Saturday, February 11, 2023

Animated films that enhance the DCEU...

So, I said last time...

All along, us DC fans have pointed at the animated movies and said "that!!! Just make that!! It's right there! Right there!! Do that!!".


Maybe I'll make a separate post of recommended DC animated films that offset the weaknesses of the live-action universe...

So, here we go...

Alternative/enhancement to the Snyder-verse...

Cavill Superman will never get a proper sendoff, so here you go.
This can be the sendoff to any Superman of any universe if you squint really hard.
This is my favorite piece of Superman media period, and it's among my favorite animated movies period.
It's a good 'un. Check it out.

Gives the history of Jason Todd Robin, and is just plain excellent.
We get a dead Robin in "Batman v Superman" so hey, why not that it be Jason?
And BvS Batman has a 20-something year career, so so why not all these extra adventures be in those lost years to flesh him out? 

Ditto the above about Batfleck's long career.
We get the whole rogue's gallery in this one, plus Batman and Catwoman being a romantic crimefighting power-couple.
Good stuff.

Again, whole rogue's gallery, good Catwoman stuff, all around great.
Elements of this were swiped for both Chris Nolan's "The Dark Knight" and Matt Reeve's "The Batman". You'll know 'em when you see 'em.

Lex Luthor becomes president, and puts a bounty on Superman & Batman's heads.
Better Superman/Batman team-up than BvS by far.
Frankly, I think it's their best team-up in any medium.
Another one of my favorite animateds period.

Not quite as good as "Public Enemies" but still pretty fucking cool.
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Big Barda, and Supergirl fight Darkseid.
Easy enough to head-canon this as a sequel to Snyder's "Justice League".
I'd call it JL 1.5.

A better Suicide Squad movie than either live-action Suicide Squad.

Legion Of Doom hacks Batman's file on how to beat all the JL members.
Hijinks ensue!
The end of Snyder's JL hinted at Legion Of Doom.
Well, there you go!

JLD are the darker magical characters as a team.
Plus Batman, cuz DC animated treats Batman like a fancy restaurant does cilantro.
I think Batman's atheist but raised Episcopalian if I remember.
So, naturally, he scoffs at magic.
Actually makes for a good dynamic.
There was supposed to be a live-action of this by Guillermo Del Toro, but it never solidified.
You're never gonna see it, so just watch this instead.

JL-classic, JL-Dark, Teen Titans, and Suicide Squad fight Darkseid in the ultimate battle.
This is totally where Snyder's Justice League 2 was going.
Look, hash-taggers, Snyder has moved on, he doesn't want to put up with Warner's shit anymore, let it go. Just watch this. This is JL2.


Hey, if live-action DC can have Joker and The Batman running alongside their regular universe, then these can come in to play too.

Frank Miller's version of Batman's origin that stood as canon for a helluva while.
Y'know how most of the time when they adapt a book, they never make the movie that was in your head when you read it?
This is the rare time they made the movie in my head.
They nailed this one.

Not the movie in my head, but still pretty great.
The Superman/Batman fight was totally lifted for BvS.

Commie Superman.
Nuff said.

For shits and giggles...

C'mon, you know you're curious.

Adam West returns!

Adam West returns one last time!

The "Spaceballs" of Batman!

So there, if you feel empty that the DC live-action universe is too tiny, you've got all that to fill the gaps.

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