One of the excuses for the existence of religion, besides the bare-bones fear of death sorts of comfort, is the whole "it's people trying to make sense of the world", and that that "making sense", gives comfort.
But that has a dark side, that makes me question if comfort justifies it.
This practice of every time there's a disaster, or horrible accident, to either blame the victims, or some random person, or group of people for it.
9/11 was because of gays and feminists, Hurricane Katrina was because of gays, and...I think the Tsunami was gays and abortion if I remember right....
My friend, Philip ranted about it more succinctly and clearly than I could...linky.
And here's the latest horrible article that started it off.
Well, I'm sure the blackhearted notion of God killing innocent kids that had nothing to do with anything to balance some cosmic scales somewhere comforts sick people like that, but is their comfort worth anything to you?
Not me.
I mean, I'm not saying she's glad the kids died, but the suffering of the survivors is clearly giving her an "I told you so", bit of smugness.
Clearly, this notion of the universe being in some sort of balance, of order, even if it's an unhinged scary totalitarian kind of order, seems to be the comforting factor, and seems to override any rational sense of decency in this person.
Well, the universe "making sense", may be comforting, but is it worth stepping over corpses?
Is it really that fucking important?
We're talking about dead kids here for fuck's sake.
And then there was the scumbag who blamed the Australian bush fires on abortion.
Does that warm the cockles of your heart that their cockles are warmed?
I hope not.
If not, then "comfort", isn't the highest value, and I'm right to question it.
Is stuff like this worth being able to say "yep, you're going to Heaven, granny"?
Like I said in the last one, I'm no economist, but I'm not seeing the balance.
And speaking of imbalance, I'm the bastard for knocking comfort, but the comforted seem to be saying "fuck your moral disquiet, fuck dead kids, I need my comfort".
But...that's okay...culturally, we accept that...
Why, exactly?
Now, if you're religious, and stuff like what I've linked to offends you, join me.
Wash your hands of incidents like this.
I don't see enough of that happening.
The silence reads to me like if you go after stuff like this, your own beliefs might fall apart, and if that's the case with anyone out there reading this, then my point is made about the effects of religion.
Stuff like this is why I say it's bad for you.
And why I say "fuck comfort".
Heroin comforts.
Somewhere, someone is deriving comfort from fucking a corpse.
Nope, comfort doesn't cut it.
Fuck comfort.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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