead-Pheemp becomes a mylar cell with his picture glued on held over the camera lens. The cameraman removes it.)
Pheemp at home- *Lays on the floor, face smeared with cocaine, needle hanging out of his arm*
Pheemp's wife- *Walks out the door with a suitcase in one hand, a cage with a chinchilla in the other. She gets into a station wagon driven by her mother, and they take off. Forever.*
Lunch wagon delivery man- *Knocks on door* time for your prostate exam!
(Cut back to Krazyfool)
Krazyfool- Oh yeah, I forgot to mention tonight's guests are Harry Hembock, Steve Torrent, Jake Prong, Lenny Sours, Keith Sprunk, and Celine the android maid.
Here's a commercial.
(Cut to pre-filmed commercial starring Krazyfool)
(Krazyfool is standing in a labcoat holding a big blue box with the word "POBB", emblazoned on it in big yellow letters.)
Krazyfool- *Points to the box* (with a really weird growly/caveman grunty voice) AAAAAHHH.
*Lets tongue dangle out stupidly*
(Wubboe/Pobb, the gargoyle thing from "Torrent Too", bursts out of the box, scattering blue powder everywhere)
Wuboe/Pobb- Sonovabitch, it's hot in there!!!
Krazyfool- *Points to the box again* AAAAAHHH.
*Lets tongue dangle out stupidly again*
Wuboe/Pobb- *Flails his arms* Fuck this commercial, and everyone in it!!!!
(Cut back to show.)
Krazyfool- There, they won't ask me to do THAT again!
Cupid- That's what you said last time.
Krazyfool- Shut up!!!
(Krazyfool pulls out the teleport remote)
Krazyfool- Okay, let's get us some guests, what say?
(Harry Hembock materializes in the guest seat closest to the desk)
Krazyfool- Straight from "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry- Um...*looks around*
Krazyfool- It's a talk show, catch up to the rest of us. Criminy, you time travel as part of your job fer chrissakes.
Harry- Fine, I'll roll with it. What do you want to know?
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry- Um, I've just beaten Deathgrasp and the Scourge, I've got all my powers back, I've got my wife back, and....I'd have to say, my confidence is back. Things are going really good for me these days, Krazy.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- Apart from some of the weirder mysteries of the universe, I guess I'd have to say, believe in yourself.
Even if everyone else gives up on you.
Never give up.
Sounds like basic stuff, but getting to the place where you can truly feel it, I think that's the goal of life.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Harry- Don't live to impress others. You can't please everyone. Please yourself. The rest will come.
Krazyfool- Wise words from a surprising source!
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams him right back*
Straight from "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock: Dark Designs", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry- Aw, come on, not this again!!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry- Um, well, I've just beaten Abmuloc and his army of the undead, I've got a fancy techno suit to replace my powers, I've got my wife back again, and....I'd have to say, my confidence is back. Things are going really good for me these days, Krazy.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- Capitalism isn't always horrible.
But most times, it is.
Take a stab at your version of the American dream.
Cuz sadly, and gloomily, what else is there?
And the universe is a grapefruit.
But that's a whole other subject it would take six shows to explain.
Just trust me on that last one.
Krazyfool- Okay then! Anything else?
Harry- Anyone who thinks a border wall is a good idea is probably a Nazi babykiller.
(The 80 year old man in the fishing cap in the audience gets up and leaves)
Harry- *Flips the bird at him until he's gone*
Krazyfool- Well, thanks, we just lost a sixth of our audience!
Harry- Don't worry, things always seem to balance out for me.
(A girl in her 20's with purple hair and a pink fuzzy vagina hat takes the old man's seat)
Harry- See? There you go!
Krazyfool- Don't get smug!
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams in Steve Torrent*
Straight from "Torrent Of Obscenity", it's Steve Torrent!!
Steve- Um...
Krazyfool *Presses some buttons on the teleport remote, a compartment opens, and a silver sticker the size of a thumbprint shoots out, and sticks to Steve's head. The sticker lights up blue, and modem sounds play. On the remote screen, the interviews with Harry play at superspeed*
Steve- Ah, I see! *The sticker beams away*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Steve- Watching TV. Jacking off. Drinkin'.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Steve- The drinkin' and wankin'!!??
Krazyfool- Your whole life up to this point.
Steve- Hmm...power corrupts, and we create our enemies.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Steve- As an individual, put your best foot forward, and in a team, put your best guy forward. Ego can fuck either of those up. So can doubt.
Krazyfool- Well said!
*Beams Steve away*
*Beams in Jake, Lenny, Steve, and Celine*
Straight from "Torrent 1.5", it's Jake Prong, Lenny Sours, Steve Torrent, and Celine!!
(Krazyfool zaps Jake, Lenny, and Celine with the sticker trick so he doesn't have to go through with the introductions again)
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Celine- Whom are you asking?
Krazyfool- Any of you. We'll start with you though.
Celine- *Eyes dart back and forth. Hardrive clatters* I'd have to say on the set of a talk show.
Steve- At the start of a great adventure!
Jake- I'm just in it for the killing. Y'know, let me go into a long rant about what a great killer I am...
Krazyfool- I can tell you're a tedious asshole, get out.
*Beams Jake away*
Lenny- *Shits himself, and grins like an idiot*
(The Smell hits Krazyfool. He beams Lenny, his stain, and his scent molecules all away)
Krazyfool- Not only is he gone, he can never come back here.
I just put a lock on his genetic pattern.
So, you two, what would you say you've learned from it all?
Steve- Um...friendship?
Celine- Yes, let's go with that.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Celine- Selfishness and ignorance literally kill. *Eyes Steve*
Steve- *Flies over his head* Yeah!
Celine- And, the best movies this year are Memento, Cast Away, and American Psycho.
Krazyfool- That was random.
Celine- Yes, it was. Did you find it to be believable?
Krazyfool- In what way?
Celine- As human behavior.
Krazyfool- Y'know, everyone I know is fucking nuts. As a robot making mistakes, you'll never be as weird as biological humans. Don't worry.
Celine- I literally will not.
Krazyfool- Fair enough!
*Beams Steve and Celine away*
*Beams in Steve, Keith, and Celine*
Straight from "Torrent Too", it's Steve Torrent, Keith Sprunk, and Celine!!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Celine- Whom are you asking?
Krazyfool- *Sighs* We'll start with you again.
Celine- I'd have to say on the set of a talk show.
Krazyfool- *Grumbles* Before that.
Celine- Being shunted as a stream of quantum particles through hyperspace.
Krazyfool- *Eyerolls* Before that.
Celine- In a state of sexual foreplay with Keith.
Keith- *Blushes, sputters*
Krazyfool- Oh, shit, I'm sorry! I'll get you back to that!
*Pulls out the teleport remote*
(The Volcano Guru materializes)
Volcano Guru- No, wait, there's something I have to do first!
(Volcano Guru phases his left hand into a wormhole like reality is made of water. Somehow, we the audience see his hand pop out wherever Jake Prong is, and grab his head. He freezes in time, and a blue energy drains out)
(Volcano Guru touches Keith's head with his right hand, and drains the blue energy he drained out of Jake into Keith)
Volcano Guru- There. You have the powers now. Jake failed my tests. And he's a stupid fucking bigot. You're my rightful apprentice, and heir, Keith.
Both of you, really.
You're the next generation.
Celine- Yes, let's go with that.
Volcano Guru- Now, go ahead, and go back to fucking!
*Teleports them away with his magic*
Krazyfool- Well, I guess I'll ask you. Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Volcano Guru- In the upper memory block of the outer reaches of the tenth triangle.
Krazyfool- I don't understand what that means.
Volano Guru- No, you don't.
Steve- Does anyone want to ask me any questions?
Krazyfool- *Considers for a fraction of a second with a grimace* No, not really.
*Beams Steve away*
Volcano Guru- I'd just like to say, sometimes we're being tested, and we don't know it!
Krazyfool- True enough!
Volcano Guru- Well...I guess I'd better go. You have a crapload more guests to cram in.
Krazyfool- Um, nope, I just plowed through all the ones in the opening intro.
Volcano Guru- Nope, there's more. *Touches Krazy's head, and his finger lights up blue for a second*
Krazyfool- Oh, crap, you're right!
(Volcano Guru de-materializes)
Krazyfool- Fair enough!
*Beams in...Krazyfool!!*
Straight from "The Krazyfool Show", it's Krazyfool!!
Krazyfool Show 1 Krazyfool- Um...*gets zapped with the sticker trick* Ah, I see!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
KFS1KF- Don't you know?
Krazyfool- Indulge me.
KFS1KF- Um, just trucking along to the next episode. Which I guess is this one!
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
KFS1KF- *Considers for a long time*
Believe in yourself.
When people love you, believe them.
Krazyfool- Wow...was not expecting that!
KFS1KF- I know! The presence of my future self is making me up my game!
Krazyfool- Anything else?
KFS1KF- Revel in this time. It'll never come again.
Krazyfool- I'll do my best!
KFS1KF- Can I ask one thing?
Krazyfool- Sure...
(Cut to KFS1KF materializing at Pheemp's house an hour before we saw him laying on the floor)
Pheemp- *Picking up fistfuls of cocaine from a pile on a desk where where his computer used to be before he sold it for coke. He mashes the fistfuls into his face, and snorts whatever randomly goes into his nose holes*
KFS1KF- *Pulls out a bat from nowhere, and smashes Pheemp across the face, causing him to splay out on the floor exactly where we caught up to him in the last skit*
And stay down, you trash-bag full of excrement!
*Beams away*
Pheemp- *Sees a dirty needle laying on the floor next to him, jabs it into his arm were we saw it in the last skit*
*Hallucinates himself onto the show being roasted until he shoots himself*
*Snaps back to this reality*
*His wife walks out again*
*The lunch wagon delivery man shows up again*
Krazyfool- No, it's still not enough.
*Presses some buttons on the remote*
(Pheemp's whole house is surrounded by teleport energy, and it shrinks to the size of a printer cartridge, beams away, and beams to a sewage treatment lagoon with a faint *splish* sound)
Krazyfool- Ahhh, there, that's more like it!
*Beams in Timmy Anderson*
Straight from "A Blue State Christmas", it's Timmy Anderson!!
Timmy Anderson- *Gets zapped up to speed with the sticker trick*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Timmy Anderson- *Sobs*
Krazyfool- Augh, no, we're not doing this shit. This ain't Barbara Walters!
*Beams Timmy away, and beams in his future self as Atlasman*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Atlasman- First, let me explain the true meaning of money...
Krazyfool- NOPE!
*Beams away Atlasman, and beams in his double-future self*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Incel-Man- First, let me explain about bitches who fuck the Chads...
Krazyfool- Thank! You!
*Beams Incel-Man way, and replaces him with his triple-future self*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Rich-Eater- *Lighting a Molotov cocktail* About to bring it all down.
Krazyfool- Proceed!
*Beams him away*
Finally, someone sensible in that clusterfuck of personalities.
*Beams in Richard Bozo*
Straight from "The Fall Of The House Of Bozo", it's Richard Bozo!!
Richard Bozo- *Sobs*
Krazyfool- Oh, come the fuck on! Really!?
*Beams Richard away, and beams in his future self as Dr. Spray*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Dr. Spray- Um, pretty well off! I've got my own business, I'm a superhero loaded up with tech, got a new girlfriend, couldn't be better! What's not to be happy about?
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Dr. Spray- Confidence and self-loathing are both self-fullfilling.
Having taken a ride on both of those rollercoasters, yeah, been there, got the t-shirt.
Krazyfool- Lotta wise affirmations from our superheroes today! Anything else?
Dr. Spray- Hate is a poison. No matter who it's directed at.
Krazyfool-....*Flies over his head at first*
Dr. Spray- *Glares*
Krazyfool- *Catches on* Oh...all right. Fine!
(Pheemp's house beams back with no sewage on it. Pheemp is back in his living room leading his dumb boring little life with no cocaine, and his wife is back. Neither remember anything)
Krazyfool- There, happy?
Dr. Spray- *Nods*
Krazyfool- I ain't. *Makes a sulk face*
*Beams Dr. Spray away*
*Beams in Melvin Spauvac*
Straight from "Melvin Spauvac's Impressive Amateur Homemade Submersable", it's Melvin Spauvac!!
Melvin Spauvac- (From now on, just assume they all get the sticker-trick)
Hello! *Waves geekily*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Melvin Spauvac- *Shrugs* fairly average. Still plugging away at my little hobby.
Krazyfool- Which is?
Melvin Spauvac- Amateur homemade submersables.
Krazyfool- Which, little submarines? Diving bells?
Melvin Spauvac- In a manner of speaking.
Krazyfool- Well, how are yours different?
Melvin Spauvac- They submerge into solid matter. Which I make non-solid, so...still sort of underwater. In a manner of speaking.
Krazyfool- Well, that sounds interesting. Tell me about making solid matter non-solid.
Melvin Spauvac- It's very technical. Your audience would be bored.
Krazyfool- You're boring my ass now by having to pull this shit out of you with these tedious questions!
Melvin Spauvac- Well, that's rude, I don't think I like your tone.
Krazyfool- Fuck sakes! *Beams Melvin away*
Wuboe/Pobb- (Now sitting in the bleachers next to the torn up box of Pobb)
Y'know, it's true, great discoverers are often not apprecitated in their time.
Krazyfool- Too true...too true...
Wuboe/Pobb- I mean, Spauvac drive goes on to become the engine of every spaceship in my time. You pretty much waved away the next Tesla.
Krazyfool- *Beams Wuboe/Pobb away*
*Beams in Heck Backlash*
Straight from "Heck Backlash: Garbage Man (In Space!!)", it's Heck Backlash!!
Heck Backlash-
*Sputters and flickers, and materializes as a skinny white man with winged hat hair*
*Sputters and flickers, and materializes as a portly Chinese man with straight hair with bangs*
*Splits into both*
Krazyfool- Um.....well...let's go with this, I guess...
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Heck Backlash- (Both, in unison)
Trucking along at the same old job, I guess.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Heck Backlash- (The white one)
Both sides are the same, and everything goes in cycles.
Heck Backlash- (The Chinese one)
No, that's total bullshit.
It's safe to say lazy shit like that from a place of privelege.
On side can be flat out wrong, and cycles can be broken.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Heck Backlash- (Both, in unison)
Don't nose around in the garbage if you can't deal with what you find!
Krazyfool- Good enough!
*Beams the Hecks away*
*Beams in Spruce*
Straight from "Harry Hembock And The Zone Dweebies", it's Spruce!!
Spruce- Why not Harry?
Krazyfool- We've done him twice!
Time to change it up!
Besides, he's an asshole in that story.
Spruce- That he is.
Krazyfool- Speaking of...*beams a mystery woman in*
Straight from "Harry Hembock And The Zone Dweebies", it's the sex worker that Spruce treated like crap!!
Celia- I'm Celia. That shitty story didn't see fit to give me a name.
*Walks over to Spruce, rips off his mask, and slaps him*
Spruce- *Sobs like the Cowardly Lion*
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Spruce- *Sobs*
Celia- Weak men fear female power.
Krazyfool- Indeed!
*Beams them both away*
*Beams in Jade-Shade and Chokecherry*
Straight from "Quantum Dissolve", it's Jade-Shade and Chokecherry!!
Chokecherry- Ah, boy, more time travel....
Jade-Shade- Holy shit! Time travel?!?
Chokecherry- Oh, right, you haven't been yet...
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Jade-Shade- Victorious!
Chokecherry- Building a brighter future.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Jade-Shade- Be stubborn about accomplishing goals. Eat the rich. Never give up.
Chokecherry- All of that, plus, weak men fear female power.
Krazyfool- I seem to have heard that one somewhere...
Jade-Shade- Believe in yourself even when everyone else gives up on you.
Krazyfool- And that...
Anything else?
Chokecherry- Nope, we're good.
Krazyfool- Okey-dokey!
*Beams them away*
*Beams in Harry Hembock*
Straight from "Goodbye, Harry Hembock", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry Hembock- You're still doing all these?
Krazyfool- I've got this fucking far, may as well finish it!
Anycrap, where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry Hembock- Ironically, retired from time travel.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
But that doesn't mean to abandon good intentions.
*Cough* conservatives *cough*
*Cough* Trumpers *cough*
Krazyfool- What was that last one?
Harry- Oh, you'll find out. Unfortunately.
Krazyfool- That sounds ominous.
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams in Chokecherry*
Straight from "Hello, Chokecherry", it's Chokecherry!!
Chokecherry- *Sigh* I know what's coming. Come on...say it..
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Chokecherry- Um...secret Queen/Goddess of the Harryverse.
Yeah, that's not a brag, I'm as stunned as you.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Chokecherry- That I'm the secret Queen/Goddess of the Harryverse.
Yeah. That.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Chokecherry- Nope. After all the teenage mysogyny in this goofy dopey series, my story is the right one to go out on.
I'm good.
Krazyfool- Agreed.
*Beams her out*
*Beams in 2020 Krazyfool*
And finally, straight from "Goodbye, hello, goodbye, Krazyfool", it's Krazyfool!!
Retired, and wistfully nostalgic for these days.
Revel in these times.
When people love you, believe them.
Krazyfool- What?
2020KF- The questions.
I saved you the trouble of asking them.
Krazyfool- Ah, thanks.
2020KF- Don't mention it.
Say, you know, you haven't done a music number yet.
Last time, you did that David Bowie thing.
Krazyfool- Nobody liked that.
2020KF- Who cares? Haven't you heard all the "beleive in yourself even when no one else does", shit all episode?
Go for it!
Krazyfool- Y'know? You're right!
(Both Krazyfools do a lip sync slow-mo interpretive dance set to Radiohead's "climbing up the walls". Weird colored swirly patterns project on the walls, then faces stretching behind sheets of latex, so it looks like they're coming out of the walls, then when the song builds to its crescendo, strobe lights cut in, and scary faces flicker in between frames in-camera)
Krazyfool- Well, it's been fun, but time to wrap this thing up.
*Beams away everyone but himself and his future self*
*Beams the tape of this very show out of the control room into his hand, hands it to himself*
2020KF- *Takes it* Thanks.
*Erases his past self's memory, and everyone he interacted with in this episode*
*Beams back to 2020*
Krazyfool converted the tape to a file, and put it on a flash drive.
He uploaded a copy to Youtube.
Harry Hembock finally got around to seeing it.
Harry Hembock at 99 years old finally died.
...and then transcended into the Volcano Guru.
The 2000's
Volcano Guru did all his Volcano Guru shit.
Keith and Celine Sprunk took over for Harry, filling his old superhero role.
The fucking END!
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Happy 20th anniversary, The Krazyfool Show!!
The sequel inside JS/QD died on the vine, but I'm literally working on Krazyffol 2 right now.
I hope to post it sometime tonight.
If not tonight, early tomorrow.
Yep, I'm pounding it out right up to the deadline, just like the original.
So, here's the link placeholder to that...
The Krazyfool Show 2.
And here's the link to the original...
The Krazyfool Show.
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Monday, January 27, 2020
RIP Jack Burns
(Sent back in time from my future-self in 2023, cuz I was oblivious until I looked it up a couple days ago)
George Carlin's conscience.
So, I got to thinking about how 70% of the 80's/90's edge-lord standups, and 99% of the shock-jocks have edged themselves up to fucking Nazi, and how George Carlin avoided making that turn.
During the height of Andrew Dice Clay, when his pay-per-views were flat out Klan rallies, George even said in a Larry King interview, "I think he has the freedom to say whatever he wishes, but he also needs to remember that his type of punching-down comedy appeals to a certain audience, and that audience has a list of people they don't like, and as a Jew, he's on that list".
Carlin also considered himself a "free speech absolutist" but all the other people who stick that label on their chest never would make that "punching down" "punching up" distinction.
They even think punching down is punching up, because something, something, protected class, something, something.
Bullshit. That's just the "we're the minorities!" speech from the Dennis Hopper neo-Nazi episode of Twilight Zone.
Why didn't Carlin fall into that trap of becoming a CHUD-y fucking bigot?
Jack Burns.
When George started out, they were a comic duo called Burns & Carlin.
Jack Burns was a full-on secret commie, and got ahold of George at the right time in his life, and explained to him how "conservatives care about things more than people" and gave him some commie literature.
Read about it right from the horse's mouth in Carlin's "Last Words".
I've got a weirdly long memory for this shit.
I think that planted the right seeds to keep the fascism at bay in Carlin's soul.
The pot helped, the LSD helped, but Burns's influence is not to be underestimated.
The picture becomes more clear to me the more and more "edgy rebels" from my youth turn fucking Trump-sucker and/or swastika kisser.
No man is an island, not even Carlin (in spite of his stage persona), and you need that Jiminy Cricket in your life to keep you on the right path.
Jack Burns was Carlin's; Margaret was mine.
Anyway, thinking of all of that made me curious about whether Jack was still around, and what he got up to after Burns & Carlin.
As to the latter, he wrote for "The Muppet Show" and co-wrote "The Muppet Movie".
And remember Vince and Larry the talking crash test dummies from the 80's-90's?
Jack was the one that wasn't Lorenzo Music.
As to the former, he passed of "respiratory failure" in 2020.
In 2020?
Come on, it was probably covid.
So, yeah, Jack Burns.
The unsung hero you probably just now heard about.
In memorium,
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Another couple tags.
Added social media and revisits tags for revisits, and "Stuff From Facebook".
There, now all four series have push-button access going forward.
No more hunting this shit down.
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blog stuff,
social media
How the gamergate crypto-fascists got under my radar.
Stuff from Facebook #25.
Revisits #49.
Eh, it's a long rambly one, but I want it on record, and at easy access for the future.
This is from a board, and this "Dinner", person is a Gamergater we know who went full racist, but can't even see that he's racist.
He finally got sick of being called racist, and ran away.
Fuck him.
Up the ass with a cinnamon grater.
Good riddance.
It also counts as another update to "cryptos", and "conspiracies".
Hence the revisits moniker.
Nov 2, 2019
Dinner says in the "fuck being woke", thread he'd know if he was being seduced by Nazis.
I called bullshit, and then I decided this needed its own splinter thread.
So, here's how it happened to me.
We all judge trustworthy people on past performance.
The longer the good past performance, the more reliable we consider the source.
The danger comes in, with enough trust, we get lazy, and stop checking the source's sources.
I gave that blind lazy trust to people like Amazing Atheist, Armored Skeptic, Thunderfoot, and Sargon Of Akkad.
They said all the right shit when it came to liberalism and atheism.
They hated all the right things and people when it came to liberalism and atheism.
SO, when the Gamergate shit started creeping in, why wouldn't I think that was part of the bad-guy team like the fundamentalist Christians, and the Republicans?
The trustworthy sources were still saying all the right shit against those forces of evil too.
There was no sudden swing.
They didn't all slap swastika armbands on.
They didn't grow fangs.
Their eyes didn't turn orange with cat irises.
Their voices didn't turn into tiger growls.
They were still themselves.
Just this new little bit of bullshit got added on.
We think if this shit happens it's like a movie.
It's never like a movie.
It's never gonna be.
And it took up more and more of their shows reeeeaallly gradually.
It creeped up over a few years.
From 2012 to 2016.
You'd have to be a time traveler downloading all their shows, and timing the content out with editing software to see the change happening.
First there was Elevatorgate, then Gamergate, then the Gamergate-ers went from hating radical feminists to ALL feminists, then it became okay to say misogynist shit about just the radical feminists, because they were causing harm, then it grew like a fungus, then the pickup artists and incels were rejected because "oh, at least we're not like THEM", but then the pickup artists and incels were just let right in through the side door.
It was a million tiny little steps.
A slow evolution.
And when it has its tentacles around you, you think you're sane, and everyone else is going crazy.
Dinner keeps saying this shit, and I remember being the guy saying it.
So, how did I snap out of it?
For one, I walked the walk when it comes to being logical.
Most people who think they're logical really don't understand what that means.
They think puffing their chest, and throwing a lot of dictionary words into their speech is logic.
No, it's an actual process with rules.
Its an anti-virus for your head.
But you have to manually work it.
It doesn't run by itself.
You have to do it.
I actually keep a chart of logical fallacies at hand.
I keep the Carl Sagan baloney detection kit at hand.
But, the part of me that gets the virus warning was broken, so I wasn't using it.
I was getting the virus warning from people virus warning me about Gamergate.
So, how did I snap out of it?
Ghostbusters: Answer The Call.
When the anti-feminist CHUDs went after that, I knew something was fishy.
Cuz, I know everything about Ghostbusters.
I did my homework on Paul Feig.
I did my homework on the new cast.
The shit the CHUDs were saying about the movie and him wasn't adding up.
I knew it wasn't part of a feminist conspiracy.
I knew it had nothing to do with Anita Sarkeesian.
By being a Ghostbusters fan, I had checked the sources of my sources by accident.
And that made me finally boot up my root logic program.
And then a lot of the anti-feminist shit started to fall apart.
And then the blind trust of my sources went away, and I started un-following fuckers.
But the next to last straw, was Sargon being so anti-Hillary he was pro-Trump, and he was pro-Brexit, when my British Facebook friends knew in excruciating scientific detail that Brexit would be a nightmare.
But the final-final straw was Charlottesville.
When actual Nazis actually killed someone, and the CHUDs like Sargon were laughing at it, and victim blaming, the jig was up.
And this shit got smarter people than me.
It was a combination of luck, and being an OCD logic fundamentalist that got me out.
But, being a logic fundamentalist was OCD, and OCD is genetics, so it was all luck.
People that don't have my combination of experiences, and head-wiring, they're kind of fucked.
As we can see with Dinner getting sucked deeper and deeper into it.
He ain't coming back.
There ain't no logic-checking software in that guy.
He's going down in flames.
And the lesson I learned to keep from repeating the mistake?
ALWAYS trace the sources.
No matter how much you trust the speaker, look up where they got the information.
That's the easiest anti-virus to bullshit.
Not much more to add there.
Boils down to, don't ever let your vanity tell you you're too smart to fall for their shit, cuz that's exactly when they get ya.
Stay on your toes.
Previously with SFF-
Asshole during Justice League. (SFF #24)
Previously with revisits-
Roy Cohn! (R #48)
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Revisits #49.
Eh, it's a long rambly one, but I want it on record, and at easy access for the future.
This is from a board, and this "Dinner", person is a Gamergater we know who went full racist, but can't even see that he's racist.
He finally got sick of being called racist, and ran away.
Fuck him.
Up the ass with a cinnamon grater.
Good riddance.
It also counts as another update to "cryptos", and "conspiracies".
Hence the revisits moniker.
Nov 2, 2019
Dinner says in the "fuck being woke", thread he'd know if he was being seduced by Nazis.
I called bullshit, and then I decided this needed its own splinter thread.
So, here's how it happened to me.
We all judge trustworthy people on past performance.
The longer the good past performance, the more reliable we consider the source.
The danger comes in, with enough trust, we get lazy, and stop checking the source's sources.
I gave that blind lazy trust to people like Amazing Atheist, Armored Skeptic, Thunderfoot, and Sargon Of Akkad.
They said all the right shit when it came to liberalism and atheism.
They hated all the right things and people when it came to liberalism and atheism.
SO, when the Gamergate shit started creeping in, why wouldn't I think that was part of the bad-guy team like the fundamentalist Christians, and the Republicans?
The trustworthy sources were still saying all the right shit against those forces of evil too.
There was no sudden swing.
They didn't all slap swastika armbands on.
They didn't grow fangs.
Their eyes didn't turn orange with cat irises.
Their voices didn't turn into tiger growls.
They were still themselves.
Just this new little bit of bullshit got added on.
We think if this shit happens it's like a movie.
It's never like a movie.
It's never gonna be.
And it took up more and more of their shows reeeeaallly gradually.
It creeped up over a few years.
From 2012 to 2016.
You'd have to be a time traveler downloading all their shows, and timing the content out with editing software to see the change happening.
First there was Elevatorgate, then Gamergate, then the Gamergate-ers went from hating radical feminists to ALL feminists, then it became okay to say misogynist shit about just the radical feminists, because they were causing harm, then it grew like a fungus, then the pickup artists and incels were rejected because "oh, at least we're not like THEM", but then the pickup artists and incels were just let right in through the side door.
It was a million tiny little steps.
A slow evolution.
And when it has its tentacles around you, you think you're sane, and everyone else is going crazy.
Dinner keeps saying this shit, and I remember being the guy saying it.
So, how did I snap out of it?
For one, I walked the walk when it comes to being logical.
Most people who think they're logical really don't understand what that means.
They think puffing their chest, and throwing a lot of dictionary words into their speech is logic.
No, it's an actual process with rules.
Its an anti-virus for your head.
But you have to manually work it.
It doesn't run by itself.
You have to do it.
I actually keep a chart of logical fallacies at hand.
I keep the Carl Sagan baloney detection kit at hand.
But, the part of me that gets the virus warning was broken, so I wasn't using it.
I was getting the virus warning from people virus warning me about Gamergate.
So, how did I snap out of it?
Ghostbusters: Answer The Call.
When the anti-feminist CHUDs went after that, I knew something was fishy.
Cuz, I know everything about Ghostbusters.
I did my homework on Paul Feig.
I did my homework on the new cast.
The shit the CHUDs were saying about the movie and him wasn't adding up.
I knew it wasn't part of a feminist conspiracy.
I knew it had nothing to do with Anita Sarkeesian.
By being a Ghostbusters fan, I had checked the sources of my sources by accident.
And that made me finally boot up my root logic program.
And then a lot of the anti-feminist shit started to fall apart.
And then the blind trust of my sources went away, and I started un-following fuckers.
But the next to last straw, was Sargon being so anti-Hillary he was pro-Trump, and he was pro-Brexit, when my British Facebook friends knew in excruciating scientific detail that Brexit would be a nightmare.
But the final-final straw was Charlottesville.
When actual Nazis actually killed someone, and the CHUDs like Sargon were laughing at it, and victim blaming, the jig was up.
And this shit got smarter people than me.
It was a combination of luck, and being an OCD logic fundamentalist that got me out.
But, being a logic fundamentalist was OCD, and OCD is genetics, so it was all luck.
People that don't have my combination of experiences, and head-wiring, they're kind of fucked.
As we can see with Dinner getting sucked deeper and deeper into it.
He ain't coming back.
There ain't no logic-checking software in that guy.
He's going down in flames.
And the lesson I learned to keep from repeating the mistake?
ALWAYS trace the sources.
No matter how much you trust the speaker, look up where they got the information.
That's the easiest anti-virus to bullshit.
Not much more to add there.
Boils down to, don't ever let your vanity tell you you're too smart to fall for their shit, cuz that's exactly when they get ya.
Stay on your toes.
Previously with SFF-
Asshole during Justice League. (SFF #24)
Previously with revisits-
Roy Cohn! (R #48)
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social media,
whoops my bad
Saturday, January 25, 2020
New Mutants is really happening! Part 2
Meedyah Morsels #204.
Disney/Fox Part 16
From last time...
A second poster should be dropping pretty soon too!
I was hoping it would drop today, but it's going on 4:00, so...guess not.
Would've dropped with the trailer if it was going to at all.
Stay tuned for that.
Geez, 19 fucking days later.
That was a bit much.
WTF?'s all right.
They're clearly going for a punk rock album cover look instead of a conventional poster look.
Yeah, it's growing on me.
Whatever, just let's see the flick already.
We were supposed to see it along with Deadpool 2.
Previously with Disney/Fox-
Disney/Fox Part 15: Fox is going awaaayyyy.
Previously with MM-
So much for the MHAU. (MM #203)
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Disney/Fox Part 16
From last time...
A second poster should be dropping pretty soon too!
I was hoping it would drop today, but it's going on 4:00, so...guess not.
Would've dropped with the trailer if it was going to at all.
Stay tuned for that.
Geez, 19 fucking days later.
That was a bit much.
WTF?'s all right.
They're clearly going for a punk rock album cover look instead of a conventional poster look.
Yeah, it's growing on me.
Whatever, just let's see the flick already.
We were supposed to see it along with Deadpool 2.
Previously with Disney/Fox-
Disney/Fox Part 15: Fox is going awaaayyyy.
Previously with MM-
So much for the MHAU. (MM #203)
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So much for the MHAU.
Meedyah Morsels #203.
MHAU being the Marvel Hulu Animated Universe.
Yep, just like that, Howard The Duck, and Tigra & Dazzler are cancelled.
MODOK is still going ahead, no word on Hit Monkey, but everyone's assuming it's going ahead.
But with only two shows, so much for "The Offenders".
I doubt MODOK and Hit Monkey will last long either.
Enjoy the slim handful of episodes you get, keeds.
Previously with MM-
The retroactive DCEU. (MM #202)
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MHAU being the Marvel Hulu Animated Universe.
Yep, just like that, Howard The Duck, and Tigra & Dazzler are cancelled.
MODOK is still going ahead, no word on Hit Monkey, but everyone's assuming it's going ahead.
But with only two shows, so much for "The Offenders".
I doubt MODOK and Hit Monkey will last long either.
Enjoy the slim handful of episodes you get, keeds.
Previously with MM-
The retroactive DCEU. (MM #202)
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Friday, January 24, 2020
X-Mas candy haul 2019.
Munchies & Crunchies #16
Half re-paste, half updates.
Enough to justify a post.
Here we go...
From here...
There was a bag of Christmas flavored taffys (egg nog, pumpkin pie, cocoa, candy cane, cookie dough), a bag of regular assorted taffys, a 4 pack of Reese's cups, a bag of Butterfinger bites, 3 Russel Stovers marshmallow Santas, a bag of regular Jelly Bellys, a box of Christmas flavored Jelly Bellys, a bag of plain M&M's, a bag of candy corn M&M's, a bag of pumpkin pie M&M's, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, a box of Hot Tamales, and a bag of organic taffy (they look like Starburst) with a fru-fru French name that I'm sure Amazon sent me by mistake, but I'm eating 'em anyway.
Oh, and the Christmas Jelly Bellys are hot chocolate, egg nog, pumpkin pie, candy cane, and cranberry. sauce.
And there were two tiny bags of Lindor truffles with 2 truffles each, I inhaled those first.
Update- Those French Starburst gave me horrible heartburn for some reason. :-P
Update 2- Dad didn't want his M&M's and Jelly Bellys so he gave 'em to me, so I've got candy out the ass now!
So, that pic above is what that all looks like.
I'll admit I depression-ate that shit pretty fucking quick.
I won't say how many days it took, but it wasn't a week.
Yes, it was Wembley depression.
I'm better now, and my sense memories are strong, so I get to re-eat these in my mind, and enjoy them better.
And I was wrong about the organic taffys, they weren't French, I just skimmed my eyes too fast on the fancy cursive font, and my brain made up some French word that it then forgot.
They're just "Lovely".
Okay then.
Hmm, maybe I didn't get them by mistake after all.
My grandmother said "lovely", a lot, and it became a family meme even after her death, I even subconsciously say it here a bunch, so maybe my mother Amazon ordered it for the name, and then forgot about it.
Yeah, I bet that's what happened.
Favorites were the Taffy Shop taffys, the x-mas Jelly Bellys, and the pumpkin M&M's.
Least favorite...the Lovely taffys, if only because of the nuclear heartburn.
They were delicious going down though.
They taste like real fruit juice, not synthetic shit like Starburst.
But, real juice gives me heartburn, and so does anything made with it, apparently.
Y'know, screw it, nothing was my least favorite, it was all good.
Anyway, that was the candy feast.
Previously with Christmas/birthday loot-
Christmas loot 8, update!
Previously with MC-
Wembley chow. (MC #15)
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Half re-paste, half updates.
Enough to justify a post.
Here we go...
From here...
There was a bag of Christmas flavored taffys (egg nog, pumpkin pie, cocoa, candy cane, cookie dough), a bag of regular assorted taffys, a 4 pack of Reese's cups, a bag of Butterfinger bites, 3 Russel Stovers marshmallow Santas, a bag of regular Jelly Bellys, a box of Christmas flavored Jelly Bellys, a bag of plain M&M's, a bag of candy corn M&M's, a bag of pumpkin pie M&M's, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, a box of Hot Tamales, and a bag of organic taffy (they look like Starburst) with a fru-fru French name that I'm sure Amazon sent me by mistake, but I'm eating 'em anyway.
Oh, and the Christmas Jelly Bellys are hot chocolate, egg nog, pumpkin pie, candy cane, and cranberry. sauce.
And there were two tiny bags of Lindor truffles with 2 truffles each, I inhaled those first.
Update- Those French Starburst gave me horrible heartburn for some reason. :-P
Update 2- Dad didn't want his M&M's and Jelly Bellys so he gave 'em to me, so I've got candy out the ass now!
So, that pic above is what that all looks like.
I'll admit I depression-ate that shit pretty fucking quick.
I won't say how many days it took, but it wasn't a week.
Yes, it was Wembley depression.
I'm better now, and my sense memories are strong, so I get to re-eat these in my mind, and enjoy them better.
And I was wrong about the organic taffys, they weren't French, I just skimmed my eyes too fast on the fancy cursive font, and my brain made up some French word that it then forgot.
They're just "Lovely".
Okay then.
Hmm, maybe I didn't get them by mistake after all.
My grandmother said "lovely", a lot, and it became a family meme even after her death, I even subconsciously say it here a bunch, so maybe my mother Amazon ordered it for the name, and then forgot about it.
Yeah, I bet that's what happened.
Favorites were the Taffy Shop taffys, the x-mas Jelly Bellys, and the pumpkin M&M's.
Least favorite...the Lovely taffys, if only because of the nuclear heartburn.
They were delicious going down though.
They taste like real fruit juice, not synthetic shit like Starburst.
But, real juice gives me heartburn, and so does anything made with it, apparently.
Y'know, screw it, nothing was my least favorite, it was all good.
Anyway, that was the candy feast.
Previously with Christmas/birthday loot-
Christmas loot 8, update!
Previously with MC-
Wembley chow. (MC #15)
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The retroactive DCEU.
Meedyah Morsels #202.
Since "Crisis On Infinite Earths", merged pretty much everything in the DC multiverse, including the DCEU, then everything is DCEU, and the name "DC Expanded Universe", really actually means something!
Before, it meant just 8 films, now it's a truckload of stuff!
So, here's the list.
I went through, and just using stuff that directly (not indirectly) connected to Crisis, and just using movies, the DCEU just got fluffed up to 30, and now Marvel is actually lagging behind!
1. Batman The Movie
2. Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders
3. Batman vs Two-Face
4. Superman The Movie
5. Superman II
6. Superman III
7. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
8. Superman Returns
9. Batman
10. Batman Returns
11. Batman Forever
12. Batman & Robin
13. The Flash (1990 pilot movie)
14. Green Lantern
15. Flash vs Arrow
16. Heroes Join Forces
17. Invasion!
18. Crisis On Earth-X
19. Elseworlds
20. Crisis On Infinite Earths
21. Wonder Woman
22. Wonder Woman 1984
23. Man Of Steel
24. Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice
25. Suicide Squad
26. Justice League
27. Aquaman
28. Shazam!
29. Birds Of Prey (and the fantabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn)
30. Suicide Squad 2
There, now I can link this longer list in my future DCEU reviews.
Previously with MM-
GB2, GBA, and Cannibal Girls! (MM #201)
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Since "Crisis On Infinite Earths", merged pretty much everything in the DC multiverse, including the DCEU, then everything is DCEU, and the name "DC Expanded Universe", really actually means something!
Before, it meant just 8 films, now it's a truckload of stuff!
So, here's the list.
I went through, and just using stuff that directly (not indirectly) connected to Crisis, and just using movies, the DCEU just got fluffed up to 30, and now Marvel is actually lagging behind!
1. Batman The Movie
2. Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders
3. Batman vs Two-Face
4. Superman The Movie
5. Superman II
6. Superman III
7. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
8. Superman Returns
9. Batman
10. Batman Returns
11. Batman Forever
12. Batman & Robin
13. The Flash (1990 pilot movie)
14. Green Lantern
15. Flash vs Arrow
16. Heroes Join Forces
17. Invasion!
18. Crisis On Earth-X
19. Elseworlds
20. Crisis On Infinite Earths
21. Wonder Woman
22. Wonder Woman 1984
23. Man Of Steel
24. Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice
25. Suicide Squad
26. Justice League
27. Aquaman
28. Shazam!
29. Birds Of Prey (and the fantabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn)
30. Suicide Squad 2
There, now I can link this longer list in my future DCEU reviews.
Previously with MM-
GB2, GBA, and Cannibal Girls! (MM #201)
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Wembley chow.
Munchies & Crunchies #15
I woulda done this one sooner, but it woulda made me bawl.
I'm all right now.
Kit & Kaboodle/
Fancy Feast Broths
This is what Wembley swore by and subsisted on.
We tried expanding his horizons with other things, but nope.
You know how cats are, they find their favorite thing, and that's it.
Apparently, Kit N' Kaboodle is the Wendy's Baconator of dry cat foods, he loved the shit.
But Fancy Feast Broth (specifically the tuna, whitefish, and anchovies) was his favorite thing in all of existence.
Even more than regular tuna.
Probably because it 1. stunk to high heaven 2. had anchovie heads with dead staring eyeballs.
Cats love stuff that stinks, and has faces still on, and the anchovie soup had 'em both.
If you've got a kitty cat, and you wanna spoil him/her, that anchovie soup is cat crack.
Just hold your breath when you peel the packet open.
And don't get a drop of it on you, or you'll stink forever.
Unless you wash with strong powdered soap made for getting axle grease off ya.
We started getting them for him as a once a week treat, but he gradually demanded more and more until he had one every other day.
If he'd had his way, he'd have a spout pour it into his gullet like the gravy river in that one catfood ad.
We spoiled him rotten, but he lived a (relatively) long and happy life.
Condiments, sauces, and spreads (MC #14)
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I woulda done this one sooner, but it woulda made me bawl.
I'm all right now.
Kit & Kaboodle/
Fancy Feast Broths
This is what Wembley swore by and subsisted on.
We tried expanding his horizons with other things, but nope.
You know how cats are, they find their favorite thing, and that's it.
Apparently, Kit N' Kaboodle is the Wendy's Baconator of dry cat foods, he loved the shit.
But Fancy Feast Broth (specifically the tuna, whitefish, and anchovies) was his favorite thing in all of existence.
Even more than regular tuna.
Probably because it 1. stunk to high heaven 2. had anchovie heads with dead staring eyeballs.
Cats love stuff that stinks, and has faces still on, and the anchovie soup had 'em both.
If you've got a kitty cat, and you wanna spoil him/her, that anchovie soup is cat crack.
Just hold your breath when you peel the packet open.
And don't get a drop of it on you, or you'll stink forever.
Unless you wash with strong powdered soap made for getting axle grease off ya.
We started getting them for him as a once a week treat, but he gradually demanded more and more until he had one every other day.
If he'd had his way, he'd have a spout pour it into his gullet like the gravy river in that one catfood ad.
We spoiled him rotten, but he lived a (relatively) long and happy life.
Condiments, sauces, and spreads (MC #14)
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Monday, January 20, 2020
GB2, GBA, and Cannibal Girls!
Meedyah Morsels #201.
As I asked here, "is Ghostbusters 2 canon anymore in this universe?".
Well, we still don't know for absolutely sure, but someone did find a GB2 Easter egg.
Okay, in GB2, there's the montage set to "Flip City", by Glenn Frey, and right about when it starts, we go by a movie theater playing "Cannibal Girls".
This is a real movie that Ivan Reitman directed.
It was just before "Meatballs", and his career started taking off.
Anyway, someone spotted this during the filming of GBA in Calgary....
Boom, Cannibal Girls.
Here's the poster zoomed in on.
And here's the actual poster.
So, it's not a direct plot connection to GB2, but the fact that Jason Reitman is putting this much detail into things like that shows he gives a shit, and there'll probably be something deeper in the actual flick to tie everything together.
Anyway, not Earth shattering, but just a bit of fun, like the Tobin's Spirit Guide thing.
Previously with GBA-
Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement!
Previously with MM-
Meedyah Morsels #1-200 compilation.
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As I asked here, "is Ghostbusters 2 canon anymore in this universe?".
Well, we still don't know for absolutely sure, but someone did find a GB2 Easter egg.
Okay, in GB2, there's the montage set to "Flip City", by Glenn Frey, and right about when it starts, we go by a movie theater playing "Cannibal Girls".
This is a real movie that Ivan Reitman directed.
It was just before "Meatballs", and his career started taking off.
Anyway, someone spotted this during the filming of GBA in Calgary....
Boom, Cannibal Girls.
Here's the poster zoomed in on.
And here's the actual poster.
So, it's not a direct plot connection to GB2, but the fact that Jason Reitman is putting this much detail into things like that shows he gives a shit, and there'll probably be something deeper in the actual flick to tie everything together.
Anyway, not Earth shattering, but just a bit of fun, like the Tobin's Spirit Guide thing.
Previously with GBA-
Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement!
Previously with MM-
Meedyah Morsels #1-200 compilation.
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Saturday, January 18, 2020
Meedyah Morsels #1-200 compilation.
And, here's all six batches so far.
- Pop culture updates #1-30 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #31-60 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #61-90 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #91-120 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #121-150 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #151-200 compilation.
Now, to link this to archives.
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blog stuff,
Evil Dead,
Star Trek,
Star Wars,
Meedyah Morsels #151-200 compilation.
Time for the sixth batch of entries.
This time, 50 of the little buggers.
- Happy 20th birthday, David Bowie: Hours!! (MM #151)
- The next Ghostbusters comic! (MM #152)
- Ghostbusters 2020 wraps! (MM #153)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths update #7. (MM #154)
- ATC getting phased out? Looks like it. (MM #155)
- EL Camino (2019) (MM #156)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths update #8. (MM #157)
- "The Batman", casting #3. (MM #158)
- "The Batman", casting #4. (MM #159)
- GB2020 wraps! ...again...sorta... (MM #160)
- Ghostbusters biographies. (MM #161)
- Ghostbusters: Year One. (MM #162)
- Evil Dead 4 moving ahead. (MM #163)
- Final "The Rise Of Skywalker", poster. (MM #164)
- Star Wars: Benioff & Weiss trilogy is dead. (MM #165)
- Star Wars: B & W trilogy was KOTOR. (MM #166)
- In defense of Terminator Salvation. (MM #167)
- "The Batman", casting #5-6. (MM #168)
- GB2020 casting confirmation. (MM #169)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (?) (MM #170)
- She-Hulk and others coming to MCU movies. (MM #171)
- AHS: 1984 (2019) (MM #172)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths update #9. (MM #173)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths update #10. (MM #174)
- Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) (MM #175)
- Asshole during Justice League. (MM #176)
- Ghostbusters 2020 casting part 10. (MM #177)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (confirmed!!) (MM #178)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (first look!!) (MM #179)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (teaser poster!!) (MM #180)
- Ghostbusters Afterlife (TRAILER!!) (MM #181)
- All right, let's talk that GBA trailer. (MM #182)
- All right, let's talk that GBA trailer- Part 2. (MM #183)
- Marvel DC crossover! (MM #184)
- My Christmas Loot: Part 8, The Fantabulous Emancipation Of Looty! (MM #185)
- The Mandalorian (2019) (MM #186)
- I Still Love Star Wars (MM #187)
- Star Wars: The High Republic (MM #188)
- Disney/Fox Part 14: New Mutants is really happening! (MM #189)
- Disney/Fox Part 1.5: The history of Marvel's collapse and resurrection. (MM #190)
- Xtro revisited! (MM #191)
- Scream Queen gets a release date!!! (MM #192)
- Morbius merges Spidey-verse!! (MM #193)
- SW: The High Republic (confirmed!) (MM #194)
- Clarice at last!! (MM #195)
- Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (review!!) (MM #196)
- Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement! (MM #197)
- Disney/Fox Part 15: Fox is going awaaayyyy. (MM #198)
- Christmas loot 8, update! (MM #199)
- Happy 30th anniversary, 1990!!!! (MM #200)
Like I said last time...
Yeah, next batch, I'm gonna push all the way to 200, and then I'm only gonna compile them every 100. This every 30 posts shit is the pits.
See you next time at 300.
Next up, combining it with the first five batches into a compilation of parts 1-200.
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blog stuff,
Evil Dead,
Star Wars
Happy 30th anniversary, 1990!!!!
Meedyah Morsels #200.
Yep, the year 1990 is 30 years old, and it ain't gonna get any younger, so time's a wastin'.
When 1989 rolled over to 1990, I thought we were in for some futuristic super-decade that would put the 80's to shame.
In some ways yes, in some ways no.
And all the "yes", ways weren't apparent to me at the time.
Now they are.
So, let's look back at this new/old decade to try to size up where we're going for the 2020's.
IT (1990)
See here and here for the old reviews.
Of course, we got the 2 film remake in 2017 and 2019.
So, King adaptations are still going strong.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Old review here.
The Turtles are still plugging along.
They just did an animated crossover with Batman, two comic book crossovers with the Ghostbusters, and they added a 5th female Turtle to their roster called Jennika.
She's not named after a painter, because she was born human, and then transformed.
If they do a 3rd Ghostbusters, or another Batman, she'll be there.
So, yep, they're still a thing, and still expanding and evolving.
Darkman (1990)
Old review here.
Liam Neeson went on to do "The Phantom Menace", "Batman Begins", and the "Taken", trilogy.
Sam Raimi went on to do his Spider-Man trilogy that led the way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And Bruce Campbell was last seen in the "Ash vs Evil Dead", series, and as the host of "Ripley's Believe It or not".
And "Darkman", was the stepping stone towards all of that.
Who knew?
Well, a lot of people still don't seem to.
Dig it up, and give it another look.
It's a nice little flick.
And in hindsight, you can see the seeds being planted.
The Death of The Incredible Hulk (1990)
Old review here.
Updated review here.
Hulk may have died very unceremoniously in that old continuity, but he saved the goddamned universe in "Avengers: Endgame".
So, I think things worked out pretty damned well for Ol' Greenskin in the end.
And "Endgame", is part of the MCU.
Whose seeds were planted by "Spider-Man".
Whose seeds were planted by "Darkman".
Lotta secret gears were turning in 1990.
The Flash (1990)
Old review here.
90's Flash came back for one last go-round, and a torch pass in "Crisis On Infinite Earths".
And then CW-Flash ran into DCEU Flash.
So, hey, who thought we'd be talking about that little one-season show 30 years later?
And if we did, who thought it would because the character is still popping up in a still functioning multi-verse?
Nobody but a genuine time-traveler could have even hinted at it.
Star Trek TNG (1989-1994)
Old review here.
Updated review here.
Picard's coming back in "Star Trek: Picard".
And he's bringing Riker, Troi, and Seven Of Nine with him.
So, Picard's still Trekkin'.
Roseanne (1988-1997)
Old review here.
Still chugging along as "The Connors".
They killed Roseanne (the character) with an opioid overdose.
And they can never bring her back.
Just 10 years ago, I wouldn't have believed I would see that as a good thing.
But, man, she's fallen off her rocker.
I have an old concert of hers where she's bashing on Dubyah Bush, and it's like she's a completely different person.
Conspiracy theory shit sunk its hooks into her.
That shit will turn you into a bigot.
She was spouting conspiracy crap on Joe Rogan long before she turned full MAGA.
MAGA hats are lined with tinfoil.
Good riddance.
And huzzah to Sarah Gilbert.
Darlene stands victorious!
Twin Peaks (1990-1991, 2017)
Covered that all here.
I said in that review I was going to attempt X-Files next.
Haha! Nope!
I got 3 episodes in, and couldn't take it anymore.
I dunno what it is that turns me off, the snail's pace, the bland score, but its like citronella to a mosquito with me.
I just cant get into it.
Twin Peaks, exact opposite.
Music, style, everything's firing on all cylinders.
Anyway, Lynch is hinting around he wants to do another season.
The George Carlin Renaissance (1990-1999)
See here.
He's still changing lives.
Type "George Carlin reaction", into Youtube, and you'll see the new generation getting woken up in their thinking as they watch for the first time.
You can see the change happening in real time.
It's fucking great.
Time/Life just put a new set out with the 14 HBO shows, and a bunch of other goodies, like Ed Sullivan appearances, and other rare stuff.
Hundred bucks though.
Still.....*scratches beard thinking about it*
Anyway, the infomercial for that is the only infomercial ever made that I genuinely enjoy watching.
Well, Carol Burnett and Dean Martin Roasts are pretty good too.
Mystery Science Theater 3000
See here.
Ashamed to say I haven't managed to catch the new ones.
Ah, well.
Tiny Toon Adventures (1990-1992)
See here.
Well, its been 30 years, so I'll fess up.
I was totally watching this during high school.
Like, just for me, no bullshit that it was on for younger relatives.
Admitting to it might have gotten me beaten up back then, because America sucks, but now I find out a whole generation of nerds was secret-watching this.
Fuck, nowadays, you have out-and-proud Bronies for chrissakes.
They take a lot of shit, but they don't seem to give a fuck.
Well, good on them then.
Wish I'd been brave.
Y'know, it's weird, you could admit to watching Simpsons, and/or Ren & Stimpy.
Those were the two you were allowed.
Later on, Beavis & Butt-Head.
Tiny Toons, not so much.
Y'know what? I bet everyone else was watching it too.
Anyway, this paved the way for Animaniacs, which came out after I graduated, so I had that one free and clear.
And now it's coming back with new episodes on Hulu.
And us 40-something weirdos are gonna force our teenage kids to watch it, I bet!
Jurassic Park (1990)
See here.
They're still cranking out the movies.
"Jurassic World 3", is on its way.
From the guy who wrote the shitty rejected script for Star Wars Episode 9.
Harry Hembooks!!! (1989-1996)
(Published 2012)
I was busy slogging away at these!
I've got a new story set in this universe coming out soon!
They Might Be Giants
Flood (1990)
Apollo 18 (1992)
See here.
Thank you, TMBG.
SNES (1990)
See here.
The internet.
AOL was supposedly around in 1983, so they were around in 1990 before I got online around '95, '96 or so.
So, it counts.
See here for my arrival/rise in the internet.
Florida (1990)
See here.
Nicely's Video (1987-2005)
See here.
Shady Dave's (1987-1995)
Weathervane (1987-2014-15?)
See here.
Bookland (198?-2000)
See here.
Schwan man (1990-1993)
See here, here, and here.
So, there you go.
That was a sample of 1990.
A lot of it still going strong in 2020.
And stuff like flea markets and bookstores didn't quite make it.
And the internet has become so powerful, it's terrifying.
As has been pointed out in a million Facebook memes, 2050 is as far away in the future as 1990 is in the past now.
Maybe I'll check in again with another one of these for 1991.
We'll see.
Previously with MM-
Christmas loot 8, update! (MM #199)
Read More......
Yep, the year 1990 is 30 years old, and it ain't gonna get any younger, so time's a wastin'.
When 1989 rolled over to 1990, I thought we were in for some futuristic super-decade that would put the 80's to shame.
In some ways yes, in some ways no.
And all the "yes", ways weren't apparent to me at the time.
Now they are.
So, let's look back at this new/old decade to try to size up where we're going for the 2020's.
IT (1990)
See here and here for the old reviews.
Of course, we got the 2 film remake in 2017 and 2019.
So, King adaptations are still going strong.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Old review here.
The Turtles are still plugging along.
They just did an animated crossover with Batman, two comic book crossovers with the Ghostbusters, and they added a 5th female Turtle to their roster called Jennika.
She's not named after a painter, because she was born human, and then transformed.
If they do a 3rd Ghostbusters, or another Batman, she'll be there.
So, yep, they're still a thing, and still expanding and evolving.
Darkman (1990)
Old review here.
Liam Neeson went on to do "The Phantom Menace", "Batman Begins", and the "Taken", trilogy.
Sam Raimi went on to do his Spider-Man trilogy that led the way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And Bruce Campbell was last seen in the "Ash vs Evil Dead", series, and as the host of "Ripley's Believe It or not".
And "Darkman", was the stepping stone towards all of that.
Who knew?
Well, a lot of people still don't seem to.
Dig it up, and give it another look.
It's a nice little flick.
And in hindsight, you can see the seeds being planted.
The Death of The Incredible Hulk (1990)
Old review here.
Updated review here.
Hulk may have died very unceremoniously in that old continuity, but he saved the goddamned universe in "Avengers: Endgame".
So, I think things worked out pretty damned well for Ol' Greenskin in the end.
And "Endgame", is part of the MCU.
Whose seeds were planted by "Spider-Man".
Whose seeds were planted by "Darkman".
Lotta secret gears were turning in 1990.
The Flash (1990)
Old review here.
90's Flash came back for one last go-round, and a torch pass in "Crisis On Infinite Earths".
And then CW-Flash ran into DCEU Flash.
So, hey, who thought we'd be talking about that little one-season show 30 years later?
And if we did, who thought it would because the character is still popping up in a still functioning multi-verse?
Nobody but a genuine time-traveler could have even hinted at it.
Star Trek TNG (1989-1994)
Old review here.
Updated review here.
Picard's coming back in "Star Trek: Picard".
And he's bringing Riker, Troi, and Seven Of Nine with him.
Roseanne (1988-1997)
Old review here.
Still chugging along as "The Connors".
They killed Roseanne (the character) with an opioid overdose.
And they can never bring her back.
Just 10 years ago, I wouldn't have believed I would see that as a good thing.
But, man, she's fallen off her rocker.
I have an old concert of hers where she's bashing on Dubyah Bush, and it's like she's a completely different person.
Conspiracy theory shit sunk its hooks into her.
That shit will turn you into a bigot.
She was spouting conspiracy crap on Joe Rogan long before she turned full MAGA.
MAGA hats are lined with tinfoil.
Good riddance.
And huzzah to Sarah Gilbert.
Darlene stands victorious!
Twin Peaks (1990-1991, 2017)
Covered that all here.
I said in that review I was going to attempt X-Files next.
Haha! Nope!
I got 3 episodes in, and couldn't take it anymore.
I dunno what it is that turns me off, the snail's pace, the bland score, but its like citronella to a mosquito with me.
I just cant get into it.
Twin Peaks, exact opposite.
Music, style, everything's firing on all cylinders.
Anyway, Lynch is hinting around he wants to do another season.
The George Carlin Renaissance (1990-1999)
See here.
He's still changing lives.
Type "George Carlin reaction", into Youtube, and you'll see the new generation getting woken up in their thinking as they watch for the first time.
You can see the change happening in real time.
It's fucking great.
Time/Life just put a new set out with the 14 HBO shows, and a bunch of other goodies, like Ed Sullivan appearances, and other rare stuff.
Hundred bucks though.
Still.....*scratches beard thinking about it*
Anyway, the infomercial for that is the only infomercial ever made that I genuinely enjoy watching.
Well, Carol Burnett and Dean Martin Roasts are pretty good too.
Mystery Science Theater 3000
See here.
Ashamed to say I haven't managed to catch the new ones.
Ah, well.
Tiny Toon Adventures (1990-1992)
See here.
Well, its been 30 years, so I'll fess up.
I was totally watching this during high school.
Like, just for me, no bullshit that it was on for younger relatives.
Admitting to it might have gotten me beaten up back then, because America sucks, but now I find out a whole generation of nerds was secret-watching this.
Fuck, nowadays, you have out-and-proud Bronies for chrissakes.
They take a lot of shit, but they don't seem to give a fuck.
Well, good on them then.
Wish I'd been brave.
Y'know, it's weird, you could admit to watching Simpsons, and/or Ren & Stimpy.
Those were the two you were allowed.
Later on, Beavis & Butt-Head.
Tiny Toons, not so much.
Y'know what? I bet everyone else was watching it too.
Anyway, this paved the way for Animaniacs, which came out after I graduated, so I had that one free and clear.
And now it's coming back with new episodes on Hulu.
And us 40-something weirdos are gonna force our teenage kids to watch it, I bet!
Jurassic Park (1990)
See here.
They're still cranking out the movies.
"Jurassic World 3", is on its way.
From the guy who wrote the shitty rejected script for Star Wars Episode 9.
Harry Hembooks!!! (1989-1996)
(Published 2012)
I was busy slogging away at these!
I've got a new story set in this universe coming out soon!
They Might Be Giants
Flood (1990)
Apollo 18 (1992)
See here.
Thank you, TMBG.
SNES (1990)
See here.
The internet.
AOL was supposedly around in 1983, so they were around in 1990 before I got online around '95, '96 or so.
So, it counts.
See here for my arrival/rise in the internet.
Florida (1990)
See here.
Nicely's Video (1987-2005)
See here.
Shady Dave's (1987-1995)
Weathervane (1987-2014-15?)
See here.
Bookland (198?-2000)
See here.
Schwan man (1990-1993)
See here, here, and here.
So, there you go.
That was a sample of 1990.
A lot of it still going strong in 2020.
And stuff like flea markets and bookstores didn't quite make it.
And the internet has become so powerful, it's terrifying.
As has been pointed out in a million Facebook memes, 2050 is as far away in the future as 1990 is in the past now.
Maybe I'll check in again with another one of these for 1991.
We'll see.
Previously with MM-
Christmas loot 8, update! (MM #199)
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on this day,
Star Trek
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- Yet another "I told you so!".
- The Krazyfool Show 2
- Happy 20th anniversary, The Krazyfool Show!!
- RIP Jack Burns
- Another couple tags.
- How the gamergate crypto-fascists got under my radar.
- New Mutants is really happening! Part 2
- So much for the MHAU.
- X-Mas candy haul 2019.
- The retroactive DCEU.
- Wembley chow.
- GB2, GBA, and Cannibal Girls!
- Meedyah Morsels #1-200 compilation.
- Meedyah Morsels #151-200 compilation.
- Happy 30th anniversary, 1990!!!!
- Christmas loot 8, update!
- Fox is going awaaayyyy.
- Happy 1st anniversary, GB3/GBA announcement!
- Crisis On Infinite Earths!! (review!!)
- Happy 7th birthday, Jade Shade!
- Happy 31st birthday, Harry Hembock!!!!!!!!
- Clarice at last!!
- SW: The High Republic (confirmed!)
- Morbius merges Spidey-verse!!
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- Scream Queen gets a release date!!!
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