What's happened since last year...
Unless Jason Reitman announces that "
Afterlife 2: Firehouse" is a "Multiverse Of Madness" style crossover, this little alterni-verse cul-de-sac seems pretty much done.
We got the movie, two comic crossovers, and two straight comic sequels.
That's it.
Hmm, y'know, I think if Afterlife had come out first (
cuz we know now it was in development), and
then ATC, and the Channing Tatum one, and the animated one all came out, but Sony openly MARKETED them as Elseworlds, like "Joker" and "The Batman" I think fans would have been okay.
It was
keeping Afterlife top secret, and acting like ATC was the only iteration of Ghostbusters we were getting that made fans heads explode.
Or Hell, release ATC first, but just cop to that Afterlife was also coming.
Either way.
Some entertainment media pundits say is was our fault for fighting the CHUDs.
No, CHUDs suck, we weren't wrong, you don't roll over to bullies, it's that once fans got seduced into CHUD movements, it was already too late (for the film).
Sony needed to prevent the CHUDs.
Being so secret about Afterlife was their mistake.
Transparent and better marketing was the fix.
We can see that now in hindsight.
Can the damage be reversed?
Well, maybe the ATC crew can come back in "Firehouse" as the opposites of the cameo characters in ATC.
Kristen can be the cabbie.
Melissa can be the skeptic.
Leslie can be the hearse driver.
Kate can be the physicist (you can even give her a throw away line about parallel dimensions!).
Chris can be the hotel receptionist.
Plus there's the animated movie and series you could drop them into too.
Plenty of chances for comebacks.
A comeback re-habilitated Andrew Garfield's Spidey.
People are lapping up the Obi-Wan show, and it's a sequel to the dreaded prequels.
I think the same can happen for ATC.
We just need the girls back in something neutral and fun.
Speaking of, I guess I can give cast/director updates.
-Leslie Jones is still hosting "Supermarket Sweep" and was in "Coming To America 2".
-Melissa McCarthy is Fake-Hela in "Love And Thunder" and is gonna be Ursula in "The Little Mermaid" live-action remake.
-Kristen Wiig's latest couple movies were WW84, and "Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar".
Plus she was in "Bless The Harts".
-Kate McKinnon just left SNL. Now she's Carole Baskin in "Joe vs Carole"
-Paul Feig is doing "A Simple Favor 2".
-Chris Hemsworth is Thor, I think he's gonna be all right.
So, pretty good!
Everyone's holding up.
GB:ATC didn't "destroy" anyone.
Well, that's it!
See you next time!
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