Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Eternals (2021)

Ahh! The last movie I missed in theaters due to fucking covid is in my file cabinet!
Another trauma wound healed.
So many more left to go.


Previously on MCU....

Non-spoiler review.

I dug it.
It's beautifully filmed.
Epic in scale.
Great effects.
Ambitious story.
Slow burn though. Not a popcorn movie.
It's like if "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Lord Of The Rings" had a baby, and Harry Potter beat off in the corner watching the conception.
People looking for a rollercoaster would likely describe it as "ponderous" and/or "plodding".
I guess I'm the weird nerd they make these kind of movies for, I was paying attention just fine.
But then, I'm a Dune guy.
If you can handle Dune's pace and pretenses, then Eternals is an Epcot ride in comparison.

I rank "Black Widow" higher because it's more fun, and "Shang-Chi" even higher because it's epic, and fun.
Least good of the 3 Marvels of 2021, but still pretty good.
If you've kept up with the rest of Marvel, I see no reason to skip this one.

All that said....it strangely (and I can't believe I'm comparing these 2 films) had the same problem as Venom 1.
I wanted to see the sequel hinted at in after-credits more than the film I just got done watching!
"Why didn't they make THAT movie?!?!" my brain screams.

Well, the world of Eternals is big and beefy, I guess they thought they needed part 1 to world build.
I keep forgetting these have to be for a general audience, and not just us mutants.

Fiiiiine, okay, Marvel/Disney, make your paper.

Spoiler review-

So....how is the world gonna deal with a giant fucking Celestial head sticking out of the Earth??
Are the other movies going to acknowledge that?
I think an event that big cleanly put this after anything else that's coming out up to and including "Multiverse Of Madness".
This is Marvel's "The Rise Of Skywalker" until Eternals 2 lands.

There, I'm all caught up for missed Marvels!
Next up for this universe, Multiverse Of Madness, and Morbius!!

Next up on this blog, I compile 2021 like I did for 2020.
Stay tuned!!

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