Monday, November 23, 2009

Politics 4.

Foreign policy!


Blood soaked horror movie.

This is where it all goes to shit, and gets flat out evil.

Nevermind Sarah Palin, and her dumb fuckin' book, what about the shit that goes on abroad, y'know?

Do I have to go into the history?
You people went to school.
Even the watered down cutened up history they gave us all in public school couldn't make America's doings as a superpower look pretty. one's really pure....and you ain't gotta be a superpower.

Fucking France left us the mess in Vietnam.

...wait...fucking FRANCE??

How did they get way over in fucking Vietnam, that ain't even on the way to anywhere close to them...


Course, then there's Britain's lovely track record.

No wonder America wanted to be isolationist for so long.

Only way to keep the blood off your hands.

But, the politician class is always inevitably contaminated with those that thirst for that blood.'s amazing we kept out of things for so long.

I heard some goon sputter once "America is a force for good in the world".

Well....the phraseology is some starry-eyed bullshit...but even dissecting the sentiment...I don't know...

I really don't fucking know....

How anyone can look at the tally of all around global misbehavior, and sees hope, ideals, optimism,...that sort of mind is an alien planet with a sulphur atmosphere to me.

But...sometimes, a dictator gets toppled as a seeming accidental side effect of our "protecting our interests".

Course, how many dictators did we prop up in the first place?

That kind of zeroes out the scoreboard for me.

I've never heard a rationalization that didn't make me even more nauseous.

Never had the circuits that could run the whole "do evil to do good", equation without getting gobbledygook out the other end.

I'm willing to be open to the possibility that it's a failing on my part.
I've been condescended to as if it were.
Maybe if someone could walk me through it.

I look at horror, and I still see horror.

Maybe it's me.

Maybe it's me.

Could be....

Hope in the face of what a mess this world is in....I'm having trouble with it...have for a long time.

Whatever the "America is a force for good in the world", people are smoking, it makes them seem pretty bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Maybe if they handed me a toke?




Again, maybe it's me.

Maybe it's me.

Or, maybe not.

Maybe, just maybe, it's really them.

Maybe it's more bullshit.

Maybe it's more of the whole fear-based "we need bullshit", okey-doke that only serves a minority of self appointed elites.


I'm sure it's all holy, and noble, and I'm just a spoiled brat.

And I'm sure it'll all be explained to me why.

If not in my lifetime, then in Heaven.


I just have to have faith, and be patriotic.

Then I'll be happy with things the way they are.



Lanz said...

Maybe you could think of it in terms of "who does everyone come running to when the shit hits the fan?" and who's always johnny-on-the-spot at natural disasters? That's gotta count for something, right?

Diacanu said...

Everyone? I dunno...
And Hamass donates to charities, so....

I mean, yeah, the arguments of a cold-blooded pragmatist, I can disagree with, and be repulsed by, but it's an honest argument to butt up against,...I'm having trouble seeing how one can be a starry eyed idealist about American foreign policy given the facts....

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