Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Black Widow (2021)

Finally! After a heaping shitload of delay...

Previously with this franchise-

From here...

Next time, the last movie to fill in my lost 2020, Black Widow.
BUT...I'll probably lump that into Christmas.
Shit, I may have seen "Ghostbusters Afterlife" by then!
Well, stay tuned for that adventure!

Well, here we go!

I probably would have dug it.

I did.

I probably would have ranked it in the second tier along with Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, and Captain Marvel, and ones like that.

I do.

There probably would have been a surprise moment that made me cry, cuz it foreshadowed Endgame.

There was that moment, but I didn't cry.

I probably would have recommended it.

I recommend a rental, but even if it was still in theaters, it wasn't/isn't good enough for a theater trip.

I probably would have had either a jerk in the theater, or a bad traffic story to tell.

I dodged that bullet.

I definitely would have been counting the movies towards Ghostbusters: Afterlife.

Seen Afterlife so I'm good.

There's a lot of luck magic and plot armor that keeps Widow from dying, you really have to turn your brain off for this one.
It's not high art, it's James Bond with snarky Marvel humor.
It is what it is, and it's good for what it is.
Snyder Cut is the better superhero movie to drop in 2021, and Afterlife is the better movie that was supposed to drop in 2020.

So, there's that one done.

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