Revisits #50.
This is a revisit to "Snarky literary criticism of the day #4", from 10 years ago.
So, I'll just go ahead and re-create the post, cuz it was so short....
"Projection much?".
That's it.
That was the gag.
It went over with a dull thud.
Who's laughing now?
*Smug arm cross*
Anyway, responding to each cover title from left to right, top to bottom, like a comic...
Trump's a slanderer.
Every fucking day on Twitter.
And all Republicans have fallen in line behind him.
He's a traitor.
Putin's dick never leaves his ass.
Its a quantum entangled tether.
And all Republicans have fallen in line with him.
He's guilty of his treason, and the Senate admits it, but doesn't give a shit.
And again, all Republicans have fallen in line with him and them.
"100 people who are screwing up America"?
There's 100 people in the Senate, aren't there?
Oh, but Barbara Streisand, yeah, that's the threat. *eyeroll*
And rappers!
Damn you, rap!
Jumping around a bit for the sake of logic...
"The enemy at home".
A treasonous president, and a Senate that aids his treason, that's an enemy if I ever saw one.
And D'Souza is a convicted felon, so he should talk.
So...add him to the "guilty", pile.
"Liberal Fascism".
No, fascists are the treasonous presidential administration, and his cronies.
Nazis weren't liberal, they were corporate and industrialist as fuck.
Y'know, like Republicans.
Who gave At&T massive tax cuts so they could turn around, and fire everybody.
Yeah, wow, that's some real hardcore socialism.
Move over, Bernie Sanders!
AT&T is in town!
And Jeff Bezos!
"Arguing with idiots".
Like your shitty relative who screamed for Trump's wall that just blew down in a strong breeze?
Like that kind of idiot?
Or the kind of idiot that cried for real when Glenn Beck used to fake cry?
"Those Who Trespass".
Is an unwelcome pussy grab trespassing?
In a manner of speaking, yeah.
And not only is Trump a sexual predator, so's Bill O'Reilly.
Birds of a feather.
So, my little joke was right in every molecular detail, I guess I just didn't deliver it right.
Maybe I should have thrown confetti, and honked an air-horn or something.
Y'know, like an FM radio DJ.
Everyone loves those guys.
"Projection much"?
Yeah, that sold it.
That's better.
Previously with revisits-
How the gamergate crypto-fascists got under my radar. (R #49)
New posters for The Assessment, Opus
9 hours ago
I was pretty surprised that Tucker Carlson bashed the Soleimani killing. I'm always surprised though when right wingers turn out to be anti-war.
Those books never say anything, to my knowledge, that you couldn't guess those people would already say. And of course they all have written 30 of them. They're about making quick $$$$. Political pornography.
That "100 people screwing up America" book, to my knowledge, ended up bashing Michael Moore as the #1 worst. It was written quite a long time ago when Moore was still managing to piss people off; I can't remember the last time he actually has done so.
Michael Moore's last controversial act was predicting Trump would win in 2016.
The left turned on him and spat on him for that.
And then Trump did win.
And everyone was too depressed to apologize.
But, then he fear mongered that democracy was over if we didn't win the house in 2017, but we did, so, it kinda all balanced itself out.
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