Don’t you hate fuckers who say shit like "I love Don Giovanni, Mozart was a genius. And I particularly like the use of recitative throughout"?
Oh, you liked the use of recitative throughout?
It’s fucking Don Giovanni, it’s almost ALL recitative, you stupid pretentious fucker!!
It’s not the recitative that makes Don Giovanni kick ass, it’s the genius of fucking Mozart!!!
Evita is all recitative, and Evita is a pile of fucking dogshit!!
It’s so obvious by now Mozart is a genius, that to say "Mozart is a genius", in casual conversation is talking to hear yourself talk, UNLESS you have a particular reason for citing the genius of Mozart, and fucking recitative isn’t fucking it!!!
Liking Don Giovanni because of the recitative is like liking music period because of notes, or dessert because it’s food.
The only reason to blather about the recitative is to show the dumb people at the table you know a big word, and want to cram it sloppily into conversation like your dick into someone else’s fucking.
But, when you use it that way, you come off as a moron yourself, so uttering shit like "I love Don Giovanni, Mozart was a genius. And I particularly like the use of recitative throughout", serves NO purpose, but to be a pseudo-intellectual pretentious cocksucker.
Can’t we just fucking kill these people?
Can’t we just make it legal to jump across the table and stab their fucking eyes out with a fork when this shit happens??
These are the same mindless pretentious cunts who’ve ruined art galleries.
If only I could line them up, and spray ’em down with napalm.
The fucking planet could breathe again.
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