Sunday, August 30, 2020

More dog whistles.

Now for the black ones the Trump-ublicans use

Yep, I'm tattling on you, fellow white people.
You were rotten to me all my life, screw you.
I owe you jack shit.
Fuckin' pricks.


Thug = n-word (they ain't using "thug" for Kyle Rittenhouse)
"Thug culture" = white kids acting black
Urban = n-word (the new "ghetto")
Welfare = black people on welfare. Racist conservatives never give a shit about corporate welfare. Not really. They'll pay lip service to it sometimes, but they'll never do fuck-all about it by voting in better politicians. Or boycotting a dirty company. Don't wait for it. And they never mean white trailer-trash. Even though white trailer-trash take WAY more welfare than impoverished blacks.
"Welfare fraud" = black people on welfare. Except this is specifically to rile up the white trailer trash into thinking someone's getting a one-up on them.
"Welfare queens" = black mothers on welfare. Racism and misogyny in one package. AND, it's to get you to hate children as a societal burden. Real "pro-life", y'know? This one's been de-dog-whistled enough they're (mostly) scared to use this one, but it'll still pop up.
"Voter fraud" = black people trying to vote. Almost all the in-person voter fraud that we ever catch is white Republicans. But Republicans go deaf, blind, and mute when you expose it. Will not answer to it. You can torture 'em with fire, and they won't scream. Just this dead robot face. Fuck these people. 
"Democrat run cities/neighborhoods" = black neighborhoods
"Crime ridden areas"= black neighborhoods
"Drug neighborhood" = black neighborhood. It's never the meth corner of the trailer park. Or the suburb full of pot smoking boomers. 
"The war on drugs" = the war on black drugs. Rich white people's powdered cocaine and opioid pills always make it through the checkpoints somehow.
Suburbs = white neighborhoods
"Protecting the suburbs from crime ridden areas" = keeping the n-words out.
Chicago = the go-to city for racists to hate on for some reason. They're obsessed with it. Find me a motherfucker who says "Chicago, Chicago, Chicago", and they're not a fan of the band, or the broadway show, they're a fucking racist.
Detroit = see Chicago
"Law and order" = lock up black people. You never hear 'em say this shit about corporate swindlers. And there's a whole other lingo for locking up white serial killers and bank robbers.
"Black on black crime" = any use of violence by blacks for any reason. You'll never hear heroic self defense stories about blacks. White convenience store clerks shooting black robbers? Oh, your racist relative will Facebok the fuck out of that shit though.
And white people having a bar fight is always awesome.
Especially if your racist relative was in that shit.
But blacks having a bar fight? 
Black on black crime.
White crimes are adventures, and black adventures are crimes.

"Is everyone who uses these racist??".

Fuck 'em.
Maybe they don't all mean to be, but fuck 'em anyway.
Enough of this shit already.
Fuck 'em.
Sandpaper dildo, jackhammer, you know the drill.


B. D. said...


Diacanu said...

Meanwhile, they're also busing in Boogaloo Boys to kill people, and the Nazi cops think they're a-okay.

Ain't America neat, huh?

Diacanu said...

Even more dog whistles.

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