Friday, June 9, 2023

Ghostbusters news from yesterday.

Every year since they announced Afterlife, they wait 'til 11 or midnight to drop every little thing, so I wait until the next day.

So!! Here's what we got!

A teaser poster for Ghostbusters 4.

So, are they fighting an ice villain, or do the Busters have an ice weapon?

Someone in a comments section suggested "Hell freezes over!".
Dan Aykroyd's version of Ghostbusters 3 in the 90's would have had Hell as a mirror universe Earth, so maybe they're going back to that idea, but the Hell-iverse is icy?

The alternate production name for this is "Hell's Kitchen".
What if that's the real title, and it wasn't supposed to leak out?

We'll have to see...

Also we got this....

By the mere fact the Afterlife characters are all there, and at their Afterlife ages, suggests it fits after Afterlife, but before Firehouse/Hell's Kitchen.

And then there was some video game stuff.
I don't care, I'm not a gamer.
You want gaming news?
Go find a blog of a gamer type.
They'll be more than happy to tell you why women suck, and liberals need to be killed, and all that other evil mind-rotting brainwash crap that ruined gaming for me.

Anyway!! That's it! See you next year!

I'll retro-link this to the 39th anniversary.


B. D. said...

Pat Robertson and Ted Kaczynski in the same week? What would they talk about in the afterlife? (Both of them hated liberals immensely, in spite of Ted's environmentalism he blamed liberals for most of the ills of the world.)

Lookie lookie, it's Pat's anime from 1981!!!!!

And a year later, he predicted the Tribulations would begin in the Fall of 1982. Instead, I was born. CO-INKY-DINK?!?!?!

Diacanu said...

There was also this one where it's a mad scientist with a time traveling house that goes to the Bible instead of it being them beamed into a computer.

They've even got a fucking robot like Superbook.

Really? As niche as Bible anime was, and they still had to copy each other?

B. D. said...

I wonder if any actual Japanese were converted by Pat-a-boy's anime. I'm guessing not. I mean, they're difficult enough to convert (go ask a Mormon) let alone from Pat. Him doing anime is even more bizarre than Nixon shaking Reverend Moon's hand.

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