Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Meedyah Morsels #71.

Another conjecture post like the Spidey-verse one, but since it plays around with X-Men, it also counts as...

Disney/Fox Part 11: The road ahead.


Massive Endgame spoilers ahead, turn back now if you haven't seen it.

So, as I said here...

Course, I have my own fan-fantasies for how to bring the X-Men in, and that's a whole other post.

This is that post.
Here we go...

All right, so "X-Men: First Class", kind of hints that the X-gene in that timeline was activated by A-bomb testing in the 50's.
So, the X-gene is always there, but radiation can give it a push.

Well, there you go, it's right under our noses.

The snaps.

The snaps throw off a massive gamma ray burst, and three of the four were ground-zero right on Earth.

Thanos snap, Hulk snap, Tony snap.

Thanos snap activates the first batch of Mutants, among them are Professor X, and that gives him the 5 year time jump as lead time to set up the gifted school and Cerebro.

Hulk snap brings back the dusted, and then Tony snap gives the un-dusted a dose.

And now we've got more than enough Mutants to be X-Men, and Brotherhood, and Morlocks, and Hellfire Club, and any other faction we want.

And since humanity associates the Mutants with the snap, that fires up the bigotry that's the core of the X-Men allegory story.

You don't need the ancient history stuff from the Fox-verse and the comics.

Hell, anti-Muslim bigotry kicked in within HOURS of 9/11 and is still going strong.
It's pretty much a plank of the Republican party now.

The MCU is totally good to go with starting the X-Men fresh right now.
It doesn't have to be complicated at all.

And the Fantastic Four?
Same thing.
Have they were out in space when they got hit with the burst from the snap, and bam, there you go.
Have it be the Tony snap, so they're as fresh as possible.
Otherwise, where were they during the 5 year jump?
Where were they in the final battle?
Just make it the most recent snap.
Bam, solved.
Have them turn Avengers tower into The Baxter Building, and away we go.
How do they avoid the anti-Mutant bigotry?
They just don't tell anyone.
Yeah, Reed is a prick, it's totally within his character.
"We don't have time for this nonsense, just say we got our powers from an experiment. It's technically correct anyway".

Then, for Deadpool, you pull him over from Fox via multiverse.
He's the only one.
Have Dark Phoenix kill everybody, and he's the last survivor.
But MCU has copies of all his friends, so it's all right.
Make a dark joke out of it.

And bam, there you go.
You don't need Scarlet Witch erasing everyone's powers and memories, and then un-erasing them, you don't need to fuse the timelines into some complicated hybrid, you don't need any of that bullshit.

The snaps take care of all of it.
It's right there.

If they use some other complicated bullshit explanation besides the snaps, I'll be pissed.
What was the point of planting the seed of the stones giving off gamma rays if they weren't going to use it?

Anyway, that's all that.
That's my fan-fiction solution.
Let's see what they actually do.
Stay tuned.

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