Cheyenne Mountain...there's supposed to be a big ass nuclear bunker under Cheyenne Mountain...
...practically an underground city where in case of the Global Nuclear Apocalypse, the President, his family, his lackeys, and all of their families, can ride out doomsday in health and comfort.
Ever think about that?
I do.
Nuclear wars don't come from magic pixies farting, they're caused.
By people.
Government-y people in particular.
Why, the very sort who'd go run and hide in Cheyanne Mountain.
Funny that.
So, yeah, the murderers of humanity are exactly the ones who plan on getting away it.
That's what's planned.
These assholes know they're doing such a shitty job running the planet, they're going to have to become mole people.
Now, whether it actually happens or not, do you think a mindset like that encourages them to try too hard?
Do you think a mind that thinks "eh, you little nobodies are fuckin' dead anyway", is gonna give a fuck about happens to your Social Security check?
I don't happen to think so, but maybe you're more optimistic than I.
Frankly, I want some of what you're smokin.
So, anyway, add up all those niggling little details, and it seems to me ours is a society with a gun in its mouth.
And...this is the society you're told from grade school on up you're supposed to "contribute", to.
Matter of fact, you're considered some kind of louse for not doing so.
Really? That society over there?
The one with the mushroom cloud-y death-clock-y deal going on in the big mountain-y thing we're not supposed to talk about like an elephant in the room?
That one there?
I dunno, seems like pissing into Niagra Falls to me...
But, yeah, contribute to this dumb, doomed, society.
Or, they'll yell at ya.
After awhile, they call you names.
No one likes that.
Pick a crummy job, and do it.
Doesn't matter what you pick, they're all awful.
And someone yells at ya.
And calls you names.
Until *BOOM!*
But it really means something, really.
Ya bum.
Shout, shout, shout.
Hey, know what's a good contribution?
Bomb making.
Or, better still, shelter builder.
Bet they got a helluva dental plan.
Sleep tight, keeds. ;)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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