Now, at last, on to what pisses me off about Liberals.
First, the freedom of speech hypocrisy I had to grow up around in the 70's-80's-90's.
You fucking people....
Andrea Dworkin.
This bitch was fucking crazy, and people fucking listened to her.
She's how the radical feminists got onto the whole "the eros of men is evil", kick, and this is how the liberals got on the same side as the social conservatives on the whole anti-porn crusade.
Tipper Gore.
For that PMRC bullshit.
Loe Lieberman.
For being in on that whole PMRC debacle, and also going on the whole anti-video game crusade.
Yhep, censorship in the name of children, they always hide it behind children.
See, when I think Liberal, I've always assumed Social Liberal came with that whole package.
For me Social Liberal means "leave people the fuck alone".
Leave 'em alone to smoke what they want, listen to what they want, eat what they want, fuck whom they want, or stroke it off to whatever magazines they want, just leave 'em the fuck alone.
I mean, that's been the core of the whole anti-segregation, anti-discrimination, gay-rights stuff, ain't it?
How do they square those positions with the censor-ist shit?
Well, they can't.
It's all a line of bullshit as usual.
"Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee".
Well, they lost, but not for lack of trying, and fucking things up for awhile.
Yhep, Liberals going after rock, porno, and games, that one really took me by surprise.
The Baby Boomers.
As a group.
For selling out.
I've never been able to get over it, to forgive it, or let it go.
Not fully.
And some days, it flares back up to full strength, and I have to push it back all over again.
You had them.
You had those cancerous, cantankerous, poisonous, social conservative, military industrial complex, scumbag motherfuckers scared shitless, and on the ropes.
...and you let them go.
You gave up, and let them go.
You retreated up your navels for that miserable disco era, and then you rolled over like prison bitches for the Reagan years, and listened to the Dworkins and Tippers of the fucking world.
I've never been able to forgive that.
You fucking had them, but you didn't go in for the final neck cracking twist, and now the mess my generation has to clean up...well....I'm not sure it can even be done.
I'm really not.
And to top it off, the monsters want to undo everything good you did accomplish.
There's too many of 'em, there's too many fucking demons, how are we supposed to fix this?
What, did you think all those drugs you took would give us X-Men superpowers?
What the fuck, boomers, what the fuck??
And speaking of having them, and letting them go....
The scientific community during the 70's-80's-90's.
You knew.
You knew religion was a bunch of shit, you knew it was poisonous for the world, and like the boomers, you didn't crack the neck.
You thought religion would bleed out on it's own.
Well, it didn't, it came back stronger, and nastier, and uglier than you could have ever imagined.
Well....why didn't you fucking imagine it?
You're supposed to be so fucking smart.
I could have imagined it, and I'm a pathetic hack with a mediocre IQ.
Why didn't you see it?
Hah? HAH?!?!?
Oh, you guys have nutted up now, and I applaud that.
But these last 30 years weren't just 3 decades to me, they've been my whole fucking life.
My whole fucking life with bullshit and confusion, just because you didn't nut up back then, and finish Jason Vorhees off.
*Sigh*....well, I'm having as hard a time forgiving this as the whole boomer thing, but I guess I gotta get past it...
...but we're gonna have us a long talk after this whole thing is over.....
Hillary Clinton.
I don't like the woman.
I don't understand why I'm supposed to like her.
I just don't see it.
Her "it takes a village", shit is the siren song slogan for the whole Nanny-State stuff I dislike about the far political left.
I don't think the government should be wiping your ass for you, it goes against the whole "leave me the fuck alone", principle that the Social Liberal part of Liberalism is supposed to stand for, I just don't like it, I think it's creepy.
But, she's a big fat opportunist sellout hypocrite who doesn't stand for what she stands for anyway, so I don't really sweat it.
I just used her as a symbol for this rant, really.
I don't want the Conservative's fucking police state, I don't want the Liberal's nanny state, just leave me the fuck alone.
Yeah, that's what frustrates me no end about liberals.
When you desperately need them to not puss out most of all, is when they do, and vice versa.
It's like being a fucking Red Sox fan.
See, I'm not a cynic, I'm a tarnished idealist.
And these people ran me under the rusty tap.
Yeah, it chaps me more than the conservatives, come to think of it.
Cuz, the fasc-oid radical/cultural right, they're wired up like that, they can't help it, but you people were supposed to fucking know better.
There's a bitter betrayal in that I don't get from the dummies.
But it's all on me to do the forgiving, isn't it?
Another challenge for the pile, eh?
Yeah, fine, heap it on....
I'm used to it....
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Someone on Facebook said this post was "loaded with entitlement".
Fuck you, pal.
You boomers SAID you were going to fix/save the world.
It was unambiguous.
It's not entitlement to hold people to their word.
Eat shit, and die.
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