That not only is geek culture superior to mainstream/watercooler culture, in the long run, it beats it.
Think about it, what do people my age remember about the 80's now?
Transformers the fucking movie.
Optimus vs. Megatron, death of Optimus, Unicron, the whole deal.
And Goonies, Tron, Garbage Pail Kids, Madballs, Weird Al, Pee-Wee....
What was the mainstream shit that drowned us geeks out, and made us underground?
The shit everyone thought was so important, and discussed around the watercooler?
30-Something, The Big Chill, Moonlighting, nuclear Armageddon paranoia shit on the news, mall chicks and their Madonna worship, Airwolf, a slew of b-string cop films that ripped off Dirty Harry,....
Where's all that shit now?
Forgotten, and un-loved.
Geek shit won.
90's, what does anyone remember?
Anyone looking back fondly on Fear Factor?
That's all anyone could fucking talk about for awhile.
What do we remember?
Satiric cartoons.
Simpsons, Duckman, Beavis & Butt-Head.
Fuck knows the music scene didn't amount to much.
If it hadn't been for Radiohead's "OK Computer", on the tail end of the decade, we'd've been fucked.
Well, geek band, there you go.
So, don't stress the 00's.
Mainstream culture noisily waved it's prick around, with it's repulsive reality soaps, it's repulsive teen celebu-tants, it's bubblegum teenybopper singers prancing for the pedophiles, its torture porn horror movies, and political torture porn dramas *cough*24*cough*, and fear porn on Fox News,....
But 5-10 years, it'll be gone and forgotten, and the good stuff will bubble up from the bottom, the underground.
And we'll remember "the zombie survival guide", and "chocolate rain", and "garbage day", and all the other fun internet memes, and the Superhero movies, and Lord Of The Rings, and the new Transformers flicks, and the good zombie flicks, and the good nu-prog, and nu-metal...and on and on...
All the geek stuff will be loved, and all the awful shit will be in total amnesia by 2020.
So, don't sweat the 2010's, they'll have some crap that will annoy, there will be some new hot-shit cultural fad that the gossip-media will desperately try to ram down our throats, it'll be on every channel, and make a lot of noise, and I'll be right here to take a dump on it all.
And I promise you, new years night, 2019, it'll already be fading away.
Bullshit's got a short shelf life.
We're right, we're better, we win, fuck those people.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
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