So, with the X-Men, that takes care of all the big dogs, now, as I did with DC, time to sweep up the stragglers.
Like with the DC one, there are twelve of these....but, I think I'll have more to say about 'em, so I'm cutting it in half.
Man Thing
The film-
Fitting I kick it off with this one, since I started the other one off with Swamp Thing.
Sadly, haven't seen it.
But, it was shat out by SyFy, so, pardon my skepticism of its quality.
I will take this entry as the opportunity to note that Swamp Thing apparently ripped off Man-Thing.
Fans have loooong thought so.
It's interesting to note that 1.) whether deliberately, or just as a side-effect, Alan Moore wiped those concerns away, by essentially gradually turning Swamp Thing into a whole other character.
(In the end, he was sort of a green Dr. Manhattan, and...I always took the issue "my blue heaven", as a glimpse of what probably happened to Dr. Manhattan after he left the Earth for the last time)
And 2.) skimming Wikipedia, apparently, the film gives Man-Thing plant elemental powers, thus undoing Moore's revision out of the "ripoff", trap by ripping off Swamp Thing.
The history-
Was never a Man-Thing fan; woulda been hard to be so, he/it was either buried in anthology books, or books with short spotty runs.
It was hard enough chasing down Swamp Thing back issues across two states back in the day.
The film-
From here...
First one wasn't bad.
This began the upward trend of Marvel properties at last.
..huh, thought I had more to say...
Yeah, it was pretty good.
Kinda Vampire Hunter D meets Punisher, but..not as good as either of those, but still okay...significantly better than the Underworlds.
Yeah, let's go with that...
The history-
*Shrug* Spike Channel
Blade II
The Film-
Um...*strains to remember*....*has to go check Wiki*....oh, right, the Reaper virus, the flower-mouths.
Eh...*wavey hand*
It had a neat cast....Ron Perlman was there....
The history-
Spike again.
Blade Trinity
The film-
Uhhh....*checks wiki again*....I...remember flickering bits of this...I must have hated it, and gave up.
I'll round it off to "stinky winky".
The history-
Probably Spike, or TNT, or somethin.
The film-
Pretty good, actually.
For what it is.
Like I said in the Hulk review, not a big Daredevil nut, and I'm also not a big Ben Ass-fleck fan either.
Expected to eye-roll my way through this, but, um, it was good.
And if it can make a non-fan like me sit still, and be entertained for an hour and a half, then, I guess it's a good Daredevil flick.
Oh, it's not the greatest superhero flick, or even up in my top 20, but...I don't see where it deserved some of the shit it got from critics.
If I had the money to be an anal-retentive completist, I'd have no problem with this in my collection.
The history-
Kinda avoided it, then, it finally came to FX, and I was like "ohhh...all right...".
The film-
Stinky winky.
Got 15 minutes in (including commercials) and bailed.
The history-
FX, or TBS, or somethin....I have a reflexive sensation of it being up in that area of my mental representation of the channel-band.
Okay, there's that batch.
Hopefully, more to say on the next batch.
Up next, leftovers, part 2.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Superhero Flicks, Part 8: Miscellaneous Marvels
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Ahh, shoot. I was gonna be all smartypants and point out how Robert Bloch published a short story about an avenging muck-encrusted mortal remains revenant--"A Case Of The Stubborns"--that both Swampy AND Thingy were guilty of ripping off . . . And then I double checked on wikipedia.
Bloch's story was published in 1976, Man-Thing made his first appearance in 1971.
So Bloch is the hack then. Ripping off a poor widdle funnybook. Tsk-tsk. {(
Yeah...but he birthed the slasher genre, so, we can forgive him, can't we?
Ohh . . . I suppose.
Yeah, reckon your Halloween series of movie reviews would've been pretty thin without the ol' spawn of Psycho.
Let's hear it for cutting up terrorized naked chicks! ;D
...hmm, wonder if I could hammer out part 9 before suppah...
Yup, I did it. :)
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