So, it's after the TrekBBS exodus (see part 1 & part 2) , and a new age had dawned.
And within that, began my adventure in Libertarianism.
What to say about Libertarianism...
Sounded good at first.
What the fuck did I know, I was young.
I still like the basic principle of "leave me the fuck alone!", very appealing to a misanthrope.
I think I'll always carry that with me in my core.
And I like that they're socially liberal as far as leaving people the fuck alone to get their freak on, or smoke/ingest whatever the fuck they want.
So, for awhile, I thought I had the best of both worlds going on there.
Buuut, it kinda falls apart for me when it gets into what essentially amounts to corporation worship.
I don't see how trading your government master for a corporate master is so fucking liberating.
I've never gotten an answer to this that didn't contain more fallacies and bullshit.
Anyway, I admit, I tilted slightly conservative and war-hawk after 9/11.
I calmed down a couple years after 9/11, but the other assholes kept the hate going, still are.
I thought it was blowing off steam, but they're like Jason Voorhees, you can't shut 'em the fuck down.
Well, fuck 'em. I've had enough.
Another ingredient was, I found obvious logic flaws in Randism, and that facet of it pretty much of fell apart for me.
Which was a relief, because it was making me fucking depressed.
Fast foreward to the present, and The God Delusion and other Dawkins articles helped kill Social Darwinism for me.
Scientific evidence to kick that shit in the dick was very handy to my philisophical quest.
So, thanks for that Dawk.
That's what was depressing me about Randism, too much social darwinism.
It's a deep thread in all modern conservatism.
Can't stand it.
It's diluted in other strains, but it's there.
It's unavoidable.
That whole carrot dangling of "the American dream", kinda requires it, I guess, I dunno.
Maybe that's another illusion to tear down in another rant.
And that's the thing right there, "libertarianism", has "liberty", in it, but in the big endgame, their little vision for the world has less fucking liberty in it.
The big guys get bigger, the little guy has a harder and harder time climbing the ladder, you end up stuck in the economic class you were born into, more people work for someone else instead of for themselves, and eventually, everyone has a fucking master, and where's the liberty in that shit??
I don't see it.
I see and hear their fairy tale version of it, but it just doesn't meet up with reality.
And when you can hit 'em bullseye between the eyes with an inescapable flaw like that, they just blame the Commies.
If the fuckin' Leebruls/Commies would just get out of the way, or die, it'd be Libertopia.
I still dig on the core "leave me the fuck alone!", principle of Libertarianism, but I don't see it out there in practice in the real capitalist world.
So, I've sort of taken Libertarianism to its next step "leave me the fuck alone,...even with your damned Libertarianism".
All the big -isms piss me off to some degree now.
They all chewed me up and spit me out.
They all stood in line, and took turns like a gangbang.
I rail more on Conservatism, because they're the ones in charge enough to fuck things up as bad as they are. Or at least they were then.
And we'll be living with the damage for awhile, maybe forever.
And...Repugs don't leave you the fuck alone.
Because christianity doesn't, and they're in bed with that emotionally constipated puritanical social conservative Bible shit.
I look at politics as a sort of natural disaster now.
Well, not "now", it's been building for some time.
Well, Obama is president now, we'll see how his administration does....
And I can't let myself get so cynical that I'm like "ehh, it's all fucked up, they're all the same, we're fucked no matter what...ehh..", cuz...what the fuck do you get out of bed in the morning for if that's your fuckin' outlook?
Put a gun in your mouth.
But...I'm not on a "rainbows and puppy dogs", kick of the blind Obama lovers either.
So...I dunno..cautious optimism, because optimism has to be in there for me to fucking live.
Anyway, got sidetracked, that whole chewed up and spit out trip was Wordforge.
I could go more into the history of that place, and maybe I will someday.
Unavoidable, those years helped shape me.
All the stuff I learned, good and bad, for better or worse.
Got burnt out on the Libertarian stuff, got burnt out on the nastier personalities, and the fucking hair-raising election cycle built it to its fucking peak, and it just pulled it into sharp focus "why stick around for this shit? Especially when I have greener pastures to graze in?".
I still peek in.
As you out there no doubt know, forums are fucking addictive.
And there are still people I like, and want to see how they're doing.
I lured some of 'em over here.
Or tried to, don't know how many WF readers still lurk.
But, I'm probably pissing 'em off with all this.
I dunno.
I hope that they got to know me enough that none of this is really revelation or new.
Well, I'd rather be hated for what I am, than loved for what I'm not.
And I need to vent so...
So yeah, that's my combination Libertarian rant, and WF chunk of my backstory.
All right, part two of the Libertarian rant, Ayn Rand was part 1.
I have no real ending for this, so I guess I'll just wind it down...
Peace out or some shit...
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