Meedyah Morsels #185.
Here we go...
IT: Chapter Two (2019)
Review here.
Haven't torn into it yet.
There were good movies on TV for Christmas, and I just watched regular ass TV.
I haven't even caught up to yesterday's podcasts.
I have the same problem for Halloween these days.
I plan a DVD marathon, and then TV is too good.
Doom Patrol (Season 1) (2019)
Review here.
Thanks to "Crisis", it's canon!
Ditto what I said about "IT: Chapter 2"
Now, stuff lost in Amazon limbo....
Jessica Jones (Season 1) (2015)
Review here.
With the Netflix deal over, time to collect my favorites on disk.
Spectral Shenanigans
Volume Two (2019)
Sequel to volume one, and almost fills the continuity in up to "Mass Hysteria"
Compiles volumes 4-6.
Volume 7 (2014)
And, that one takes it right up to Mass Hysteria.
When those two come, I'll only have to fill the gap from "Get Real", to "101", and then the newest ones after "Crossing Over", and I'll be all caught up there.
And then, the rest was a prodigious pile of candy.
(Pasted from Facebook yesterday, and tinkered a little)
There was a bag of Christmas flavored taffys (egg nog, pumpkin pie, cocoa, candy cane, cookie dough), a bag of regular assorted taffys, a 4 pack of Reese's cups, a bag of Butterfinger bites, 3 Russel Stovers marshmallow Santas, a bag of regular Jelly Bellys, a box of Christmas flavored Jelly Bellys, a bag of plain M&M's, a bag of candy corn M&M's, a bag of pumpkin pie M&M's, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, a box of Hot Tamales, and a bag of organic taffy (they look like Starburst) with a fru-fru French name that I'm sure Amazon sent me by mistake, but I'm eating 'em anyway.
Oh, and the Christmas Jelly Bellys are hot chocolate, egg nog, pumpkin pie, candy cane, and cranberry. sauce.
And there were two tiny bags of Lindor truffles with 2 truffles each, I inhaled those first.
Update- Those French Starburst gave me horrible heartburn for some reason. :-P
Update 2- Dad didn't want his M&M's and Jelly Bellys so he gave 'em to me, so I've got candy out the ass now!
I'll have to do a sequel post for if/when that last DVD and two books come.
Previously with Christmas/birthday loot-
Previously with MM-
Marvel DC crossover! (MM #184)
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
2 hours ago
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