Saturday, July 15, 2023

Happy 7th anniversary, Ghostbusters: Answer The Call!


-Year 1 (Comics crossover)
-Year 2 (Ultimate comics crossover)
-Year 3 (35th anniversary comic)
-Year 4 (No real news)
-Year 5 (Ditto)
-Year 6 (Afterlife was in development at the same time. CHUDs are liars)

What's happened since last year...

Trump just got indicted!!
So, I can go ahead, and bump this evergreen post!

And! 6/15, saw ATC on MTV2, and it's the extended director's cut!
So, it's still chugging along!

Update- GB: Spirits Unleashed added a DLC pack of the ATC uniforms, packs, and traps.

Unless the girls pop up as opposites of the ATC cameo characters in Firehouse/Hell's Kitchen, another quiet year.

Next year will be the 40th for Ghostbusters overall, and the 8th for ATC, and as I said here...

I think it'll lay low until GB2020 (now Afterlife) is in the rear-view mirror, and they've made their money, and it's on home video....and then ramping up towards and up to the 40th anniversary, the girls will be rolled back out again.

40th, definitely.
Which'll be the 8th anniversary of ATC.
Two years later, we'll hear some 10th anniversary stuff, hopefully the fan atmosphere will have lightened up a bit.
The scars for the actresses and Paul Feig should have healed by then.
Maybe we'll get some belated making-of stuff.

Speaking of scars healing, now for cast/director updates.

-Kristen Wiig is going to be in Palm Royale.
-Melissa McCarthy's in Little Mermaid. ...and an annoying Booking.Com ad. And an episode of Hot Ones.
-Kate McKinnon is in Barbie.
-Leslie Jones guest hosted Daily Show, and guest starred on "Our Flag Means Death".
-Chris Hemsworth is in Extraction 2, and is going to voice Optimus in "Transformers: One".
-Paul Feig is working on Spy 2, and he's executive producer on "Minx".

They're still ticking!

See you next year!

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