Friday, June 30, 2023

Looking back on DC Snyder-verse: Part 1.6, the DCEU that ALMOST wasn't.

I covered the films that were made, the films that weren't made, here are the ones that looked like they'd be in Development Hell forever, and yet finally crawled to the finish line!

Superman Lives (1997-1998)

And I know what you're saying.
"This wasn't/isn't DCEU!! This was way before!!".
Yeah, but it culminated inside the DCEU.

The basic plotline was the fight vs Doomsday, the death and resurrection of Superman, and then the puppetmaster villain turns out to be Brainiac.

We got the Doomsday fight and death/resurrection in BvS, and Justice League.

Then we got Nick Cage in "The Flash" which comes right off of MoS/BvS/JL.

And if it's diabolically important you have Brainiac, you get a nice creepy live-action Brainiac in "Krypton" and Supes fights him (animated) in "Superman: Brainiac Attacks" and "Superman Unbound".

They made this movie. It's done. Move on, DC.
Enough with goddamned Doomsday and Brainiac.

The Batman (2022)

Like I said last time, it started out as solo-Batfleck.
After a jillion rewrites, and director changes, and one final actor change, it became the Matt Reeves reboot.

But the title was always "The Batman".

Black Adam (2022)

This was in the planning and on the development list since after BvS, and they knew they were building a cinematic universe.

To say this was Dwayne Johnson's passion project is to undersell it.
I reserve comment on the end result until after I see it.
I haven't heard stellar reviews.

The Flash (2023)

Review here.
Planned as far back as Black Adam.
Half the studio wouldn't let it live, and the other half wouldn't let it die.

Its been rewritten a million times; had a million directors; survived the rise and fall of at least 3 studio chiefs; even Ezra Miller wrote a draft, and tried to be the producer.

It being a retelling of "The Flashpoint Paradox" has been a constant, and the title even was that off and on.

Well, it finally got here.
Was it worth it?
Yeah, I dug it.
Wish we had gotten Snyder cut of JL instead of Whedon cut, and then this came out right after.
That woulda been nice. Coulda hunkered down with the disks during covid.

The Sandman (2022)

We didn't get the  Joseph Gordon-Levitt  movie(s) but we got the show, which is way better.
Not connected to the DCEU at all, but we'll never know how much the movie would have connected.
We got Superman & Batman cameos in the books, so the movie could have just as easily snuck Cavill and Affleck in there.
The show studiously snips any DC references out.
You don't miss it.

Blue Beetle (2023)

Blue Beetle has been on and off as a sidekick character for Booster Gold since about as long as Black Adam and Flash.

Then, his movie, and the doomed Batgirl movie were supposed to be part of a slew of cheaper straight-to-streaming movies.
Then Blue Beetle and Batgirl were switched to theatrical releases.
Somehow, Blue Beetle survived all these hurdles.

Now, James Gunn says it's technically the first movie of his new universe.
I saw the trailer during "The Flash".
It's really here.

Booster Gold (???)

Its been a movie and a show back and forth.
Its had Blue Beetle and not back and forth.

Right now, it's on the list for the Gunn-verse, and as a TV show.
No word on if Blue Beetle will pop up.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (???)

Supergirl has been talked about for a helluva while.
Not quote as long as Black Adam and Flash, but at least as long as Booster Gold.

Swamp Thing (???)

We got the TV show, and it got connected to canon by "Crisis On Infinite Earths".

And Swampy was always part of "Justice League: Dark" so we would have gotten him there.

Wonder if they'll sprinkle in other JLD members as guest stars.
Constantine has to be there at a minimum.

Stay tuned!

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