Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Happy 25th anniversary of Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion!!!

-2013 (saga of the site)
-2014 (saga of Krazyfool Show)
-2015 (TFA was coming soon)
-2016 (Rogue One was being whispered)
-2017 (Rogue One was out)
-2018 (TLJ was out)
-2019 (TROS was coming soon)
-2020 (unobserved)
-2021 (unobserved)
-2022 (unobserved)
-2023 (unobserved)

(Sent back by my future self in 6/27/24)

Yeah, 2020-2023 were fucking covid, and Margaret grief, and I just didn't wanna fucking bother.

Why was I marking time with stupid Star Wars? 
Oh, right, cuz the site and "Krazyfool Show" were the year of "Phantom Menace".
So, that just seemed like the thing to do.
Nah, fuck that. That's just what was going on pop-culture wise.
May as well have gone with "The Matrix" or "The Green Mile" or "The Messenger".

As for modern Star Wars, everyone's having a donnybrook over "The Acolyte" and I just don't fucking care. You can't make me care.

So, back to Krazyfool; last time, I did "Krazyfool 2" and was going to do a whole series of prequels.
Then I cancelled the prequels in favor of "The Vengeance/Emergence Saga".
Then I took down "Emergence Saga" for being written under rage-hate, and nothing good comes of that. 
Well, there was some good world-building, and some funny non-revenge stuff; but to kill the revenge stuff, it all had to go.

So!! We're here now!
A quarter century of my website presence!
Holy shit!
I fucking did it.

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