Saturday, September 26, 2020

Yet even more dog whistles-

Man, bigots spew a lot of bullshit, huh?

Picking up from last time...

Culture (when said by a conservative) = This thing you can freeze in a block of ice that never changes unless invaded by an outside boogeyman. (If you think I'm wrong on this one, suggest to a fascist that culture is a living thing that grows and evolves, and that DIES if you freeze it, and watch their jaws tighten up, and their knuckles whiten)
Culture war = We want the 50's back. Especially the racism.
Culture warrior = A bigot who's made bigoting his/her paying job, because they'd be a miserable failure at real analytical media criticism.
_____war/warrior = We're weaseling cowards who want to sound badass.
Free speech absolutist/extremist = We defend racists, and only racists. (OR, they're naïve dupes like I used to be who were tricked into thinking assholes like this really care about free speech)
Honesty extremist = Look shaming, body shaming, fashion shaming assholes. (basically, schoolyard bullies and mean-girls that never outgrew it, and took manipulative steps to the language so they didn't have to. No one actually falls for this, but they try anyway)
"Attack on our culture" = Black people in shows and movies scare us.
"Attack on our values" = We think gay people want to rape us. 
"The corrosion/erosion of our values" = TV is reminding me that people that don't look like me or fuck like me exist, and I'm gonna be a little piss-baby about it.
"The corrosion/erosion of Christian values" = See "attack on our values" (When they specify Christian, it's almost always homophobia. Strange that fear of gay pee-pees is the only lasting value Christianity has anymore)
Christian values = Homophobia and misogyny. With racism sprinkles. (It's never "love they neighbor", or "turn the other cheek")
Western culture/values (when said by a conservative) = Whiteness. 
Socialist (when said by a conservative) = Universal swear word for everything and anything bad we can make up.
Social justice (when said by a conservative) = Race/privilege treason.
"The Socialist agenda" = Anything that stands in the way of the rise of Fascism.
"The gay agenda" = Not killing gay people.
Antifa (when said by a conservative) = Race traitor.
SJW = Privilege traitor. The New "commie", "pinko", "hippie", etc. (This used to have other meanings to trick liberals into saying it to make converts, but this is all it really means anymore)
"The radical left" = SJW for politicians.
"The lamestream media" = everyone who isn't Fox/Limbaugh/Infowars. (Usually goes hand-in-hand with "Hollyweird")
Feminazis = Women who aren't Stepford Wives.
Feminists (when said by conservatives) = See feminazi. Plus male allies. 
Weakness (when said by a conservative) = Empathy. 
Degenerate (when said by a conservative) = Has tolerance and empathy. (Which you need to be able to make good art, which is why conservative/Christian art sucks, and why they hate Hollywood. It's seething frothing jealousy)

All of this shit sickens and infuriates me, but on another level, I'm heartened by their cowardice.

1 comment:

Diacanu said...

Still yet even more dog whistles.

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