Okay, I just now decided, I want to alternate between written and cartoon episodes.
To shake the rust off, I doodled out some test Harrys, and then scribbled out some panels for a prototype episode I never planned to see the light of day.
BUT, I like where it's going, and I like how the characters are already interacting, so I think I'll keep it going.
BUT, I'm already blocked on the plot.
BUT, I figure you, the audience, can help.
Okay this is what I've got so far....
(Harry walks in holding a nondescript black box with a circle on the front with a pie wedge grid on it)
Harry- Hey, Spruce, I just built another craptacular invention!!
Spruce- What does this one do? Scramble people's DNA? Compress matter into deadly Neutronium? Masturbate owls? It's always something horrible.
Harry- Yes, yes it is. (closes eyes, raises eyebrows, bucks teeth, sticks out tongue) Aheur!
Spruce- .......
Harry- (Still with goofy face on) .....
Spruce- (Waves hand in a flourish) Well!?!?
So, kids, what should the gadget do?
To avoid repeat ideas, (and to show why I'm stuck) previous inventions have been...
The DNA wand- A helix shaped staff that can change any lifeform into any other lifeform.
Shrink/growth ray- Used superstring frequencies to "blueshift", matter smaller. Maximum reverse nullified the frequency, and thus erased matter. Our heroes died a comical cartoon (and thus magically temporary) death.
The abrupter- Folded time so that our heroes could get a peek at the last panel of the comic. It was always something horrible, and they were always trapped into it being their destiny.
Re-animation ray- With a process never described, could bring back the dead in a state of perfect rejuvination.
Could even restore animals from buchered meat. Harry ran amuck with it, and the earth became overpopulated wit the dead. He hit reverse, and the landscape was choked with corpses. Like a typical cartoon, this problem was never resolved on page, and ignored by the next episode.
Teleporter- Total rip off of a Trek teleporter.
Temporal upgrade to teleporter- By splicing the teleport with a neutrino-net radio (see
Zone Dweebies) the beam could send Harry back in time to right wrongs in his past. This only had the effect of creating a tangeant timeline that only a duplicate of himself could live in and appreciate. Abandoned by the "real", Harry as depressingly worthless.
The cathode replicator- Through some severe modifications, the teleport was rigged to beam the electrons off of a TV picture tube, and assemble the image into a temporary pseudo-matter that could last up to an hour before dissolving. Our heroes had fun interacting with objects and people from TV for awhile, but then an ethics commitee made it illegal, seeing how they were essentially creating and destroying intelligent lifeforms.
Robot sex slave- Exactly as it sounds. A chrome plated robot woman you could have sex with, and then fold away into a wallet sized wafer. It turned out that exposure to fluids, or even just rough enough pelvic thrusting would cause them to short out, combust, or even occasionally explode into a mushroom cloud. Harry was last seen this episode personally handing out refunds to every man on the planet from a mountain of money behind him.
Pea powered clock- Similar to a potato powered clock, but with a pea. The oversized clock taxed the poor pea's lifeforce, killing the poor unfortunate soul. Harry had a tiny little funeral, and was scarred for life.
A lava lamp that tells the future- The lava morphed into the words "you're going to die", Spruce shattered it.
The sneezo helmet- A helmet for holding your eyes open when you sneeze. Also had a dangling pepper shaker to cause the sneeze. Harry had the theory that your eyes close during a sneeze to prevent you from seeing the alternate dimension you snap into for a split second. It worked. Harry ended up in the universe where all the snot in the world comes from. He was overjoyed. Spruce tried the helmet, and merely sneezed his eyeballs out.
Universe generator- Harry went back in time, and created our universe with matter from his extracted wisdom tooth.
Omneron- World's first and smartest computer sentience. ..nothing ever really went wrong with Omneron.
Except the time he was cathode replicated into a human being, and sexual jealousy drove him psychotic.
Restoring him into an emotionless program seemed to fix things though.
Synapse fuser- A gun that could scramble the neurons of the victim into a tangled myalin-less short circuiting mess.
This horrible weapon never got to be tested fortunately.
..hmph, that's all I can remember...but see why I'm stuck? I've used a lot of the good ones...
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